Stupid Questions Thread /sqt/

Stupid Questions Thread /sqt/
Use a search engine before posting.
Sometimes stupid questions get stupid answers.
Not kosher or halal.

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Is there any way to cap the download speed of different devices on my network? Including things that aren't PC's, like PS4's and TV's and shit?

I live with retards who don't understand that not capping the download speed to slightly less than our maximum bandwidth means no one else can use the internet until the download is done, it's really fucking annoying.

where can i buy bitcoin and then exchange it for iota? i wanted to do it on bitfinex but im scared a bit because they want my id card scan cuz "muh authentication"

Crystaldisk showed "uncorrectable sector count" on my HDD from 2015 at a raw value of 49 and has the drive on "CAUTION"
Everyone on the regular PC forums is scaremongering and saying "REPLACE IT IMMEDIATELY" but I just wanted some input from here.
Is it on it's way out? I think the values were exactly the same last time I checked at the beginning of the year and it's going fine.

Post it

Does GPU pass through work if I want to share it between guest and host? Only have 1 monitor and want to run w7 inside a window

YOLO. if it's going to fail, it's going to fail
live dangerously

My bad on the 49, I was thinking of another drive.

Does anyone know if twitch checks for VM's that are farming ads with different accounts that will be coming from the same IP? Is there a way I can fully make sure I can collect bits on like 4 accounts? I won't be giving the bits to the same person, or at the same time. I also plan on manually clicking on the ads and shit. The VM's are to make sure they aren't installing shit into the cache of my actual email/web browser.

it's possible if your router supports it. for example i can set the data caps of different (wlan) devices in my routers menu. i just give high priority to my desktop, phone and laptop, guest devices browse with a lower speed priority. it works intelligently enough so i can download something on my desktop and still watch youtube on the laptop or phone without buffering.

if your router doesn't support this, you'll need extra hardware.

Just noticed that I had this power setting set like this by default, what's best for hard drive longevity? My thinking is that it's probably not good to have it powering up and down all the time, but it's probably also not good to have it always going if I'm not actually using it.

Also, Shitgate's own disk checking tool gives me a pass on the SMART, so they won't accept any sort of RMA.
>fell for the shitgate meme

>Sometimes stupid questions get stupid answers.

Maybe next time instead of giving yourself a pass to spew passive aggression at the ignorant seeking enlightenment you can try articulating why being ignorant is unforgivable and worthy of being punished arbitrarily.

Suck my dick fag.

Third time's the charm.

Using Mozilla Firefox how can I force it to use a 90% zoom setting at all times, across all sites, across all tabs. I've already got it set to maintain adjusted zoom across sites but new tabs are still at 100% zoom. Is this possible, or can I just chalk this one up to the Jews too?

I've got an old CRT TV that i want to use for retro gaming.
The issue is the remote is dead, and the physical buttons don't have the option to change input.
How do I get around that?

buy an universal remote for $5

>universal remote for $5
Will it work?
I've got a phone with IR blaster, but the TV isn't listed in the supported devices.

They should, unless you have an extremely exotic TV model. The last time I saw an universal remote it came with a 1m2 big printed list of supported devices.
Have you tried this addon? The description says it can set a custom zoom level on all pages.

If that doesn't work then you're pretty much SOL, there doesn't seem to be much interest for a function like that.

It might or it might not. Some buttons are very universal so you might be able to use a profile for a newer model to control your old TV.

I'm pretty sure you have to dedicate the GPU to one of the devices. If you have an iGPU then you could use a simple input switcher to toggle between the two desktops.

>Have you tried this addon?
It did work but it fucked with fixed and absolute position elements, so it's not really worth it. Thankyou though.

>there doesn't seem to be much interest for a function like that.
That seems rather odd to me, surely being able to adjust the baseline zoom is quite an important accessibility feature. How are deaf people supposed to read small text?

What's the best android emulation app that runs WhatsApp and isn't BlueStacks

An aesthetic full atx case WITH 5.25 optical drive bay?

I like the phanteks enthoo evolv for example, that clean, minimal look but I really would like a cd dvd drive

why this is not fucking true?

Because the wildcard no expand in the quotes.

>Some buttons are very universal
That's good to hear.
I don't need fancy features just a way to change the input device from TV aerial to AV

ok I just tried with [[ -f *.m4a ]] and same result

whats a good hdd encryption software?

WIldcards don't seem to work when used in raw strings inside [ these ].
ext=(*.m4a); if [ -f $ext ]; then echo true; else echo false; fi
I know nothing about bash, google fixed that for me.

