Why don't you learn Ruby?

Why don't you learn Ruby?

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Don't need it for any of my projects or job

Support a trans artist faggot.

>Why don't you learn Ruby?
I'm not trans


how much years until this faggot dies already?

I did.


No, if I wanted to listen to music I'd listen to the originals, not some covers by a literally who

Node.js then?

Nope, thanks for asking

Or Python?

See I primarily use C#
>inb4 dubious claims about my choice in bathroom locations, skin color, or commonly eaten food

It's 2017, it's totally OK to be a street-shitting shit-eating nigger.

But I'm white

Now that's a problem.

By keeping programming a hobby and pursuing a separate job, I don't need to spend a majority of my week wanting suicide.

I'm starting to see a pattern

>I'm alright with being a slave
>I don't need to spend a majority of my week wanting suicide.
good goy, good goy.

But I learned Ruby(Crystal).

Perl is immune to SJWs because it has a reputation for being too hard to learn and read

how about this beauty?

cause im not smart


I use RoR at work, meaning I definitely don't want to do it on my free time

Because it's harmful.


Supply of Ruby programmers is high and demand is low. It's like the only programming language where that's true. Unless you count "I read a textbook on C" or "I took an internet class in Python" as real programmers.

bcs python is much better

Go back to afterlife Uriel

what the f is govnocode


why use python at all when you can just implement it inside ruby?

Ruby is such a nice langauge.
RoR is cancer.
ActiveRecord is shit, ActiveSupport is shit, the Asset pipeline was a bad idea and nobody does CoffeScript these days. Also Ruby is powerfull enough why all those changes at the core syntax?

> t. has earned some bucks with RoR in the past

All those nice frameworks like Hanami, Sinatra or Cuba are areally underrated.
Rails is literally the SystemD of the Ruby world.

Hah, where I live it's exactly the other way arround. An awful lot of vacancies and not enough guys willing to do Rails.

I'd even say RoR is easy money, it's bascially Wordpress++.

That won't last long. There was a big push for training Ruby developers after RoR got momentarily popular, but the demand didn't keep rising and stuff like Node.js and better cloud hosting services are pushing out the market. You might have local pockets that the roving band of, as you put it, Wordpress++ kiddies haven't found yet, but there's virtually no future in it.

Dude, it lasted for over a decade.
Ruby won't vanish overnight because for things like rapid prototyping RoR still is the gold standard in terms of development speed. And on Hackaton most people do RoR because it does so much for you.
No, I'm afraid Rails is hear to stay..

Surely Ruby is not for everything. I am not denying that things like micro services and single page applications are very popular nowadays.

But don't forget that languages/frameworks are simply tools. In some situations one tools is better, in other situations other tools shine.
All in all the problem is more that it's not easy for the industry to find SKILLED rails devs, because many great developers decide to leave Rails behind when they mature and try something more exciting.

Frankly I wouldn't mind if Rails was dying, because I'd still use Ruby, but without a peer group of brainlets. It's really brilliant language which has so many hidden features. But as I said before I don't think that this will happen anytime soon.

Hi, I like Java

>using linear keyframes in the animation instead of bezier so the motion is ridgid and choppy

I love Ruby, even though it's infected with a political cancer.

Russian for shitty code.

>the joke

>your head

How do the nips think about disgusting white piggu use their language?

why don't you fucking kys?

We don't mind in the srightest.