GNU/Linux minimalism thread

For suggestions on programs that aren't bloat refer to

Acceptable GNU/Linux distributions that aren't bloat


>Debian(NET ISO)

>Void(Hipster but werks)

>Alpine(Pretty damn minimal)

Another protip to keep your system minimal is to keep your package count lower than 999.

Get recommendations to see if your system is bloat or not

>Video/Music player
>Image viewer
>File Manager
>Text Editor
>Web Browser

Protip: If you aren't comfortable with the terminal or aren't proficient with GNU/Linux this thread isn't for you.

Archived Threads:

Other urls found in this thread:

Include LFS in the OP.

Include Source Mage too.

Gentoo vs Funtoo

No, i don't want this thread to get autistic.

A nice quote
"Minimalism = A very good thing"
Too much of something is never good."

Then at least include a cathegory, LFS is non-autistic when you use Guix afterwards.

>no file manager, only CLI

Do you have LFS Installed?

9.5/10 my man

Post desktop

No me, but many anons from Sup Forums did.

At that point why not just use GuixSD?

fuck you by any definition not adding Arch to this OP.

Arch is not fucking bloat.

Yes it is.
Prepare for the copypastas

There's no better way to broadcast that you're a jerk off with too much spare time, than showing that you actually give a shit about distros.

Yes it is.

Okay mate you're free to your opinion and I'm free to mine.

Have a good night bud.

>inb4 the arch is not minimal pasta

It should be included. The OP focuses on package count and recommends Debian in the same post. I prefer Debian, but Arch installs less packages so what gives.

user i dont have the copy pastas, you post them.

I use Alpine on my server, it's pretty good

my only complaint (and its not even really a complaint) is that because it's compiled with the grsecurity patches sometimes my containers break in weird ways but that's an easy fix.

Okay, have a good night my friend.

Found the ubuntu user with 2000 packages installed


du -hs /mnt/landfill/archlinux-2017.12.01-x86_64.iso
488M /mnt/landfill/archlinux-2017.12.01-x86_64.iso

it also ends up being like 400 mb installed so i dunno seems pretty ok

Arch is sooo fucking bloat lmao. The fucking iso image size says it all. It's half a gig.
>500 mb iso

Debian is almost half that. Same with void.


mah nigga looking good. 8.5/10

Sticky needs a good resource on the topic of services/daemons. What they do. Which ones are generally safe to disable.

That's a good idea actually.

>Debian netinstall
>sxiv + feh for backgrounds



When installing debian net iso. Uncheck everything when it asks you to install thi and that.

Then when you freshly boot into your system. add this into your APT config

Reconfigure apt so that it does not install additional packages

Add the following entries to the /etc/apt/apt.conf configuration file:

APT::Install-Recommends "0" ;
APT::Install-Suggests "0" ;

I didn't do this on my install, so while it's fairly minimal as far as my daily programs, I have like 1000+ packages. oh well, at least it's just a VM

OP here. I got a nice suggestion from an user.

Feh is bloat. Use sxiv.
setroot for wallpapers. Xsetroot

Is this true?

I didn't know about this option. I hated it when debian installs random shit but i heard thats for stability.

I agree with sxiv, it can do GIF too while being more minimal. I kinda not agree about (x)setroot but because I know how to use .xinitrc with imagemagick. damn, I kinda know how to put a video using mplayer/vlc as wallpaper, so I don't need anything else.

For some reason anything other than feh kills my terminal transparency. I have no clue how it does that, but it does, so I stick with feh.

Thread theme:

Posting again my recipe to have a wm without a DE. do a regular installation of your distro but dont install a desktop environment, install xorg and xinit afterwards fro the command line then put a line in the .xinit in your home folder starting your wm. Here is my xinitrc starting Ratpoison:
xrdb -merge -I$HOME ~/.Xresources
display -size 1280x800 -window root ~/.wallpaper.jpg
exec dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session ratpoison
The xbindkeys is for some custom keys I have (I replaced screenshot and screencasting with imagemagick and ffmpeg scripts), the part that says "display" is where you want to put the wallpaper, obviously you need to know what size your screen is with something like xrandr. Whatever you do do it in order because all must be started in order, notice how I put exec" at the end, that starts the wm last.

Maybe we should save this somewhere for newbies.

If you use arch, manjaro, ubuntu,mint , Antergos, solus or any other of the thousands of gnu/linux meme distros. Don't bother posting in this thread

Continuing with my other post, here are the scripts I said:
# Take screenshot
import -window root png:$HOME/xwz_$(date "+%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S").png

# Record desktop
killall -INT ffmpeg 2>/dev/null || ffmpeg -f x11grab -r 25 -s 1280x720 -i :0.0 $HOME/output.webm &

As you might suspect, the "import" command is from imagemagick. Also notice how I used a command to kill ffmpeg in the case is running, with that I can stop a running recording. I've put this on my xbindkeys file, got a few more bindings but specific to my thinkpad.

If any of you guys have similar wizardry please share, I want to tweak my Source Mage installation too.

>dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session
what does this do? I normally just put exec

He's a fag. I also put "exec dwm"

Is just a safety measure I've learn by a fellow user

safety measure or security measure?