I'm having trouble converting video files that are encoded with 264. When I put them in mkv the files are enormous. A 2GB movie becomes 10GB. What can I do without lowering the quality?

There are two near identical of a laptop I'm about to buy.

One has a Intel HD Graphics 620 in addition to the standard GeForce 940MX. It also has a lower cache (3MB vs 4MB on the other model) as well as higher memory speed (2400 MHz vs 2133 MHz).

Is there any point in having two GPU's? What matters most between cache and memory speed? Please spoonfeed me on this, I'm a techlet.

integrated graphics (intel gpu) sucks ass for games

if you want to play video games, get a laptop with dedicated gpu (nvidia or amd)

the benefit of having 2 gpu's is that the system can turn off the high power dedicated card when it's not being used to save battery life

how limp dick are you


I forgot to mention that the cache difference is for the CPU.

I see, that could actually be useful for me when studying. How about the memory speed vs CPU cache issue? The cashe difference seems more substantial but on the other hand I have no clue on how that translates into performance.

10/10 would rape

What part of the phone case causes the phone to automatically show the screen and vise versa?
I got a new case but it doesn't do that so I was thinking of sticking part of my old case on it but I don't know which specific part causes it.

you can compare the cpu's here

That's the weird thing, both models has a I7-7500U, I don't know why they would have different cache. Maybe it's a typo?

Tried a similar model from your phone app list?

must be a typo

Would a 5350 + RX 550 be able to play 1080p HEVC.

Or better yet: if I have a GPU that can handle HEVC, does it matter how shitty the CPU is? I want a low power consumption media center that can handle 1080p HEVC video.

how do I download a package without installing it? I want to do a netinst of debian on my x200 but need iwlwifi non free package, I want to download it and put it in a pendrive to insert when installationg requests it

apt-get download?

Yeah I think so too. Thanks for the help mate.

Why is the computer not clearing/emptying/resetting my ram/memory?
It usually happens when having had firefox open with a lots of tabs taking up lots of ram. Then when I close firefox all the ram is still being used and slowing pc.

So I got a few questions.
I installed win8.1 on a drive and enabled CSM in bios and now I am experiencing issues where the system freezes and becomes unresponsive or it goes red screen and then reboots telling me there is no boot device.
Have I fucked up somewhere or what gives?

ffmpeg -i filename.mp4 -vcodec copy -acodec copy 1.mkv
since they share the same x264 codec you can just swap the container with ffmpeg

I setup a Windows VM in qemu with KVM and PCI passthrough.
My problem is that whenever I kill the vm I can't start it back up.
I mean it probably is on but my monitor stays at whatever screen it was at before I stopped the vm.
The only way I can get video out again is to reboot my PC and start it back up.

Also yes it is for gaymen, but for friends and family whenever they come over. I just did this because it seemed fun.

shit, wasn't familiar with that, thanks, been using gnu for more than a year but there are lots of basic stuff I need to know

Because test only takes one argument.

why the fuck a wrong answer is upvoted on stack overflow then? can't even trust internet now?

No similar model.
I even tried irdb, not listed there neither.

What's MEGA download limit?

If I try Python and end up liking programming, should I then pursue a CS degree if development/information security is my end goal?

I already have some gen eds knocked out because of a community college CIS/ITprogram.

4gb or so for free account.

When my computer is powered off or in sleep mode, and audio going to the line in port is passed through directly to headphones.
Is this a standard motherboard feature?
I've never heard of this before.

5gb per IP I believe. I'm 99% sure there's no limit with a free account.

In 24 hours?
What about non-registered?

Why is it that my wireless signal always shown so low when I'm on linux. This never happen when I was on windows. The router is not even more than 1m from my PC. The connection speed itself is alright, I'm getting the same speed like when I was using windows. It's just this shown signal that bothers me.

I'm not too familiar with the whole passthrough business, but this might be relevant to your problem:

>in 24 hours?
I believe so. It's also quota per IP, so if you have dynamic IP you can just reset the router to resume your download.
I don't remember the limit for non-user. Logically it's even smaller.

Aside from longer conversion times, is there any reason why x265 hasn't caught on yet? I'm about to convert some blu-ray's into 1080p rips and wondering if it's frowned upon to use x265. Maybe it's still too CPU intensive for most computers?

thank you. using a variable solved the issue. also I removed all the *.whatever from my script and only used variables in all the [ and [[. now it works fine

was at 90 untill I tried to screenshoot.


You can find x265 rips for pretty much any recent popular content. I think a lot of it has to do with people not seeing much point in "upgrading" older SD content. Also, x265 playback can be an issue with older/weaker machines, e.g. a pi can play x264 fine but will stutter w/ x265.

