say something nice about powershell
Say something nice about powershell
At least it's not batch.
I wish I could...
It makes up for half of Windows server deficiencies.
It's better than command prompt
everything is a object
i like that it's blue
It's so useless not even the most tryhard windows shills bother shilling it on Sup Forums.
t. jobless high school student
t. tryhard Windows shill
It's not installed in my gah-noo plus loonix.
It helped me get into programming. I learned a bit in college but hated it. Got a job as a sysadmins so needed to learn some powershell. It was easy enough to do actual useful things beyond shit like fizzbuzz so I found I can actually enjoy programming.
>I can’t use a simple object oriented scripting language and thus I resort to calling others “shills”
there's nothing nice to be said
I like that it makes my job easier.
Anyone can use it, but it's a crap with its retarded man pages and syntax sugar due to the .net faggotry. Anyway it's available for linux so who cares.
>say something nice about powershell
Couldn't they just make a proper and official fork of cygwin or straight out linux?
It's incredibly powerful in the windows ecosystem.
Inspiring story, I am currently at "learned programming in college but hated it" part hope I end up like you
It's better than cmd. It's a step above from string-oriented shells. It has access to the entire .NET.
They has a unix subsystem before ubuntu.
Just use C# you fuckhead...
It's nice and powerful but I'll never master it.
You can say that just about any language.
It's shit
I do. I eventually encountered some problems for which powershell had no functionality but C# did, so I incorporated it into my scripts. Eventually I had a project I just built entirely in C#.
Currently slowly working on learning C now. Slowly because it has little applicability to my job but I want to anyways.
Cool logo, cool name. :)
You can type in stuff
better than any unix hackjob shell
its not a language you twelve year old its a command line.
It allows me to remove all the Windows 10 system apps
Get-AppxPackage -allusers | Remove-AppxPackage
ls works.
>It's a step above from string-oriented shells
It really isn't though. Stunning vendor-lock-in that will make it 2030's VB6.
Easily top 5 best things that has ever come out of redmond.