Iphone x

>iphone x
great build quality
shitty specs
>xiaomi redmi note 3
apple grade build quality
ok camera
good specs, 3gb of ram a snapdragon 625 32gb of rom
you cant defend apple anymore Sup Forums

>Samsung s8
>best phone on the market

>great build quality

>mfw i paid 550 for my s8

>androidcuckletcel's selfies
>no 80% increased match rate on tinder
>too poor
>no insta-wet girls from the blue text bubbles
just lol man

>shitty specs

I mean, I would never buy one, but that processor Apple has is kind of a monster

>mfw I paid $829 in canuck dollars during the best sale on black friday
>additional $107 tax

It covers your "free" healthcare though

How come US and Canadian income taxes are comparable but we get healthcare and you don't?

They arent comparable

>mfw i paid $429 for my s8 back in april
>mfw i immediately turned around and sold it to my cousin for $500

Americans are personally taxed less, but they don't get decent healthcare in return

>shitty specs

How did you get it so cheap?

$200 off for trade in. traded in my xz5 with broken sim slot

Yes they are. Obviously Canadians are maybe 5% or so higher in each bracket but you don't get jackshit for it

>apple grade build quality
holy fucking shit user. you don't actually believe this, right?

> not getting first class phones COMPED by your company

why do I even associate with you peasants?

>income taxes are comparable
They're not. I moved from Toronto to Los Angeles and my tax burden went down. In fucking California. You really have no idea how over-taxed you are.

Total income: 60,000 (lets say)

>California income tax (fed + state): $10500
>Ontario income tax (provincial + fed): $13000


>shitty specs
stopped reading there

More than thay


> you cant defend apple anymore Sup Forums
We have never defended the fruit-run fruit company.