/dbg/ - Dual Boot General

A thread for those of us who desperately want to switch to GNU/Linux, but have needs and wants that make us cling to our windows partition. Whether it be games, Photoshop or just habit.
>Discuss tips on how to go full leenoox, reasons for dual booting and your favorite distros.

Me personally I just want to play muh games, and the odd time I need to use photoshop or a decent video editor. It sucks and often results on me rage quitting Linux for a week when something fucks up but i'm just not ready to give everything up. Exclusively use Linux on my laptop though.

I red KVM now supports gaming in window. You don't need to have dedicated monitor anymore

Wish my fucking 2009 motherboard supported vt-d

dual booting sucks ass. you get tired of jumping back and forth after a week

If you didn't dual boot to have Linux as a DD and windows there when needed you're not doing it right.

It's not done yet, but LookingGlass is the real deal.
Also you never needed a dedicated monitor, since unless you're running some ultra weird ancient POS monitor, you're going to have more than one input.

5 years ago (if still playing vidya) sure.
15 years ago if you don't play vidya...

KVM exists, pci passthroguh with VFIO exists.
VMWare Workstation existed 15 years ago.

>windows 10 eats partitions of other OSes
is it true or it is a meme?
i have tried dual boot windows 10 with linux before and i didn't encounter this situation,but i dont think my assumption is correct because i only dual booted for a few days before deleting the linux partitions manually

I just run win10 on my main machine now (sick of dual booting) and run Manjaro LXDE spin on my little n450 shiposterbook.

Is it still a pci pass through

I want to run Deepin Linux and try playing around and creating music using the FOSS Ardour DAW software for real but it sux in a vm. Man wishicudduulboot ;-;-;-;-;

I successfully set up gpu passthrough and got my vm to boot off a physical hard drive. Only thing left i had to do was configure the cpu settings so my gpu wasnt bottlenecked but my computer froze and the linux file system got corrpted. fml
now i have to install and configure everything from scratch again.

Dual boot hackintosh-win10 here. Mostly use hackintosh though since it's comfy as fuck.

It's a meme, my hackintosh partition is fine and doesn't get eaten by my win10.

Does wine support photoshop?

I've been running Win8.1+cs and have been meaning to db it with Manjaro for ages. Never got round to it, so it's probably never happening.

What is Parallels

10 with Linux works fine. You need to disable "fast boot" and other garbage that Windows uses to hijack the boot process but otherwise everything works fine chaining Grub into the Windows boot manager.

>and the odd time I need to use photoshop or a decent video editor
Just switch to an alternative(e.g. GIMP)

Here are some tips for dual booting:

1. Install win and create an extra partition for GNU/Linux
2. Install your favourite distro (ubuntu works great with dual boot)
3. Profit

>install win
>install linux
>win gone
>install win again
>grub suddenly works and finds windows

Greetings, gentoomen.

I switched HDDs and decided to dual boot, using Windows only for the games. I installed Win7 first, then Fedora next.

I partitioned the disk using the Windows installer and, after installing it, formatted the 30 GB partition and installed GNU/Linux on it.

To my surprise, there are several filesystem error on both OSs. I have to use chkdsk and fsck at least once a week. Now, Windows is showing me the BSOD.

The question is: did I do anything wrong or the new hard drive is defective?

I don't know what you are talking about.
grub should detect win instantly

me neither

not sure if i'm misinterpreting the order in which you did things but it usually goes like this:
install Windows
use Disk Management to shrink partition and make Unallocated space
Install Fedora

you should try to delete and reinstall Fedora. back up your Fedora stuff, boot into Windows, delete Linux data and boot partitions, restore Windows Bootloader (usually need Win7 disc for that) with Fix Startup tool, check if Windows boots fine, then reinstall Fedora following the above steps.

> bhyve masterrace
Did anyone try pci passthrough on it yet?

