Create a new Sup Forums

If you were going to start a new Sup Forums/*chan/Crimean scarf-making board today, what software would you use?
Considering there are already a ton of github imageboard projects out there, would you use one of those 'off-the-shelf'?

Any recommended and well-developed one, ideally with TLS encryption?
I don't mind making my own changes, I can code reasonably well, but I hate reinventing wheels and there seem to be a good number of these out there.
Also out of curiousity, if one of these projects was using MariaDB, I'm guessing it would be trivial to switch to PostgreSQL, right?

Other urls found in this thread:

>thinks the imageboard software is what handles TLS
Please don't start an imageboard. You have no idea what you're doing.

Chill my man, I'll figure it out when the time comes.

No. You're not making a shitty calculator app or something. You're trying to make something that you intend to encourage people to use and trust without them having any knowledge that the person running the show has no idea what he's doing and has no idea how to protect his users. "I'll figure it out when the time comes" is how hacks and data breaches happen, and you're not only risking your own personal information here.

Fuck you.

It can’t be that hard, this place looks like it is straight out of 1996.

I just wanted some modern security advice.

Hacks and data breaches happen all the time, you live and learn, faggot. Also, I won't be holding onto IPs or other sensitive info anyways. And if you inferred from the TLS thing that I know nothing about programming, then kindly go fuck yourself. I haven't done a lot of web development, sure, but like I said, I can figure it out and I will do my best to protect the users.
There are tons of sites with hundreds of security holes in them, no one will really care unless I go super-huge which I doubt will happen right away, and in the meantime I'll have figured out all the security stuff.

>I just wanted
So flattering when people attempt to impersonate you. Poster counts are a thing you know.

>Hacks and data breaches happen all the time, you live and learn
You are scum
>Also, I won't be holding onto IPs or other sensitive info anyways
Unless you have no idea what you're doing (protip: you don't) and leave the data in default logs that you didn't know about
>if you inferred from the TLS thing that I know nothing about programming
I inferred from the TLS thing that you have no idea how security on the web works, which is true.
>There are tons of sites with hundreds of security holes in them
Thanks to people like you, yes.
>in the meantime I'll have figured out all the security stuff.
No, you'll have figured out the stuff that causes visible problems. There will be plenty of things that don't visibly manifest that you will never notice and never know about, and will never know to fix thanks to your exclusively reactionary approach to learning these things.

You're going to do it anyway, but just know that you're a piece of shit for it.

Fuck people like you who just can't stand the idea of somebody, *gasp* actually trying to learn some things while working on projects. Why allow somebody's toy project to get you all emotional and riled up about such utter bullshit?

No seriously, as a former teacher, go fuck yourself you self-righteous prick. People aren't born knowing how to do everything there is to know about everything, including you, dumbfuck.

Some people (a lot) learn on the job, my dude. Calm the fuck down please.
You've given me something to think about, and also some advice on how to prevent too big a fuckup happening so thanks.

Absolutely disgusting meme trash.

I would take Ruby probably if I wanted to make it quick, but I'd rather write one myself, most likely using pure JS or hell even Java is better than meme trash.

Go kill yourself. No seriously, this is the most retarded form of autism imaginable. People like you are not needed in the gene pool, and you will not be missed.

I love it when people try to learn something. I don't love it when people put others' privacy at risk for the sake of their own "learning" though. If you want to learn on the job, you can build things that don't involve collecting and storing input from others, and you can preemptively research the problems you're likely to encounter instead of just waiting for them to happen and then fixing them.

>attacks Rust, Go (wasn't planning on using Typescript anyway)
>I would take Ruby
The fuck is wrong with you? If you're going to bash Rust and Go you do not do it with Ruby, silly child.
>pure JS
Nigga wtf are you doing?
Hopefully that guy who was kicking my ass will look at your post and realise there are folks who know even less.
Dude, stop already. I'm the guy he's bashing, I think people are getting way too fucking angsty about this. Wtf.

