Continuation for if anyone wants to keep bitching about cryptokiddies making our GPUs expensive

Continuation for if anyone wants to keep bitching about cryptokiddies making our GPUs expensive

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Only millionaires can post in this thread.

Didn't they make dedicated processors for cryptocurrency miners?

They're harder to liquidated when shit goes south.

Yeah, but it's probably getting people interested in mining other things

Cryptocurrency nowadays are designed to be ASIC proof.


Is it even worth putting money down on bitcoin now? Not sure how this boat will end up at. Literally from 7000 to 12000 in a span 2 months.

They don't call it gambling for nothing.

there's literally no point in not having at least some money in bitcoin right now.

Bullshit. Business analysis points out that the bulk selling of GPU is slowing down, AMD and NVidia alreadly noticed that and aren't expecting to sell as much gpu as they were selling last quarter.

>value of "currency" goes up so fast that there is no point in using it as a currency rather than holding on to it as an investment

How long until the crash?

Yeah, can't sell your burnt out old dedicated mining cards to dumb gamers when you're done with them.

Bro it went lower than 3k in the past 2 months, I fucking wish I had thrown everything in when it did.
It went from 1k at the start of the year to 12k now.
Get in while its still cheap.

Miners run GPU underclocked in a climitized enviroment. Just clean up the fans and heatsink and it is good to go.

>Get in while Bitcoin is in a speculation bubble
For you to double your investment, you need bitcoin to rise to 24k and bitcoin is backed now only by the willpower of people looking to cashout and pay their payday.


What the fuck?


>anarchism is the absence of countries and borders.
Seriously, go read a book. Anarchism is a critique of unjustified hierarchy.

>Shit, you're even being racist above.
I'm ironically being a racist because I understand being a racist and getting triggered by racism is retarded.

>Of course I can have it both ways.
Are you a child then?

>Nobody on this planet is equal,
Communism isn't egalitarian, it's a meritocracy, read a book.

>What do you think happens in a borderless world with no restrictions on migration? All the Africans and Arabs spontaneously form successful businesses led by workers without the evil white man giving them billions of dollars every year, therefor they don't need to leave?

Being borderless doesn't mean accepting anyone into your community. Fucking have some common sense and stop making baseless assumptions. What socialism would achieve is economic stability for these countries so they're no longer permanently indebted and slaving themselves for the first world. If you want immigrants to stop invading your country then you should be in favor of economic policies that would make them more independent and eventually match the rest of the world in development. Maybe it might be the case in the future that you want to immigrant to their country?

>No, dipshit, if they were capable of that their countries wouldn't be the starving war-torn shitholes they are today.
And there's also geological, economic, and imperialist, reasons for why that's the case. You're not ignoring history again now are you?

Good post.

Are you jewish?

Meritocracy doesn't usually imply gulags and firing squads for those who don't meet the cut.
Those third worlders are way better off than before the first world took an interest in them. Independence is a worthless pursuit because the world itself is also highly unequal and favors specialized industry. You call it exploitation, but the reality is that half of them are too damned stupid to do anything without a white or asian looking over their shoulder, and the other half are willfully negligent and squander their profits instead of reinvesting for the future.
You claim to want a borderless world but then say communities will continue to enforce borders. I'll repeat the other guy's question, are you jewish? Are you deliberately being two-faced and deceptive, or are you just stupid? Is that not tribalism? Is that not just a piece of a nation, that will gradually integrate those nearby with similar features and goals, that will become the hated "country" we have today?

EVERYONE on this planet has been the victim of war, slavery, and famine. Only they failed over and over again in every conceivable way to produce something worthwhile from it. Even as westerners coddled them and wasted billions extending their worthless lives they couldn't crawl out of the grave they themselves dug.

Bitcoin's freely floating, if everybody buys into it in order to make a quick buck the upshoot in demand will translate into an increase in per coin price.

buy iota, 10$ tomorrow

>Sup Forums - Video Games

Does this mean I might be able to sale my RX 480 8gb for $450 like they were selling for pre-owned half a year ago?

Any reason why you're chosing iota over litecoin? It seems like such a huge gamble.

litecoin and btc are better for mid-long term.

iota is going +100% in 24 hours. for a quick flip iota is better. otherwise just buy btc/eth/ltc and leave them rot in your wallet for some months

My company started a crypto currency mining project. If you ask me, it seems like a pretty shitty use of the company resources, but oh well.

