What shaving tech do Sup Forumsentoomen use?

What shaving tech do Sup Forumsentoomen use?
Are you satisfied with it? Why or why not?

(Neckbeards need not reply.)

double edge razor and a boar brush.

I have a Remington like in the OP picture but it's been screwy ever since I dropped it. I also lost it's charging cable.

Braun series 7. Piece of shit, can't get everything even when you went over the same place 3 or 4 times. Proprietary too, have to buy special water/alcohol saline solution packs to be able to wash your own razor. 3/10 Do not buy.

I tried electric. Decided it was shit and switched to manual.
No more burns, and I get a closer shave.

Safety razor. It was a little expensive for the razor, but paying $20/yr for blades has made up for it over time

Sharp knife and soapy water. Anything more than that is bougie materialism.

Meh I like mine. No razor catches the hair in a single pass regardless if it's electric or traditional.

Granted I do have to go over it 3~4 times but that's just the nature of electric razors.

On the bright side I can dry shave any time and anywhere and haven't gotten razor burn in years.

The cleaning station is a meme and I just rinse mine off. Occasionally I'll toss it in my $20 ultrasonic cleaner and the head comes out good as new. Haven't replaced the razor head in years.

i occasionally do trim my beard with regular hair clippers though, how retarded is this i dont know or care, works for me

Dollarshaveclub razors

are there any good electric razors or are they all inferior to cheap disposables?

Used an older Norelco electric shaver with the circular blades for like 5 years. It was ok and I rarely cleaned it besides dumping the hair, and I never changed the blades. Dropped it a few times and it kept going. Downside was always razor burn in the neck area. Eventually stopped working due to rechargeable battery gradually dieing.

Just got a Braun 7 series to replace it about a week ago. So far so good, but based on what said I feel I might be regretting this purchase eventually.

tips fedora

I'm 19 and I only recently got decent bumfluff going.

>tfw not a caveman nigger with hair on his eyeballs

none of this does anything over a regular disposable though
like you literally don't get a better experience or shave
actually you might get a worse shave

Phillips Bodygroom for my balls and pepe

maybe for you. my skin is smooth like a babbys bottom after shaving with this my dude

>none of this does anything over a regular disposable though
>like you literally don't get a better experience or shave
>actually you might get a worse shave

nah, bruh

you can take it apart and fully clean a safety razor in seconds

disposable razors and razors with multiple blades get clogged with dead skin and hair that makes shaving difficult, and said debris also retains water, which oxidizes the edge

If you use an actual razor blade, disposable or safety razor, how do you avoid the inevitable look of neck AIDS.

With a straight razor you just have to adjust the angle (less than 20 degrees) and use less pressure.

By not having a shitty source code.

>not using a machete with muslim blood on it for closest shave

The cost of the razors are a fraction of a regular disposable, you also have better control with a straight razor although it takes more time learn so basically git gud

Philips 9000 590xx

Can anyone recommend a cheap electric razor that is also good at trimming at various lengths?

Beard shaver and just constantly rock stubble, I don't have to keep buying $20 razor heads or cut my throat using a fucking straight razor. Also it's faster and I don't look like a 12 year old with stubble.

Literally everyone at work apart from the company directors do this.

pictured is not a straight razor...

DE safety razor that was like $4 and a pack of blades thatll last me a couple of years for like $15

the fuck bro, use fresh blades, hold it at an angle, and apply little to no pressure

Adjust the angle and stop using so much damn pressure. Also a nice alcohol free post shave balm will help if you do fuck up and give yourself face aids.

Fucking pussies try shaving like a 17th century REAL MAN

Sup Forums is not your personal consumer review site.

>Check reviews for trimmers/shavers on amazon
>One or more of the top questions is always how well does it trim your junk.
Had me a giggle.

1/10 apply yourself next time.

i have one of these (panasonic er-gb80s) for use when im on leave and stuff

daily, its just a gilette profusion5 or whatever they sent me when i was 18

I use some cheap electric razor.
When I say cheap, it was like 19.99 at walmart or some shit, like 7 years ago.

I had bought a new one about a year ago, but returned it, I had to go over places multiple times to eventually take off hair. Shit was Stupid.

Old school safety razor that was my great grandfather's. If it was good enough for him to shave with using his helmet as a basin when he wasn't busy killing Nazis, it's good enough for me.