So let me get this straight. you've decided you want to make a new chan so you come here and ask us to tell you which software to use?

Why would we do that research for you? Even if you got an answer wouldn't you research them yourself anyway?

Your last question can be answered with a simple web search. Your encryption question shows a deep lack of understanding of how TLS works.

What is the point of this post?

if you don't understand TLS, you probably shouldn't be doing webdev anytime soon

>Hopefully that guy who was kicking my ass will look at your post and realise there are folks who know even less.
The language memers are retarded but harmless because they never actually make anything.

>and you can preemptively research the problems you're likely to encounter instead of just waiting for them to happen and then fixing them.
I've been doing for a while now, as you probably know considering you're such an elite spergboy, security isn't easy, good security at least.
I've got the basic idea, and it's mostly centred around not doing retarded shit like allowing SQLi to happen and using decent secure distros like Centos.
Please calm down everyone, this wasn't meant to turn into WW3.

Ruby isn't a meme language, Go and Rust are. Node.js or Java are most likely better choices than meme trash if you want your shit to actually work and be secure, so you can get fucked, gotard.

Probably nodejs + mongodb. Can't decide if pages should be rendered statically serverside so that it would work without js on the client side, or to use a bunch of fetch requests to poll for new posts

I agree with you user. People like OP are why Equifax like breaches happen.

>I think people are getting way too fucking angsty about this. Wtf.
Because the fucker is asking for it. Stop being a cuck and giving such dipshits mercy, it doesn't help anybody, and it's the kind of shit that can come back around to bite you in the ass if you don't openly nip it in the bud. Consider it as a piece of useful life advice.

>So let me get this straight. you've decided you want to make a new chan so you come here and ask us to tell you which software to use?
Not exactly, I hoped someone could point me to a good and secure-by-default codebase that I could build off, saving me doing all the groundwork. I mean don't you wonder at the stupidity of people who write everything from scratch considering github has got a complete and well-written codebase for virtually everything now?
I would of course research them anyway, I just thought someone might have already found something that worked well. I'm getting the shit kicked out of me over TLS, granted I probably don't understand the domain so well *just yet*.
FFS who really knows everything about security without actually having done it in practice?
You guys are fucking harsh tb h. I didn't expect this much hate for someone interested in trying a new little hobby project, even if people are worried about the privacy of some as-yet hypothetical users. Jeez.
This is bait, right? This must be bait or I'm in some funny bizarro Sup Forums right now.

>it's the kind of shit that can come back around to bite you in the ass if you don't openly nip it in the bud
How ironic that you think so

a lot of people/companies in web security are actually using go for their crypto. a lot of the tls encryption of sites you access is probably being handled by go c:

I can't tell if you're fucking trolling or serious about building this. Pick a tool and just start learning it, you're gonna get fucked if you just try to copypasta some codebase and have no idea what you're doing with it

>lot of the tls encryption of sites you access is probably being handled by go c:
Every day we stray further from God's light.

>I hoped someone could point me to a good and secure-by-default codebase that I could build off, saving me doing all the groundwork

Please don't pursue this project

>have no idea
I've learned bigger codebases than these in the past, it takes time getting through everything but it saves time in the long run because a lot of the basic API code is just the same.
And yes I'm serious. I don't expect the site to be hugely well known, no one will likely give a shit about it and like I said, I'll learn the security early on and I plan to take as many precautions as necessary to start with.
I just want an easy platform to build off so I'm not wasting all my time rewriting the wheel.
I gotta thank this dude, otherwise I'd feel like everyone is just hating on me for wanting to fucking try something. Wtf is up with these people
Go out and get a prostitute if it's that bad you angsty bastards.

>Ruby isn't a meme language, Go and Rust are
Cloudflare uses Go to handle all of its TLS. That means your TLS connection to Sup Forums is being handled by Go right now. You have no idea what you're talking about.

You literally typed that comment into a site built off another codebase you dumb fucking cunt. I wonder if you will kill yourself from the sheer irony of your retarded cunt post.