If you didnt' invest in bitcoin when it was 1-2k, you're already too late. This bubble gonna pop.

people are saying this at every ath since 2016

Yes, ASICs. Most currencies are ASIC resistant now though, which is good. However some of the big ones like Bitcoin basically require ASICs because having an ASIC is like nuclear proliferation - anyone without one is basically unable to mine well.

The only company that's actually doing anything different in this regard is DASH which despite a proprietary ASIC for X11 existing, they're actually invested in making open source/spec, cheap ASICs to release in the next couple of years to help bolster their network as they roll out the Evolution protocol. DASH is pretty much the only one that has a plan to become a "real" currency that even your grandma can use easily. This is not to say it doesn't have issues, but its worth watching.

IOTA is big today because it had a HUGE spike recently for...a reason of which I'm not aware? Why exactly is it so important and if you're not mining it, how the fuck do you get it and where does it come from? Is it all premined so to speak so you have to buy it etc..?

>Meritocracy doesn't usually imply gulags...
>le strawman going off of cold-war propaganda

>You call it exploitation, but the reality is that half of them are too damned stupid to do anything without a white or asian looking over their shoulder...
What if I made this assumption around 2000 BC and said something along the lines of Egyptians and Mediterranean people are the only ones cable of modern civilization? It's almost like the development of civilization is based on materialist conditions and not autism level scores...

>...but then say communities will continue to enforce borders.
The person I was replying implied my intention was to import 3rd worlders who are obviously not fit for modern life. Could you be anymore intellectually dishonest? So, can you tell what's inherently wrong with people peacefully settling to regions who have the same economic development?

>I'll repeat the other guy's question, are you jewish? Are you deliberately being two-faced and deceptive, or are you just stupid? Is that not tribalism? Is that not just a piece of a nation, that will gradually integrate those nearby with similar features and goals, that will become the hated "country" we have today?
What the fuck are you even saying here?

>EVERYONE on this planet has been the victim of war, slavery, and famine.
ebin preach bro, you're forgetting the part where the capitalists nations have controlled the world's economy for the past 100 years or so.

>Only they failed over and over again in every conceivable way to produce something worthwhile from it.
They didn't fail you idiot, it's called uneven development, some regions are simply better for agriculture and thus human civilization.

>Even as westerners coddled them and wasted billions
Except they did move up the economic ladder retard. It's just we live in a thing called capitalism that indepts the 3rd world and slows or stagnates their development.

>extending their worthless lives
Watch the edge kiddo.

meat for

>US prison is perfectly fine because fuck those niggers
>when communist do it, it's not ok

R I G H T - W I N G D O U B L E T H I N K

No we're full.
You can buy my bags at 100k if you want though.

Meant for

Chinese miner here.

If you're not using your computer to make content, solve a problem or make money, you don't deserve a high end machine.

The games you're playing are only graphically more complex than titles a decade ago. You don't *NEED* your shiny hardware.

Battlestations? Go buy a console. Grownups use workstations or renderfarms.

millions of usd in drug money is exchanged through bitcoin every day.

Cryptocurrency is what will kill the federal reserve and all banking control


1. you can't be chinese your english is too good
2. no fuck you lol

It is just another PR wave trying to lure suckers into the bloated boil before it explodes into a shitstorm.

Only people who could actually withdraw 1 million real dollars can post in this thread

Thank goodness I caved in and bought the world's most powerful games console.

Remember, buy high, sell low

Gotta love ponzi schemes.

>click on thread t about GPU's
>scroll down
>thread is about politics
Kill yourself

>tfw didn't buy

I hope bitcoin crashes by the time Volta comes out
I plan on upgrading then

>t. nocoiner

>ask purchasing to get 20 rx 480's for "research"

Mining is less risky

sold out already

lemme guess you bought at 10k like every other cuck here?

triple the price, embrace your inner kike and gut these cryptokiddies.

Don't worry, America has already reached some Stalinist prison rates, soon enough it will surpass them. Oh, also did you know prison labor is literally mandatory in America? It's a regulation, not a federal law, but still, the Bureau of Prisons mandates it. Sweet freedom.

Polite sage.

Which is exactly why it'll crash in value the moment all the bag holders decide "this is enough" and attempt to cash out.

Cryptocurrency is AI studying economics. But when quantum processing takes hold it going get weird

>Bought a 1070 back in march

I'm a genius

is this /biz/ now?

