*breathes out*

*breathes out*

Other urls found in this thread:


*breathes in*


The necessary keys need to be contained in hardware Blu-Ray players, right?
Why isn't there a fully automated way to extract them?

*oh my my*

Because they could be hard coded into the player chip or protected by an encryption key in the player chip that would require quite the specialist setup to extract.

Could be how these got extracted.


Congratulations, you now hold the record for the dumbest post on this board, I'm proud of you. You can now ascend to the retard realm

Too bad 4k movies are massive. It will take years before ultra fast internet is widespread enough to make it an attractive p2p option. Even then, storage will still be an issue. Storage is expensive no matter which way you look at it. How much more capacity would you need if your current movie stash became 4k?

Jesus Christ, user.
Lurk forever before posting.


Somebody please shop this post with a dunce cap or something...

Holy fuck
It's too late user, the people know

lol fuck capitalism fuck pol.

>The necessary keys need to be contained in hardware Blu-Ray players, right?
I do not think so. Encryption scheme used in discs allows to exclude any subset of compromised keys. If a device gets compromised no more discs would be encrypted with a key which it has. And yes there is a large database pf all keys stored somewhere.

you cant hide

i don't even watch uhd content but feels good

Silly user, people still can see your reply even if yoj delete it

brb decrypting a bank

Was that a jannitor trying to save himself from embarassment or do they just remove all dumb posts? Also, get rid of niggress shitposter, I know you're here and that you igore him on purpose.

Read the actual article though: encryption keys for specific titles are released, not decryption keys.

11/12/17-user finds out how to hack a bank by reverse engineering blu-ray anti-pirating system.

sweet, now I don't have to buy Harry Potter

it wasn't that unreasonable of a post
>if you're skilled enough to do this, why not aim for higher targets?

>Falling for the 4K jew

What do you mean? I can get 60gb in 20 minutes.

Can someone with a cached version of this thread provide us a cap? I want to post this glorious quote on a future ylyl

Once again we see that the entire idea behind DRM is fundamentally flawed. You can't just encrypt something and then give people the keys so they can watch it and expect them to not use the keys for other purposes.

>it's 72 keys
>some are for different releases of the same movie

>watching something with low amount of detail
I bet you think hdr is a meme because you've never seen it in person

Yeah we know anime masters are fucking shit. Even their blurays what else is new.

It's a shame that crunchyroll killed off most good encoders. And typesetters. And translators. And raw providers. And fansubbing in general.

why are companies still trying to implement DRM? they know they will get BTFO always

They are probably super obfuscated. Also each brand, and maybe even each model player, probably has their own keys so they can be rejected in future releases if they are leaked. After enough time all the keys will get releases though.

why do people like this post on Sup Forums?

In an attempt to protect initial sales.

Jesus fucking christ that looks like shit

This. Fuck crunchyroll. Their subs are shit and their encodes are even worse. Even fucking netflix does a better job and they wait forever to release shit. Also crunchyroll and other american companies advertising anime in america is going to lead to anime becoming just like all the other trashy american tv shows aimed at the lowest common denominator.

what tracker has that many high speed seeders?

HDB ptp btn even MTV and ipt on a good torrent. Most of the good popular ones.

>high speed
third worlders unironically think this

Blame retarded Japanese people. They've done this shit for decades.

Storage isn't expensive anymore unless you're talking about SSDs. 4TB hard drives cost $100 and the 8TB WD Easystore goes on sale all the time and it's currently $150.

3gb/minute is not a common p2p speed unless you're downloading something that is popular and got released in the last 48hs and even then, it's still very fast for a torrent. I know you want to brag about your Latvian world champ internet speeds funded by Germoney but when you're pirating something your particular speed isn't the only factor.

poor sakura

Yea, it was retarded but definitely bot delete quality which makes me think it actually was a janitor posting and he removed his post.

Delete the fucking negro spam


But it looks much better in 4K?

>tfw just watched the 75gb 4k hdr john wick 2 rip
First time I've watched a 4k HDR piece of media that wasn't a tech demo and it looked pretty fucking good. Best part is the TV steamed the fuckoing MKV directly off a hard drive with no issues at all.

>john wick
you just wasted a perfect opportunity to watch 4k hdr movie

What TV? Was it a real HDR display?

samsung q9


Why do they try so hard to fuck people with DRM?

You're just inconveniencing the customer and it's going to get hacked either way. So the only person left fucked is the customer that SUPPORTED you.


can someone esplain why we need decryption keys? Can't you just rip it with a capture card? Analog hole and whatnot?


Some of them are good.

That's not 4K though,

Resolution doesn't affect fucked up colors like the other one has.

That's because a large amount of animation was redone for the BD release.

Analog probably doesn't support 4k resolutions and HDMI uses HDCP encryption on the wire so the video signal is encrypted until the tv decrypts it. Obviously you could work around this by extracting the keys from your tv somehow but then your breaking the CFAA so hollywood copyright nazis can sue the shit out of you.