Nah, is just to close everything with X, no orphan processes and compatible env variables. Absolutely optional.

Why do normies love bloat so much? Is it because they are brainlets?

I suspect they know less about computers than your average minimalist. We can make stuff work with so little, they need to keep adding applications to do the same, and then they need another application to make the first work and so on, GUIs are many times an example of this. Wouldn't mind if not by the stupidity of adding necessary code and compatibility code to make GUIs and other bloat functions work. Layers of cruft thanks to ignorance.

Lower bloat = lower attack surface


This. Don't use bash. Bash is BLOAT

Actually ZSH is bloat, Bash is the right tool for the right job while ZSH is bloated functions added to the main code, is not Unix in any way. If you want to go minimal and don't need more than a shell use mksh.

What is the difference between the Debian NET Iso and that other one?
Won't it download everything the bigger one has anyway?

screw that
busybox ash

xfce is bloat
kde is bloat
lxde is bloat
All de's are bloat. The regular isos have bloat shit. Debian net iso is bare bones. Not many packages as the regular iso's

I see. So this is for the most advanced users.
I'm a casual user and I hate bloat. What DE should I get then? Cinnamon or XFCE?

No. I've used it before.
I think there's options in there to end up with the DEs, but in general it dumps you at a TTY after install.

Definitely not cinnamon. XFCE or LXDE/LXQT are the best for casuals.

What can you even do without a DE? Can you even launch Firefox or watch a video?
Thanks, m8.

Dwm. It's sooo fucking fast. What distro do you use?

It isn't advanced at all. Read OP's post.

Protip: If you aren't comfortable with the terminal or aren't proficient with GNU/Linux this thread isn't for you.

If you get the hang of the terminal, you are good to go man

I use Linux Mint.
So you can use a window manager without a DE? Didn't know that.
I'm using Linux for 2 years but I don't know how to get into the advanced stuff.
I think I should read a book about Linux.
The most advanced thing I know how to do is set up a NFS server.
Maybe I will learn a lot by trying to use my computer without a distro?

Yes you can do all the things.
For opening applications on minimal WMs, you would use dmenu

As for watching videos on local storage, you would use mpv on the command line to do that.

>XFCE or LXDE/LXQT are the best for casuals.

>I use Linux Mint.
You are just starting on this, so be careful. I advice you install debian net iso on a virtual machine and tinker a bit. Have a set of stuff you want to download.

As much as this thread loves to shit on Arch, I actually started getting more comfortable with the command-line and advanced stuff when I installed it and configured it. I eventually moved on, but installing arch might be a good learning experience.



>not knowing how a countdown works.
>jumping from 2 to 34

>being this new

Disgusting. Why would you fucking use Linux Mint???? Out


Clam down.
I used to be a Mintfag too.
He'll learn. He seems genuinely interested in it too.
no bully

This. We should help the noobs.

I know, but it was how I first got familiar with the command line and shit.
as I said, I moved on to Debian, and will probably move to a systemd-free distro next.


Fine, i used to be a manjaro fag as well anyways. Sorry user

I will do this, m8.
VM is for pussies, I will go full hardcore mode.
Wish me luck, lad.
I managed to follow the steps of the first page of the installation guide and learned a lot but I always like the have full disk encryption and it is a pain to do it manually.
My favorite distros are Debian and Fedora but I use Mint just because it doesn't have that GRUB thing when booting.

Fuck you, I'm mad now

Thank you, I'm calm now

I'm using i3 after using xfce for ages and it's fine to use but it isn't knocking me off my campchair. I only use a laptop so can't take advantage of the multi window features. I have found it a lot easier to configure all my shortcuts though.

my touchpad is broken
how can i use only the keyboard like the cool hacker kids?

Use a Tiling Window Manger.

also qutebrowser as your browser

Too much python for my taste. Couldn't make it work for having so many dependencies.

>well maintained especially for the amount of people involved in the project
>simple to use yet powerful

rude?! I use void btw.

>not bloat
What did she mean by this ?

Eurofag hours

>Video/Music player
mpd on a remote server with mpv streaming it, and ncmpcpp for controlling it
mpv for video
>Image viewer
>File Manager
mostly zsh but sometimes ranger
>Text Editor
>Web Browser


yeah, fuck off unless you tell me why

le newfag detector xd

read the thread, read previous threads. Look at this thread. But the dealbreaker for me is the iso image is huge. It's fucking 500mb, can you believe it???

i don't boot off the iso image often, sorry

Arch has never been a minimalist distribution. Splitting packages is rare
compared to other distributions, and dependencies aren't made optional
whenever possible. Arch has *never* been minimalist... a Linux kernel with every module
available and every feature enabled at least when there's no non-bloat
related cost, feature-packed/complex GNU tools, nearly all optional
features enabled across all the packages, etc.

Doesn't most of that also apply to Void, which is listed in the OP?

iso image says a lotAlso all the iso images arent as big as arch.

200 something
200 something mb
> Debian net iso

Arch is 500mb. BLOATTT


I was waiting for this pasta, thank you.

I wish there was a better pasta desu.

Are you aware of

Enjoy your broken packages