I'm uninstalling Arch as we speak

I'm uninstalling Arch as we speak.

Linux is fucking DOA.
The first real test of Linux in the real working world failed.


It's over.

Other urls found in this thread:


translation: a bunch of corrupt officials are retards that can't into tech. The ISS and CERN run on Linux and seem to be doing just fine.

Microshill Germany transfers to Munich
City ditches Limux
Coincidence? Inquiring minds want to know!

Hope the aldermen are enjoying their new porches.

Thank GNU for that! The fewer normies using GNU/Linux, the better.

>The ISS and CERN run on Linux and seem to be doing just fine
>you need at least 2 PhDs to use Linux for something productive

Wew lad

>Nobody uses linux
>Nobody makes drivers for hardware anymore
>This is fine

I don't think you appreciate the lunacy of linux zealots. They want, nay CRAVE, to be the only person using the OS. Maybe, just maybe, their father will come back and tell them that he's proud.

>People need to use Linux, windoze sux xD
classic lintard

>not writing your own drivers

>Running Linux alongside Windows
That's the problem.

>he fell for the Arch meme

>not writing your own drivers for your self-built hardware

>Implying a Sup Forumstard could write a functioning anything

Remember tox ;)
Remember netrunner ;)

what the fak

>not building your own hardware and writing your own OS

Fucking amateurs

>The first real test of Linux in the real working world failed
>The first real world test
>The first test
>first test

You are literally fucking retarded

this is true

soure: am german and read a shit ton of articles about it

True as in coincidence, or the sarcasm is right?

No one can be this retarded, We know you are a paid shill you fucking indian scum.
What's that dot on your head do you use it to find the nearest designated street?


Oh yes I remember tox!

Cry me a shit river you sub human waste.

Humpty drumpfty detected

I use ubuntu but have only GED. Think NASA would hire me?

Just accept it, you are not real humans.

I'm pretty sure that's common in any poverty setting.
In the US and other first-world countries, we have public latrines all over the place in one form or another.
In a place like India where the government treats their people like shit, the only real option the bottom caste has is to shit in the street.
Eventually you would stop giving a damn if you were dirt poor and had to survive each day.

You should definitely apply for the next manned Mars mission

Woz did.

can you spell U N C U C K E D

This is old news and the only reason they did that is, that the people who work there never wanted to adapt and cried and moaned for years, that it's not windows and now they get back windows. no other reason. it wasn't that they couldn't work with it or that it was shit, it was simply, that it wasn't what they always knew and so they hated it.

lack of support is a big, on going issue.

The nice thing about windows is if you have a problem, as a company you can call microsoft and get a resolution.

Did you actually read the article? It says that part of the problem is that some software is unavailable on Linux. That was solved by using Windows on some systems. No problem.

The next problem was getting printers to work, software stability, and exporting documents, etc. These fall squarely on the It teams, which a third party review of the system pointed out as the biggest failure.

The article literally says that IT was the biggest problem. I want you to think about the demographics of those who post on Sup Forums and what this article means to them. Because it seems to me that the problem is that the real problem is that the average "tech guru" is too retarded to get Linux working properly.

That's fucking pathetic because my 60 year old father switched to Linux two years ago all on his own with zero prior experience and minimal help from myself.

>uninstalling an OS

Linux is a kernel and it already took over the world powering the Android operating system.

>as a company you can call microsoft and get a resolution
You really believe that?

Banned and btfo

You literally have to be retarded if you can't use a linux with one of the popular GUI:s like xfce, gnome or kde. They are basically the same as windows. Except gnome, of course, because it's cancer.

You literally can if you have a support or licensing agreement directly or through a Microsoft partner.

But a loonix brainlet wouldn't know what happens in the real working world, where people use Windows.

>the real problem is that the average "tech guru" is too retarded to get Linux working properly.
How is this possible? Pretty much every university uses Linux computers. Why didn't the city just hire the same people that support the local universities?

>lintard damage control in this thread
Is stallman using his speech money for shills now?

I'm in the real working world and my whole company uses Linux

Linux is for devs, servers and enthusiasts. If I was in marketing or sales I too would probably want to be using windows or mac.

>You literally can if you have a support or licensing agreement directly or through a Microsoft partner.

>me: ... not working...
>m$: you must use a restoration point
>me: thank you for your help.

>me: I want to configure the speed of my keyboard but the option of the config panel is a joke
>m$: that's the expected behavior
>me: thank you for your help.

So funny.

>anecdotal evidence

And for people like me: too cheap to buy windows, and too lazy to use a pirate.

The article seems to suggest that their ineffectiveness mostly stemmed from their inability to coordinate and cooperate. So I suppose I should have said that it was due to how autistic IT folks are. Which can be plainly seen on Sup Forums despite those same retards blaming their inadequacies on “normies" and "roasties."

>things that never happened.
Business support != consumer support


Meh, they probably just hired their brothers and nephews and friends to do the IT, since that's what government officials always do. Had they hired competent people, there would have been no problem.