Short term speculation is not advisable unless you're experienced. It's also difficult to speculate when the bubble will pop IF it'll pop at all. However, historically after every "bubble pop" Bitcoin's gone through it recovered and then exceeded it's previous high. So long term, looks good. Short term, unpredictable, but could be $20k by mid-January

How autistic do you have to be

>a would-be product that becomes actually MORE difficult, and most likely more expensive as well, the more of it has already been produced

Yes, and you seem to have no problem with the idiots I'm replying to strawmanning me and calling me a jew lol

I'm not an expert but I know IOTA was down in price for a month because one of the main developers said some embarrassing shit on reddit, right as it was broke $1, and went as low as 30c. Maybe this is the correction from people forgetting about it? Also IOTA is priced in millions. Right now 1 IOTA(M) is $3.94, just under ATH. There is like Trillions of IOTA in existence.

just how profitable would a 1080ti be per day?

Why are miners retarded?
>let's mine when the price is higher and there's more competition, thus using more electricity

You may never know. It could have crashed at 1k. Its all about what kind of a risk you're willing to take.

Miner: a machine for turning electricity into money. Only sustainable with a plentiful supply of cheap electricity.

>wow, good thing I picked up pic related for $299 *just* now
PowerColor RED DEVIL Radeon RX 580 DirectX 12 AXRX 580 8GBD5-3DH/OC
>mfw going to mine with this
>$279 yesterday.
>$299 today!
>$319 tomorrow?

Nobody is buying this "they're perfectly fine cards trust me" shit. So what if they're underclocked? That doesn't negate the fact that they've been operating at 100% full tilt boogie their entire life.

buy from a good supplier with a transferable warranty then.

that's what's called a bubble.
It has no actual value, everyone is just hopping on the bubble hoping to make money because they're sure the bubble will continue (based on no evidence)

It's no different than the tulip bubble in the 1600s. Thing has no value as anything other than an investment that people are sure will make them a fortune. Single flowers were being bought and sold for 10 years worth of skilled craftsman labor.
"The only suckers are people not buying tulips! If we all buy, the demand will go up and we'll be rich!!"
then it's impossible for the bubble not to pop at some-point, and it's a game of musical chairs. When the crash happens, whoever is left holding the tulips or bitcoins will suddenly have $1 left for their entire $50,000+ investment. It's nothing other than a ponzi scheme where everyone hopes someone else is the Real sucker.

>1. you can't be chinese your english is too good
More like your grasp of your own language is inferior to what I learned using your computers and spending time in your online communities.

By all means, tell me how you need more polygons to have a better game because you don't remember how to have fun anymore unless you're at the forefront of a vanity movement.

The fiat worth of cryptocurrency is measured by its function. Bitcoin is measured via its capacity for privacy - and privacy of transactions is extremely valuable today.

Collapse the privacy and you break bitcoin's fiat worth and the market will collapse.

You basically have to break bitcoin, to break bitcoin.

100% utilization is less damaging than the constant temperature fluctuations you get from moderate use.

kill yourself jew
this is a thread about bitcoins and gpus

People said it would crash at 1k, 3k, 5k, 10k... look at where we're at now. People are saying its going to crash soon. What is soon?

All I know is that if you are very unsure and not wealthy, don't do it. But at the end if the day, it is your money. Maybe you can get a 1 grand profit in the next 2 weeks (buy one now, and 2 weeks after it rises to 13k?).

I can't wait for all of these "millionaires" to become "bitcoin hobos" in just one day of frenzy selling.

niggers and spics are low iq violent savages. the usa was an advanced place at one point then the spics started flooding in. what happens when an efficient justice system made by whites for whites has subhuman niggers and spics introduced? a lot of the inferiors end up in in jail

t. your butt

>using GPUs to mine

jesus christ at least use an FPGA if you can't find an ASIC

It's a long-term gamble.

Don't put any money into it that you're not willing to lose.

E.g. I had $1k in it, now sitting at $30k+.

so are things like antminers profitable right now? are there any places that list btc/usb per hash when you're in their pool...?

literally this lmao
it won't go away since it's THE online drug currency, no matter how hard Monero tries to get in as well

I was dead set on waiting for either new node Vega or Navi either way. Excuse me, I mean waiting forever for the sake of it.

It amazes me that people still mine with GPUs when it's wildly unprofitable.

Nice. Let it keep getting higher. When miners start being mysteriously murdered and robbed of their rigs will they understand what they have done.