>dat pic
Please send help.

Why did you put a picture of Callisto in the op?

My smart phone is a bit old, android version is 2.3.4. I put a chip that says it is 4G internet, but will my phone truly have 4G internet?

That question is too stupid.

You mean a SIM? No, that's just advertising the networks capabilities. It won't magically upgrade your devices radio.

>tfw nobody knows why ram isn't clearing when i have no programs running

Does firefox actually close? Check the processes tab.

If it's not rising it's fine.

The right click switch on my Steelseries Kana I-Cafe has gotten unfixably sticky (I already took the mouse apart and cleaned it. It's clear that after 3-4 years I need to buy a new mouse. I really liked the I-Cafe version because it's got a smooth, all-black hard plastic design, no weird contours, no stupid gimmicky shit or gamer aesthetic, just a nice mouse with solid features. It served me well but a sticky right click isn't much fun.

Can anyone recommend a new mouse? Around £30/€40 would be nice. Doesn't have to be new, more than happy to buy old stock (because if I don't find anything nice I'm going to end up getting a Kana V2 or whatever which is only a little bit younger.) Improvements if possible should be a slightly bigger grip (The kana is a "Palm/Claw," I'm definitely a palm guy and I am ok with it being right hand specific (the kana was ambidextrous.)


I installed electrum on a USB. I've used this USB on this port many times with no problems, but since putting Electrum on it I constantly get Power surges as though it's exceeding it's allowed mA. Why would this cause it? The USB port still works fine with other devices, and the Electrum USB works fine in a different USB port with more current allowed.

Converting to what?

I should add that I get power surges when plugging the Electrum USB stick into either Windows 7 or Arch Linux, so it's not OS dependent

escape the fullstop?

I want to be able to access my raspberry pi from outside the local network while the raspberry pi is connected to a VPN. The issue is that every time I connect he raspberry to the VPN (remotely with VNC viewer), the connection is lost because the VPN script probably doesn't allow any incoming connections.
Are there any ways to find this issue ?
I have to use a VPN because I use my raspberry pi as a torrent client.

Yes, the SIM. So my phone will always be 3G and never 4G?

yes, and when it doesn't I end the process but I still need to restart to reset ram

try disabling the superfetch service and rebooting


Your phone can only do 4G if it can do 4G, and has the 4G SIM card. Look up the specs if you have doubts, it should mention it. But I have my doubts with a phone that still has Android 2.something.

I just changed the inverter on my X200 and now the screen won't turn on. I tried the old one (was working until just yesterday) and the screen still doesn't turn on. The inverter shows green lights so I'm pretty sure it's working. How did I fuck up?

Er, I mean the old inverter was working yesterday and when I swapped it out with the new one and tried the old one again it wasn't working.

Some weeks ago my computer started to show some signs of weakness, sometimes I had to keep pressing the power button for some seconds to be able to power It on. Today, after half a hour pressing the button and checking cables i'm starting to accept that it might have died.

When it was on it would never turno It off alone, and when I connect my cellphone power cables it manages to charge normally. Please send help.

so what are you asking exactly?

1) Outlet you're plugging the power chord into
2) The power chord
3) The PSU

I have a psu on which ive done the paper clip test. The fan gets power for an instant only. Its fucked, right?

I have two HD, I took the old one (the one that the OS isn't) and finally manager to boot it, but It keep restating after 3 seconds on.

Ok, tried to replicate and It didn't work, going to try another psu cables.

Now it isn't even charging my phone or turning on the ethernet port LED... Sorry about the spam.

Thinking about buying a new hard drive, what RAID type has the best balance between redundancy and performance?

I know fuckall about laptops. I am looking for a very basic laptop, capable of running simple programs like Microsoft Office type stuff and I suppose simple web browsing wouldn't hurt. It's for my very technologically inept father who wants a laptop to keep track of jobs he does as he is beginning contracting. Speaking of, do you have any suggestions for a good program for that stuff? He just wants to be able to look up an address (I guess, name or address would work, whatever) and see the last time he visited the job site, what he did, etc. I think Excel would be fine for that, maybe, but it would probably go way over his head.

I appreciate any help.

Does there exist good wireless computer speakers with a headphone jack included?

All the wireless speakers I saw so far seem to have removed the headphone jack.

Is there a way to disable my phone signal so that people cannot reach me on android 6.0? Other than turning the phone off

im tired as fuck guys, python is breaking my balls and my script is 99% percent complete

I have a dictionary of names and a list a of numbers.
I need to have a dictionary with the names as keys and numbers as values
{"name1" : grade, "name2": grade}

airplance mode