How many CryptoKitties do you currently own, Sup Forums?

How many CryptoKitties do you currently own, Sup Forums?


What a shit use of Etherium technology. Seriously, some other exploitative shit to get people to dump their money? Come on, we can do better with Crypto. Fuck, I saw the news with the inventor of the site and the guy basically pissed on the principles that I think many of you faggots share.

He was all "HURR DURRR Everything on the Internet used to be easy to copy! Well with Crypto, now there's scarcity again and people will pay to own things that are rare or scarce!" Look, I get the argument for digital scarcity in blockchain for things like confirming transactions but if the first thing you can think of is "yay, something limited how can I exploit this for money", you're part of the fucking problem.

Nobody buy this shit. It jams up the ETH network and is generally a shittier idea than even turdball mobile apps - at least that "I am Rich" app way back when was honest.

but it's CUTE

Gay. Leave.

go away reddit.

Can I mine cats

Apparently not

If you didn't get a bunch of 0-gen kitties for cheap it's basically not worth it.

Also these kitties clogged up my ETH transfer to binance so instead of being able to buy monero at $230 I only caught it at $290, so fuck these kitties

Are you saying we could make really rare, impossible to copy rare pepe?

Pepecoin token when?

I mean there's already chancoin but I can't into smart contract technology, so I don't know if you could use a traditional blockchain like what chancoin uses to do something like this


>on Sup Forums
>without an adblocker
I mean that made me kek, but still, what the fuck are you doing user

Why would you not have 4ch whitelisted?

because I want gookmoot to lose enough money to shut this place down so I can be free at last

Why the fuck would you? I don't want to be tracked by google analytics, and remember a few months ago when hiro briefly added some third-party malware/tracking script, I don't want anything to do with that

If it were still moot, then I'd possibly consider it. Maybe. But even then I don't really see a point

I was holding 280 moneros since it was $13, sold it at $300 a few minutes ago. Investing 70% back in ETH.

implying all previous uses of it were better

I would have done the same if I WASN'T A FUCKING RETARD when I saw them at $20 way back then

I was pretty young and also retarded when bitcoin was starting out, so I don't have the same regret some other people do about those, but I literally downloaded a Monero wallet at that time and then gave up because it was a bit too annoying to buy (I wasn't into crypto at all at the time) and I didn't take it particularly seriously

Invest in kmd like 3k bucks and you will be over 100k in a year. Just a friendly advice user, you will be killing yourself in a year for not listening. Even if you lose half of it i don't think you would care about 1500$.

From the thumbnail, it looks like that kitty has titties.

I actually would care about losing $1500 desu.

But more to the point, since this is the technology board, tell me about the technology behind your coin and why I would want to invest in it



Its not my coin, i only invest. read on the website and make a conclusion yourself if its worth it or not. but its destined to be above 70~80 by next year sept.

>hello user you should buy this coin!
But why
>it's not my coin, I'm not going to tell you anything. Go read their marketing on their website

There's for exactly this type of shilling. I expected better from a post on Sup Forums but I guess I was wrong.