I mean, that's a valid question.

i use this with Proglide Power blades, i like it desu

I was arguing about old razors in general but yeah.

>killing nazis
Your grandpa sounds like a fag.



1) they used razors in the 17th century.
2) it wasn't until the mid 18th century that men started auto-pogonotomy and stopped going to barbers for their shave. So fuck off.

Captcha semi related: lake 1944


For pretty much any razor you should use little more than the weight of the razor

Not him, isn't regular aftershave lotion enough?

can you guys end this dumb fucking meme that nobody is fucking falling for
what kind of soyboy fucking faggot are you if your hair can be cut with that little pressure?
I need to put serious pressure on my razor with brand new feather blades to even have a chance to cut any hair otherwise I need to pass over the same area 100 times
shut the fuck up you've probably never shaved in your fucking life

Wow I never thought I'd see anybody retarded enough to fail at using a razor properly. Apparently I was wrong.
Oh it all makes sense now.

not an argument fuckhead
explain what you fucking gain from lying about how much pressure it takes to cut your princess hairs

I have the oneblade
its fuckin sweet as long as you like the micro stubble look
not quite as close for a clean shave as one of the circular head devices would be though


Razors are thousands of years old and a real man would never let any knife of his to rust

Now now my mentally deficient friend there is no need to get upset. When you are using a razor properly there is no need to apply any pressure besides the weight of the razor. You need to use the right angle so that the actual sharp part of the blade is what is hitting your skin. If you can't figure that out here is a test you can try. Take a razor and run the flat side across your wrists see then take the sharp side and do the same thing. Trust me you'll be surprised at the results.

>slit your wrist for me real quick
fuck you not only does that make mustard gas and not only is it hacker code that steals nude photos (stay away!) it's not an answer.
obviously the sharp part is touching the hair which is why more pressure actually cuts it....
you seem to believe that if your blade is sharp enough you can just slice a stone in half just by touching it with no pressure

gook airport niggers took my blades last time I flew

Should I get a straight razor?

>can't order shit on my own
>please jews come take my money

but learn how to use it before you garrote yourself

Fuckin antifa

ding ding ding. keep the neck cleaner though or you just look like an unkempt individual

any tutorials or tips for safety razor? I always cut myself when I do it.

I go in the shower, wait for my face to be hot and ready and put the cream and go at it but every time I'll get cuts on my neck or some place else.

>his razors can't cut through stone
I see you don't use feather razors. Might want to make the switch user.

>A method of execution formerly practiced in Spain, in which a tightened iron collar is used to strangle or break the neck of a condemned person.
did it 4 u ok

I literally said I did you degenerate illiterate shitheaded moron
"brand new feather blades"

Use an astringent , then moisturize with argan oil and this will never happen

How the heck do you get a precise shave with a bulky thing like this? There is no way you can target a few whiskers say in the corner of your mouth with one of these things.

tie yourself to a train track user

>(Neckbeards need not reply.)
No legit computer scientist, Unix sysadmin, or astronomer would reply unironically in this thread.

Kill yourselves.

dude, if you're putting a lot of pressure for shaving and not letting the razor do its job, then either you're using a terrible razor or you're doing it way the fuck wrong

you might as well just use 200 grit sandpaper and go full retard 200 lbs gorilla on your stupid fucking face

you dumbshit

the thing is I'm using a good double edge razor with good blades
and it just won't fucking cut without pressure
there's no room for error
nothing I can possible be doing wrong

fuck you nigger

why are you so fucking upset what the fuck relax

Im 12 and whats this

never used astringents or argan oil, thought that shit was for fags
but will look into this, thanks user

>cutting hair at the surface and having to repeat the process again the next day

>grow it out for a clean shave
>wet your beard
>apply conditioner (yes really)
>apply soap/gel/whatever
>wet blade
>don't get greed with getting a close shave right away
>light pressure
>shave with grain to shave the hair off
>reapply your shit
>shave across to get the odd angled hair
>reapply again if needed
>shave against the grain lightly to get the prickly grain
>shave with the grain for stache
The conditioner part might be the thing that changed it for me, it's a good poorfag choice

>not keeping your beard at a costant 5 o'clock stubble
t b h s m h