Post your taskbar
Post your taskbar
what's a taskbar?
>not having it hidden by default
Masterrace. Poorfags gtfo.
Why is there so many windows users on Sup Forums nowadays?
windows 10 is superior to linux nowadays
>Why is there so many windows users on Sup Forums nowadays?
>more than one machine
>more than one OS on any given drive
>more than one reason to have windows on at least one partition of at least one of your drives/machines
not trying to be an asshole, but this has just always made the most sense to me
It's not 1998 anymore user
That doesn't answer anything, in fact people putting windows at the same drive with any other os are complete retards and will realise so when their other partition will be purged by some update
>be me
>be dual booted on multiple drives
>update four times a week like windows wants
>partitions exactly the same
>boot into gnu/linux just fine
>works on my machine
good for you, I hope you like suprises though
kill yourself attention whore
no bully
I've only been on this board for 5 minutes but I think I'm gonna be here for a while now