Tried ubuntu after a long time when I couldn't get the video driver working. Try again with newer pc,after installing driver it won't boot ... Are there any alternatives to a amd 7700 series driver and how do I restore ubuntu ?

also, get an SSD

I have only this 320 GB hard drive, so that's what I did:

>using the WIndows installer, set a partition with 280 GB for Windows and the files, setting it as primary. Then, set another 30 GB partition for linux.
>boot into windows
>check out disk manager and format the 30 GB partition so it could show up on the Fedora installer
>install Fedora on it

The thing is: Windows is immediately going BSOD. I can't boot on it, even on Safe Mode. Using the repair tools (including the ones with the CD) won't fix it.

I'm a total newbie to GPU passthrough and VMs in general, how the hell do you even go about configuring the CPU to not totally bottleneck the GPU inside the VM? Especially on a quad core. It's honestly the main reason I haven't switched over to just using GPU passthrough yet.

i think the issue is you're formatting the Fedora partition from Windows, when all you really need to do is create Unallocated Space and let Fedora installer do the partitioning

A bit of a pain but still better than a VM desu. I'd use linux for everything if I could

Been using GIMP longer than Photoshop, it was literally my first photo editing program other than paint. But sometimes it's just so much easier to do something in Photoshop tbqh, or in the past an autistic teacher would get angry if I used GIMP.

I tried to leave just the unallocated space, but the installer wouldn't recognize it. Besides, the partition was empty, the only difference is that Fedora had to format it to ext4.

Have this issue too. Linux is reaaaaaaally fucky about NTFS partitions. Honestly what usually works for me is to literally never powerdown using the hardware button, always through software. Also consider running chkdisk or ntfsfix on startup.

there's a difference between free space and unallocated space, took me some time to realise this too, user.

just don't let linux mount the ntfs partitions
Fast Boot and Hibernate should also be disabled on the Windows side since that's usually the source of most headaches.

SHIT. So I should reinstall everything?

That's what I do. Always software, and I run chkdsk and fsck weekly. Still, the BSOD happened. And I had no new hardware connected.


It's pretty much my main drive through so I need it. My setup is a 256gb SSD with half allocated to windows and half to leenoox, and then a 1TB ntfs hard drive for files I want on both that don't really need to be accessed extremely quick.

I could try that. Let's hope that deleting Fedora makes Windows boot. And let's hope that the startup fix actually fixes something once Fedora is gone.

if you can't boot into Windows after you delete all your Linux partitions and restore the bootloader and MBR then yes, you'll have to reinstall everything. but i'll keep my fingers crossed for you, user.

Thanks a lot, user.

>quad core
you dont
6 cores (2 for host, 4 for vm) is pretty much the minimum if you want to play any recent games.
you edit the xml file the vm generates and set some paramaters for the cpu in that.


My university requires me to use MS software, like Access and Visual Studio, they're too fucking slow when run natively, let alone in wine.
Plus I'm working with Direct3D 11 and trying to start learning C#, because unfortunately the Windows-dominated job market doesn't give a shit about my personal preferences.

Initially my dual-boot setup had an ext4 partition for linux, a windows partition, and an ntfs partition for data that was mounted under both linux and windows. I wanted to use FDE, so I now have an ext4 data partition instead, because I don't need to access my data to play gaymes. The only problem with this is that my windows partition only has 100GB of space, which sucks when a game installer takes up 60 GB and the game on the disk takes up 65 GB, but I solved it through running a vm with debian live, mounting my data partition there, and sharing it with windows using samba, because the windows ext4 and luks drivers didn't work for some reason.
I also use an xp x64 vm when I need to print or scan something.

Fuck. I knew I should have waited for ryzen

Yeah it does
>Using non free software ...

Up to a certain version (CS2-ish), but I may be mistaken.

The installer doesn't have to recognize the unallocated space as a partition. There must be an option "Use the unallocated space" in the installer.

