I like my Ryzen system, it's comfy

I like my Ryzen system, it's comfy.

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Too bad its shit for 144hz and too much for 60hz. No, you don't do things that aren't gaming.

Thing is, i can't name a single game where FPS matters as much as in quake or CS where i cant get it with my ryzen

I like my FX8120 system, it's always there for me

>what is FreeSync

can't tell the difference between 110FPS and 144FPS anyway

>being a fucking gaymer

me too froggo

based 8120 poster

Why are there no Ryzen boards with IPMI, SAS or 10Gig? These things would dominate the SOHO server market.

There is

when is ryzen apu need new desktop don't need high power or anything

get something like a r3 1200 for 110$, and a cheapy gpu . there are no worthy ryzen apus at the moment.

>Too bad its shit for 144hz
its enough for csgo and overwatch. If you're playing other games like ghost recon or the witcher, 60FPS is fine. Which it does on ultra at 1080p

any good cs player will not settle for 200-300 fps, 300-400 fps is when you have a advantage

please dont talk about cs like you know it

>please dont talk about cs like you know it
But you just did

yeah but when will there be? This isn't urgent and I like the idea of an APU. Are there not benefits of CPU+GPU on same die or whatever?


>tfw windows 7 with a 1200 with a mild 3.7 overclock and 2400 ram overclocked to 2800

very comfy

>tfw play csgo at 720p with a 7 year old 60hz 36 inch tv with massive input lag and still top frag

for 95% of people who just play casual d2, it doesn't really fucking matter

>top fragging in casual d2

Literally scraping the bottom of a shit barrel right there dude jesus christ dont even mention that again

>Sup Forums
>enjoying modern games
They will bounce him right back here.
Try sending to /vg/

I didn't say I was top fragging in casual d2 though, I just say most people play casual d2 :^)

>this shit reading comprehension

He's right, though. The difference in >muh 200 or >muh 300 fps doesn't matter when most people are playing at 60hz anyway. CSGO is mostly pajeets nowadays because it's so cheap.

i get around 300fps with my 1700 and 390 at 1080p maxed

last 4 digits of my post number is my FPS in CS

>any good cs player will not settle for 300-400 fps, 500-600 fps is when you have a advantage

got you good.

you talking about an advantage measured in maybe 2-3ms, you'd see more improvement getting a lower input lag monitor than pushing money into a system for muh fps for csgo

at the moment i think the "ryzen" apus are actually older FX apus that are compatible with the am4 socket. there aren't any actual ryzen apus with ryzen cpus. the main benefit is that you don't need a discrete gpu but if time isn't an issue you could wait . i just don't know when amd plans on releasing them .

>getting double the FPS of my 144hz will make the screen more smoother

You are fucking locked at 60 or 144hz in most cases, more fps doesn't matter at a certain point

>windows 7 has better performance
>Older NVIDIA drivers give +50-100fps (381.89 and earlier)

>fags Play on bloated windows 10
>Latest drivers

Literally no difference between AMD one win7/NVIDIA old drivers and Intel on windows 10.

Call me autistic but I've tested all this.

it's not though, the difference between it and intel TOTL is like 5-10% not a noticeable impact on 144hz

That's actually false.
Someone did a video on this, I think it was WarOwl or whatever he's called.

I know which video you are referring to, and its pretty controversial in the community, although I agree with his premise, my eye test disagrees with his results.

Same here, it cuts through all my tasks like butter

Here's the video if anyone wants to see it:

From my personal experience, it seems correct, but of course there's no way to prove that.

>more fps
>therefore more frames are generated than monitor can display
>therefore displayed frame will be closer to the current gamestate than if renderer stalled waiting for refresh

CSGO's input latency is tied to frame rate, hence why higher is better. Average gamer fag wont be able to tell the difference between 120 and 300 though.

I like my haslel 4670K @ 4.5 jiggahurtz system, it's comfy.

>Too bad its shit for 144hz

What, at fucking 1080p? 720p? I have an overclocked 1600 paired with an overclocked 1080 Ti and a 165Hz 1440p monitor and I'm yet to meet the game where I run out of CPU power before GPU power (obviously discounting fucking CSGO and WoW). Still looks incredible thanks to G-Sync.

>onboard SAS
fucking please
