What apps do you regularly use on android Sup Forums?

What apps do you regularly use on android Sup Forums?
>inb4 mov to iOS hue hue hue
You aren't funny.

Other urls found in this thread:


-Clover(Sup Forums)
-Camera Roll(Gallery)

fifa companion
todoist (to do lists)
mindly (weird pointless lists)
omnichan (le chan)
ia writer
ereader prestigio
pocket (save shit for later)
feedme (rss feed compatible with feedbin)
genius (lyrics)
amazon kindle
apple music (until my subscription dies in about 2 weeks)

think thats it..

Firefox Rocket (pajeet beta version of Firefox)
Mimi (Sup Forums)
Got a no name rss feed that's just okay

I need that wallpaper.

File manager(ES pro) + archiver (Zarchiver)
Music(Neutron, Soundcloud)
Gallery(Simple gallery)
Maps(google maps)
Video(OGYoutube, mx player)
VPN(VPN client pro)
Ad blocker(Adaway)
Document reader(mod of WPS Office with chink shit disabled)
Camera(port of Pixel camera with HDR+)


I need the image that the background is based off of. I used pic related to make a mat for when I play Magic at FNM, and would love to have a spare that's very similar but different.

What's a good music player?
I use to like Apollo back on the comfy CM10 days

If you care about the quality and features, Neutron. If you care about the looks - Phonograph. Powearmp is a good compromise(look up the alpha version).

Thanks senpai, neutron seems pretty dope.

There you go, found it in /wg/.

I wanted the trump version.

OP here, sorry I was out. Here you go

Good OP.

Hm let's see
Clover for the chans
Redditisfun for when im in public
Firefox for browsing
Trafi for public transport
iYTPB for youtubz
Simple gallery for well gallery
Simple calendar
Gismeteo widget for weather
Osmand+ for car navigation
Mxplayer for streaming
Phonograph for mp3
Anyme for sad ween time
Messenger Lite for communicating with normie friends and gf
Messeging also
K-9 mail for email
MiXplorer for explorer
Thats all I can remember

Thanks a lot man

Vanilla Music is bretty good and free software


Adaway (Ad blocker)
Amaze (File manager)
Barcode Scanner (Self-explanatory)
Brave (Browser)
Clover (Sup Forums)
Dimmer (Makes the screen darker than the lowest brightness using an overlay)
Draw (Simple drawing app, one of the ones from F-Droid with the orange icons)
F-Droid (FOSS app store)
KDE Connect (Share files wirelessly between a GNU/Linux PC)
Kiss Launcher (Simple lightweight home app where you can type to search for your apps and contacts)
Maps.me (Offline maps)
MuPDF (PDF reader)
Newpipe (YouTube frontend)
Retroarch (Emulators)
Rider (Fun game)
Simple Solitaire Collection
Yalp Store (Install APKs from Play Store without Google Apps)

Looking for:
-A simple note-taking app on F-Droid
-A way to seamlessly sync a folder of images between my phone and a computer running GNU/Linux
-How the fuck do I install Dashchan

>Supporting a Israeli & Saudi shill

>How the fuck do I install Dashchan
You don't. You use Clover and Overchan

Blackplayer (music)
Map marker pro (mapping)
Mimi (Sup Forums)
Fairnote pro (notes)
Mindly (organizational tool)
VLC (Meida Player)

Best multi chan app?

>le leddit lel

The orange icon guy, which is called simple tools, also made a note app called notes.

Overchan (fork) on F-droid

That's what I'm using right now but I heard Dashchan is better
Thanks, I'll check it out

Simple tools is great.

I don't support him lol, the images are funny.

Which non-botnet player is the best?

>I was literally only pretending to support him!

It's true though. The images are funny, and I don't support Donald Trump. I voted for Hillary Clinton here in VA. Not sure what else you'd like me to say to 'prove' to you that I have an ironic enjoyment in these.

>Brave (browser)
>Phonograph (music)
>Textra (text messages)

That's all, other than banking, YouTube and a few other apps.

I don't support him lmao, I'm British anyway. Its just funny seeing lib tears when they see my phone and all the memes. Have you seen the Initial D montage of the election? Its brilliant

Clover for Sup Forums
Newpipe for YouTube
Relay for... Reddit
Seafile (cloud server)
Plex (movies and shit on the cloud server)
Connectbot for ssh access
FX file manager
Some dinky notepad app I found on Fdroid
Telegram (Plex group)
Qbittorrent client (for raspberrypi qbittorrent web UI)
Textra for sms
Firefox Beta
Viper4Arise (equalizer and audio system)

Those trees are giving me wood.
> tfw too manlet to become a lumberjack

Retrowave Radio


You have to go back.

Kys ledditor


Mimi or clover? Why TF doesn't cover have legacy captcha?

What apps do you sue for...
>chinese cartoon streaming
>finance expense tracking

>Document reader(mod of WPS Office with chink shit disabled)
I'm interested how well does it handle PDF files?
I'm using this
But it crash a lot, since most of the PDFs I read are image heavy.

Is there an IRC client that supports DDC downloads

Redpill me on telegram.


Sadpanda: Firefox/Tachiyomi with extensions/NHbooks
Animu: AnYme


>Tachiyomi with extensions
It has one?

Yeah check out the github page they have an fdroid repo there, just add it in fdroid settings and refresh, you can download them as a regular app and they will appear in the catalogs at tachiyomi

Hey OP nice wallpaper

>Firefox rocket AND normal Firefox

Well they changed it sense but If you roll back to an older version, it'll have legacy captcia.

reddit is fun
chrome (yes i know, botnet meme)
silence (FOSS signal)
snapchat (friends on it)
discord (friends on it)
atomas (good timewaster game, easy on the eyes)

spotify ( if you are a poorfag go w/ neutron )


Relay for Reddit
Wolfram Alpha
Nova launcher
Weather Underground
ScreenShot Assistant, because for some fucking reason my phone doesn't let me use the default android short cut. But it seems ok.

>FOSS signal
I thought signal is free software?

>not using brave

You're already here.

recommendations for a soft home/lock/shutdown button??

Hey, it's iDubbbz!

Only endless, furious butthurt and vehement insistence that we're all going to die horribly will be satisfactory proof that you're not a Trump-supporting nazi.

>not seeing through his game
he is not jews friend

Swiftnotes is pretty good

I keep seeing macros of this guy, who is he supposed to be?

Shit I made that wallpaper like one year ago, first time I see someone using my shit

That one was just a picture glued on a wallpaper but if you're interested in more of the drumpf stuff I did during the election there's pic related