I know the kind of support they could provide. And it's only for tech noob, I'm always more skilled that the one on phone, and it's the same for nunux.

I really don't think the problem is nepotism. You see the exact same personality types here in North America. They're on this board constantly. They blame the inefficiencies on Chad and Stacy for being fucking retarded. The independent review here suggests that the real problem is the inability of IT teams to work with EACH OTHER. That means the problem has nothing to do with Chad or Stacy and everything to do with the antisocial asshats that you see in IT and their superiority complexes.


>The first real test of Linux in the real working world failed.
Of course it did. They relied on paid support and enterprise programs, and Microsoft has literally every other competitor beat in that one category alone.

The *nix community has basically optimized linux for exactly one thing: scalable servers. That's it. It's really, really good at that, to the point where suggesting things that aren't *nix or a variant will get you laughed at in the industry, but it's not very good at anything else unless tinkering with OS's is your hobby. This isn't news, and the *nix community shouldn't freak out about it or cry and blame corruption when they ran up against some of the most well-known disincentives to *nix adoption there are.


>The first real test of Linux in the real working world failed.
t. desktop prosumer

It's probably because their IT team was too diverse.

More devs and enthusiasts would use it if it didn't have very poor hardware and driver support.

it's too late
look what happened with init

it became a winshi-like insecure blob that absorbed vast amounts of previously independent OS elements

Neither of those things are true.

Yeah nothing would make anyone with a brain use shitnux lol

Linux on desktop is a shame, yes.
But linux is far from dead.
You actually have several linux machines on your house and don't even notice it.

>phone is XNU
>Laptop is Windows
>Router is BSD
>No TV
>No cable
>No smart fridges or IoT devices

Lmao no

"Oh it didnt work for one organisation so that means nobody can ever use it despite a shitton of people using it daily without any problems they face using other OSes"
Go off yourself, youre not worth oxygen

>No arguments found

Probably too busy fixing X lmao

Thanks for worrying, i've never had a problem with X ;) we're not in the 90s anymore

>not using Wayland

>Meanwhile in 2017


Let me guess, you're one of those time travelers that came from 2025 and are all butthurt with linux because the T-series use em, right?
Stop being a wuss and get over it.
It's not linux fault that machines went rogue.

By the way, Microsoft Germany's HQ moved to Munich in 2016

>lack of support is a big, on going issue.
>The nice thing about windows is if you have a problem, as a company you can call microsoft and get a resolution.
Depending on what Linux distribution you get, you can get this too though. Not all Linux distros are free..
I believe it is openSuse (a German-based Linux distro) that offers support in professional environments.
And definitely Redhat too, but that's more for servers than desktops.

So much failure in the real world.

>The first real test of Linux in the real working world failed.

*looks at stats of linux versus windows on servers*

Please kill yourself. Thanks.

Why are you trying to shame him for not using a word which wouldn't have made sense in his post?



Q_Q y u so mean senpai desu, did you not......*install gentoo*

I shame retards that can't type a proper thought.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>using an article to support your argument
>using an article to tell yourself what to do
>using an article for anything
>not using your own experience to build your arguments and opinions
Fucking lol

in an alternate reality SuSE and Redhat move their HQ to munich to give free support to the city gov in return for tax reductions.

In this reality Microsoft moves to Munich to give free whores to some city officials in return for tax reductions.

to be fair munich should make more profit from a deal with MS, it's sad anyway

Someone saying uninstalling arch has never used linux lol

Because linux can't open a webbrowser and webbrowser isn't all they need and running PHP/node servers is much diffuclter than windows, because you just have to instal Ubuntu Server and type atp-get php and then php launch.php ...


>Not a single refutation of any point addressed in the link
Fucking lol

>not seeing that the change to linux was just an excuse to spend public money and get a share.
>not seeing that the return to windows is just an excuse to spend public money and get a share.

>unironically trusting CERN

>Linux is fucking DOA
Do you have brain problems?

lmao, that was never a problem before.
it's only a problem now because a lot of hardware nowadays requires cryptographically secure signed firmware to even run.

drivers aren't really all that hard to do otherwise.

What is your company?

Imaginary Productions Inc

Gee thank u

>t. Terry A. Davis

True. Linux is shit. And the religious zealot linux tards are in here huffing and panting, trying to protect their little retarded turd baby of an OS.

Fuck off, Okabe.

The post has an odor of curry.

All OSes are shit


Linux is honestly torture to use on the desktop. I use it for appliance-type systems and my HTPC and for those it's perfect.

I fell in love with Unix-like operating systems, so now I use a Mac as my main machine and Linux for most everything else. Windows on the gaming rig which I barely touch nowadays.

Many of you kids will figure this out eventually

>Linux is honestly torture to use on the desktop
I disagree. Latest versions of gnome compete with macOS.

From reading into it, seems like they were just too incompetent at scale. I don't know their specific issues, but I'm sure I could have saved this. Which is sad.
