Modern web needs to DIE!

Jesus Christ you people.
Look at this picture.
Look at it.
This page is supposed to have graphics, I think.
Yet they will never load.
This is the fully loaded page.
Did the retards forget how to embed images?
Do they need to load a JavaScript program to start a JavaScript virtual machine to then interact with the HTML and the VM OS choses the images to insert?

This shit is slower and shittier then the 90s

Try it for yourself:
And post your screen shots.

Other urls found in this thread:

That's how modern websites work
>20 MiB of JS, CSS, HTML5, pictures, pussy and ass
>3 KiB of text

The pictures don't even load.
I was expecting pictures to load of the skins they are talking about.
This website turned unintentionally to text only mode.

Why are the doing web designing like this!

It's sad that certain sites are now using cryptocurrency miners that run even with the browser closed.

I'm making a lightweight simple HTML website (no CSS or JavaScript) designed for old browsers that mainly focuses on distributing abandonware, mods patches and serial keys for older games, older versions of software and Windows 7 drivers for certain Windows 10 PCs.

Currently, I'm planning on fixing a bug that causes the text to look black in Netscape 7.2 (because my stupid ass forgot to add hashtags before the color code) and I'm also planning on changing the font to a more compatible one (since Fixedsys has compatibility issues with certain browsers such as IE9, older versions of IE are fine).

As for hosting, I'm planning on hosting it on Neocities (a modern version of Geocities). Also, sorry for the Reddit spacing.

Here's another page.

>certain sites are now using cryptocurrency miners

Websites should utilize WebGL so we can have 3D websites.

>3D websites
Seriously what is the benefit of having 3D websites?

Navigating 2D is far better.

I love it when people say things like "Welcome to my website!" Such a comfy site desu.

> Sorry for the reddit spacing

Reddit stole that from me actually.

this is leet af, contribute

>cryptocurrency miners that run even with the browser closed
What the fuck? How? This isn't okay.

I'm planning on making a NeoCities site where everything is tags and plaintext.

I'm currently modifying the site by replacing Fixedsys with a more universal font (Helvetica in this case) and I'm also fixing the Netscape 7.2 color bug.

Forgot pic.

>please zoom in

Why not just use a bit of CSS to keep it a certain width, and centred? Someone on a non-CSS browser wont have to worry about the width anyway.

>miners that run in the browser when browser process isn't runnning
>my stupid ass forgot to add hashtags

The hashtag color code problem didn't happen with other browsers, only Netscape 7.2.


ugh,,, use a pomf clone like a normal person

why are there a hundred fucking download image-buttons on this page anyway. Trash websites with fake downloads were never not well made 15 years ago, why do expect them to be any better now?
furthermore, why do you frequent such sites?


Link to site? I'd love to steal some of it for my personal start page. Looks wonderful

>Pic related

It's not online yet.

My ni[b][b]a Sup Forums is getting triggered over you calling #aabbcc a hashtag. It's just an RGB hex code.
Unless you already knew that, in which case (you) earned it.

Sorry, I just didn't get it at first.

# is a hash.
Some websites let you specify content tags with the hash.
The tags specified with the hash are what's called hashtags.

I just didn't remember what it was called.

try this

>Look at this picture
Ekk! A skeleton!

Here's the downloads page (the DirectX page will be sorted under "Graphics APIs" in the future).

+1 for neocities.

Static sites are comfy.

Also, Neocities seems like a great place to host because it's ad-free and it allows me to use up to 1GB of storage (my "site" is around 5MB, so it should be plenty).

I know chrome encapsulates and breaks up its processes into numerous tasks, so even if you stopped the main task, the window you were using, there are still other tasks that keep on running. You can force the task to keep on running until a reboot/kill.

Linux doesn't have this problem because it doesn't use the ass backwards task encapsulation and forces a kill on closed GUIs, unless the closed button is fucked with and turned into a pseudo-minimize button. Think Discord or Skype when you click "X." It doesn't go away, it just closes the window and goes into the background/tray.

You can block the miners from ever loading by using a custom list from some real cool dudes doin cool work or just manually set filters on any miners you encounter. If you're using Firefox, you can identify the miners in Developer Tools > Network, because they have to send data outbound and it narrows down the culprits, anything with a .js extension sending out packets is culprit. Usually you can follow the domains they're linked to and see which ones are miners. Usually miner programmers are pretty bold and don't try to hide the fact their domain is a sales page for their miner.

Miners are cancer and eat up CPU AND what limited bandwidth net neutrality has left us with.

The modern web is such a cancerous place.

Time to give Gopher another try.

Would rather a miner than ads desu

>see at ad
>ignore it
>close the tab
>it's gone
>have miner
>CPU goes insane of an undetermined length of time
>becomes it's own process meaning to kill it you need to end it manurally

The absolute state of you.

Id only care if it affected my games.

>processor-intensive tasks wont affect my processor-intensive tasks

Also you can object to something on principal.