I work as a graphical designer, therefore I have to use the same tools which the industry use. Other then that - there is nothing that would keep me from stopping using Windows.
Yes, but don't bother. It's very unstable and a performance hit is quite big. Still can be used for smaller projects but so is GIMP (whatever anybody says - it's a very capable software)

I don't think you have to reinstall Windows. Just delete the Fedora partition, leave that as unallocated space, fix Windows (make sure that it boots fine and works without issues). Then try and install Fedora, letting it do its thing in the unallocated space.

I used to dualboot, but these days I think it's too much of a chore. Got two computers instead, and treat the one running Windows as a games console more or less. I just use one of those cheap usb only kvm switches to control the two computers. Each have their own monitor. Thinking about getting a displayport kvm switch tho.

Tempted to get a mini ITX board and a small case for Windows, since having two ATX systems takes up a lot of room.

If what's stopping you from using only gnu/linux on bare metal is graphics card related programs (aka muh games, shitoshop, etc) try a qemu/kvm vm with gpu passtrough. You will need either 2 monitors or 1 monitor that supports multiple connections. At least until LookingGlass gets released, which is supposedly this week.

Or you could just assign all of the cores to the vm. As long as you don't need to use a cpu intensive task on your host there shouldn't be any problem.

That's what I really want to do, but dual/triple core gaymin is ass, and I only have an i5 7600k. I have 2 monitors and I can technically do it, but it just seems like it would be absolutely garbage preformance.

And what should he use instead...Gimp? Are you fucking retarded?

see I have an i5 4400 and I assign the 4 cores to the VM. Never had a problem with it.
My biggest problem is that I only have one cheap monitor that doesn't automatically change sources, so I have to do that manually.

You have to go back

Holy shit I'm a brainlet, had no clue you could do that. Definitely gonna try and set this up after work. Thanks user!

What is LookingGlass? Any perf hit?

Also I'm interested in hackintosh is it possible with Ryzen?

Wait...Is that





I have been the biggest linux fan whose just been desperate to shovel windows into hell and replace my OS with windows. Man I've been just itching to get rid of the Linux VMs and make it my main os. BUT NOW. NOW! NOW I SEE THE LIGHT. I've seen these posts of truth, I finally see why people make fun and are right in saying loonix is retarded. I humbly apologize to calling winfags and degraded mircopajeetsoft. You guys were right about everything. Linux is an unstable unpredictable crap-pile and thank goodness I just realized this in the nick of
I was about to replace Windows with Linux. So linuxfags are really just rich whiny OCD nerds who waste hours to just get that extra 0.1% productivity in their useless sub-optimal freetard unpredictable dev environment

People at the end of the day want stuff done easier and better and quicker without neccpain. LINUX = PLAIN USELESS CRAP AND IM DONE WITH IT

Don't you have some charity to be donating to bill?

if you install windows after Linux it normally replaces the boot loader with the windows one but your partition is still there

...Why make a Dual Boot thread when you can just use the GNU/Linux thread, which is already slow anyway?

>making two slow threads instead of contributing to the same one so it's a bit faster
>duplication of effort

Dual boot is nice when you're 16 and a tech illiterate or poorfag.

KVM with PCI passthrough on Linux is such a dumb idea for gayming. Why not just have a dedicated gayming machine?

Are you retarded? KVM with PCI passthrough is the fucking best. Best of two worlds, Linux an actual good OS for everything but gaming, Windows in a VM for gaming.

This. I don't know anything about PS or miss it. Never used it.

Dual booting Mint 18.3 + Win7
No issues here. Works flawlessly.
Bought a x240 6 months ago just for start using Linux. But can't uninstall win10 on my desktop because muh games... :(

>KVM with PCI passthrough on Linux is such a dumb idea for gayming.
U wot mate? It's probably the best way to utilize the hardware you get to the fullest to achieve the most versatile setup.

>Why not just have a dedicated gayming machine?
On the other hand this is a dumb fucking idea because at the point where you have to get a dedicated gaming machine a console is the superior choice.

Honestly if it's your secondary computer, axe the win7 partition. It's one of the best ways to get used to Linux.