>as a former teacher
Got fired from your job as substitute middle school history teacher huh?

>memecompany is using a meme language
Who would've thought?

Fuck off retard. You want a "secure-by-default" thingy becuase you don't understnad what thef uck you are doing. Which is why you should NOT be doing that. Fucking learn it and do it properly

>a retarded memer on Sup Forums doesn't know what he's talking about
Who would have thought?


"Imageboard software written in Rust"

One single source file.
fn main() {

I would use this one. It's clearly the best of the bunch.

please don't disrespect the vast amounts of research OP has put into this project

Go's logo is a literal retard. Who the fuck are you trying to fool, retardo?

>don't do something retarded, retard!
>learn it first then do it properly!
Are you a fucking idiot? People learn by doing. This fucking thread.
heh yeah I noticed that too

>alright class welcome to your first day in the nuclear engineering program
>today you're each going to build a complete nuclear reactor and install it in the middle of a small town so that you can learn how to do it

This thread is genuinely the most fun I've had on Sup Forums in a while.
10/10 would post again.

>putting feet on a seat reee....

>I mean don't you wonder at the stupidity of people
>has got
constantly and you're not helping

>I'm getting the shit kicked out of me over TLS
yes, the fact that you don't understand a fundamental and well documented component of the modern web is pretty telling. You didn't even bother to do enough research to ask intelligent questions.

>People learn by doing
people primarily learn by reading/listening, which you are in dire need of.

imagine being THIS much of a faggot

>you don't understand
Details are boring.

>>has got
What's wrong? Are you trying to find a fault with grammar when there's no fault? You're not a fuckwit, are you?
Some just learn by doing.
You would not need to imagine being a faggot.

Just use vichan. No one is ever going to use your site anyway.

oh, so I take it you learned how to make """secure""" apps by never looking at a secure codebase ever then. Whatever it is you're doing, it sure as hell isn't """"proper""". I really hope you don't make anything that anybody has to use ever, otherwise they're completely fucked by your irresponsible retardation.

OP here, I'll probably go with this

It looks well developed and has the right idea of using Pgsql as the default db.
k thx. I don't even care if they don't, I'm just curious to see what's involved in setting up and making such a site public.

Just fucking kill yourself.

stay sperg, bb

yes, that's how everybody learns everything. Wanna learn how to play a musical instrument? just read about it. Wanna learn a sport or martial art? just listen to stuff about it. Want to master math? don't bother working out any problems or proofs, just go watch some (((numberphile))). Because clearly a bunch of retardedly autistic neets on Sup Forums know more about all of these things than everyone else.


>clearly a bunch of retardedly autistic neets on Sup Forums know more about all of these things than everyone else.

Well OP did come to them for advice.

If you want to understand how your image board works, build it from scratch.

don't lie, you wish you were either of those seats.

Get your fucking feet off of the chair, you shit. Good god, my mouth is readily available at least.

>Are you trying to find a fault with grammar
No, I'm finding more clues that you're retarded though. The wording "has got" in this context is awkward and indicative of poor communication skills. The obvious and less clumsy choice is to drop the word "got" since it's redundant. This is the type of speech I would expect from a minority or someone still in grade school.

This actually mirrors your understanding of the web pretty well. Just because something is grammatically correct does not mean it is effective communication. And just because a codebase is secure does not mean you have the ability to implement it securely.

>Details are boring
a dismissive cop out at best, please never implement anything on the web.

I'm British, don't presume to teach me my own language, silly American. "Has got" makes better sense in that context than simple "has".
A codebase being secure from the outset would increase anyone's chances of implementing it securely.
Yes, much like the dismissive comments towards me over a blasé comment about TLS.
Don't change, Sup Forums, tonight was entertaining at least.

> this place looks like it is straight out of 1996.
no one cares what this place looks like.
Also whatever you do it well never surpass this site.

>I'm British, don't presume to teach me my own language

He's criticizing your English, not Arabic.