Captures either look like shit or are fucking huge.

It's not a bit-for-bit remix.

Are you sure? The articles I've found said it's a scan of the original 35mm film.

Is it technically feasible to capture frame by frame, uncompressed, and then compress that file to get very close to source quality?


Total bullshit.

where do i find well seeded 4K stuff??

I can max out my Uni's 50MB/s connection on public trackers lmao

Private trackers


You are clearly a pajeet and I refuse to tell you.

Really unless your sitting very close to the TV or got a massive viewing area what the hell does it matter if your viewing 1080P or 4K. Up to a point even 480 content looks damn good. Then you got the whole up scaling thing where as even rips under DVD res look decent on a 40+ HD set. I said decent, not perfect, I'm sure that if you sat real close it would look like shit but most people sit far enough away that it don't look bad. I say if you got a decent 1080 set hang on to it till it dies. By the time that happens they'll be touting 8K or 10K sets. People will be hawking 8K TV's/Blu-rays (or whatever next disc standard is), cable boxes,etc. That's when you jump in. Cause like I said by that point your old 1080 set will be dead.

get better glasses

I dont wanna talk to people

Lots of pleb justification you just wrote. Stick to your DVDs famalam

4k meme
720p is enough

AnyUHDBD when?

All you need is 480p even though its overkill

i haven't bought a tv since 1080p was the cheap standard (2010) and my monitors are even older.

really couldn't care less honestly. i guess i'm just old and grumpy but i know the tech will change in a few years anyway

I'll probably buy 4k when it's as cheap as the TV I bought but I -really- don't want to waste my time on buying 4k content

a black and white tv from 1956 is all you need

>On December 25, 1926, Kenjiro Takayanagi demonstrated a TV system with a 40-line resolution that employed a CRT display at Hamamatsu Industrial High School in Japan.[15] This was the first working example of a fully electronic television receiver. Takayanagi did not apply for a patent.[47]

Uh, as if, clearly 40 line CRT freeware is best. Greedy corporations just mark everything up and try to make it sound like it's better, but you're just paying a premium for a slick looking box and name.

Only sheep use currency for entertainment.

>oversaturated on the blu-ray scan
>remastered into more natural colors and the plebs complain


>going to lead to anime becoming just like all the other trashy american tv shows aimed at the lowest common denominator
>implying it isn't already aimed there

it is pretty common on any non-pajeet private tracker though


>3gb/minute is not a common p2p speed

But it is, at least for normie shit like video games, tv series and movies. Unless the release is new and S/L ratio is low, getting 50 MB/s on a torrent is common.

And that's even on public trackers like rarbg and rutracker. If you are of those autists from ratio-jerk private trackers, you are guaranteed those speeds on almost everything that isn't super obscure and only has a couple of seeds

Based on those 72 keys could you not get an algorithm to figure out the commonalities between them to figure out how to unlock any disc?

>I bet you think hdr is a meme because you've never seen it in person

The fuck is hdr?
I know photography's version
I thought I knew the movies version

but apparently its something about blasting as much light though as possible and it needs special shit to tell it to do it?

Sounds stupid as fuck and I don't see how high static contrast is any different, but getting a 4k tv with hdr soon so ill get to see it and compare on and off.

as long as its not funimation, I don't care.

another good one to compare is tenchi muyo

no, every fucking thing did this with blurays, because they had blue in the name, every fucking movie that got a bluray release got color shifted to blue if only just a bit

the original was more like the bluray, possibly a bit more saturated, the right is a bastardization.

anime always fucking does this, where is the fucking grain, this series is old to the point there would be grain in it.

>buying discs

They degrain it to upscale properly, also you don't want to see upscaled grain it looks atrocious.

I buy a bluray player
I buy a bluray software
I buy a bluray movie

The software won't play the movie I paid for on the software I payed for on the player I paid for

So I feel 100% justified in obtaining the movie any way I deem fit.

So a year or so later, I get another movie,
Cant play the movie
Get makemkv
The fucking thing rips and decrypts the movie into a 25gb file that I can easily play without the softwares shitty player...

Its so much easier to just rip the fucking movie then it is to watch it normally.

Fuck this drm shit, this is the reason I haven't bought a movie in fucking years.

no, I want to see everything, One of my favorite movies is the thing, and the bluray version is an absolute bastardization of it because they blurred the whole fucking thing to try and remove grain, while the hd-dvd version didn't, care to guess which one looks worlds better?

I don't want them to fuck with picture quality and grain is part of that.

Congratulations, you uncovered the marketing scam.

Saying 480 content looks "damn good" is retarded though.

Holy kek

>if you're skilled enough to bake bread why don't you build rockets?

Optical media. Not even once. Go back to the 1990s, niggers.

Color quality.
look into why 4:4:4 is almost achievable on 4K video.

I chuckled...