I would write my own and not use someones shit code

I did say I don't give a shit how many users I get. This is more for research.
Hello, 56% human.

>don't presume
>immediately presumes which country I'm from

>much like the dismissive comments towards me
People are being dismissive because the OP amounts to little more than a shitpost. You want to create a chan and you

0. clearly haven't already researched the options
1. clearly haven't even looked at the links you posted
2. are dismissive of user privacy and security in the name of ""learning"" and experimentation (which I'm guessing means copy/pasting someone else's code without doing any actual research)
3. asked a stupid question that takes seconds to web search and didn't post it in the sqt
4. made a really stupid comment about TLS without even realizing it and became defensive/dismissive when called out

If you're going to make real website where down time is not acceptable don't use meme languages such as go, rust, nodejs...
Use PHP, Ruby on Rails or Java. with NGINX. They are tested and stable

Tinychan used to be good but I don't think it's supported anymore

You forgot the only important one

>They are """tested""" and """stable"'"
Now THAT'S the biggest meme of all memes right there.

what part of 'toy research project' do you dumbfucks not comprehend? All you holier-than-thou-super-srs-ultra-security-expert motherfuckers need to go off yourselves. You're an embarrassment to the species.

Op here, I actually did check this out. I haven't had a chance to really read what its all about but it does look interesting.

Is the chan that rules all chans. One big decentralized chan on which you host a node which you can moderate. And is based on the nntp protocol.

I'd write my own, it'll take 1/2hr to do. Its really basic shit.

Just write your own, you retarded poo in the loo.

Wow this thread is cancer

I wonder what her feet taste like...

>I hoped someone could point me to a good and secure-by-default codebase that I could build of

zOS, DB2, PL/I

Those are some nice legs, anyone got the set?

Like poo

>it'll take 1/2hr to do
Sure, and you'll write a new kernel in that same evening after you've fucked your harem and driven your Mercedes S-class 150 miles in 4.7 minutes.


fucking triggered faggot upset that someone is actually trying to build something. i'm not sure if it's the same guy but there is another loser who just goes off on people trying to ask questions about diy drones on this board.

fucking filthy nobody.

>with TLS encryption

ssl on; is pretty hard.

How do you host your own image board?

>How do you host your own image board?
run imageboard.exe, go to what is my ip, send everyone your ip.

Spread knowledge.

I want to lick her feet

get a dyndns domain for free, set up your server, point it to your dyndns domain

Her feet probably have less STDs than her pussy at least.

it's better to just keep everything out in the open(on the desktop). you look less suspicious. i don't use encryption. it makes it look like you have child porn on your pc

And what about stop crying and actually learn how web encryption works u dumb fuck. People like you, who are just "hurr durr i have an idea but actually have no idea about it, but i will do it" makes me piss blood out of my eyes. That's how incompetence looks like.

funny how youre calling her a slut on Sup Forums but if you met her in real life you'd be her #1 beta orbiter, "helping" her and "being there" for the ultimate goal of sleeping with her

>#1 beta orbiter, "h
Nope, MGTOW af. The backlash is just warming up against the global thot movement.

So what's your point? We should beta orbit online too?

Don't make fun out of him, user. You have no clue how much pusspuss he's nailed through his campaign of relentless internet white-knighting.

I'd start by killing hiroshimoot after getting his credentials and wiping all the servers and backups. Sup Forums is Sup Forums because of its users. They're not going to go anywhere if they don't all go.

Here are some experimental ones made by us fags at some point.

Doushio, a pseudo-live imageboard where you can see people replying in real-time.
You can even reply to people in the future, who are also replying to you in said future. PIME TARADOX
This has a site up in the github.

Similarly, a live imageboard. It's more chat-like in nature.
Updates in realtime.
Designed to me embedded in sidebars and such.
It came with a live drawing system, but it was buggy and left unfinished.
The livechan site died, but it moved to Livebunker.
There is also a Russian-hosted version at somewhere I forgot, happened seemingly after a split in the regulars.