You have 10 seconds to explain why you are not watching the most Sup Forums show ever

You have 10 seconds to explain why you are not watching the most Sup Forums show ever.

because im playing nekopara v3

I already watched it couple of days ago.


Thanks for the boner
I don't get this meme, WE are more normie than him.

>watching TV

>current year

Y tho

Is it even a good show?

Yes, don't listen to the contrarians here.

Good read on, it's nice seeing they base the hacks in reality

Cease lewd posting immediately, user!

I don't see any TV

shoot me bitch i dare you

>watching video at your desk on a shitty tn monitor instead
>not sitting on a comfy couch and watching a 65" monster tv
shiggy diggy

No need to be rude, the blue board police is just doing its job.
> non-lewd picture
Thank you for your cooperation. I'll let you off with a warning.

fuck the po lice

Because it's trash?

Why must you choose a life of crime?
You disappoint me.


>implying people aren't watching this by torrenting a WEBRIP

Ok, I tried to reason with you and it failed.
You are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney, if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand these rights as I have read them to you?


Then I'll have my colleagues explain them, with the use of extreme violence.
Now hands behind your back and get into the fucking van, before I shoot you for resisting arrest.

like i said, shoot me.

>most Sup Forums show
>posts Mr. Normie
okay normalfags


>has sex
>has gf
>has work
>has social connections

>not a Mr.Normie

You're dead.
Shot by the cops like a random nigger.
Are you proud of yourself?

its better than being stuck on a submarine for 3 months at a time.

so yes


watching TV destroys your mind and corrupts your soul

no, that's porn

tbf I don't even know why I'm still watching this shit senpai. The plot is lost and the sotry not going anywhere. Most of Sup Forums seems to think the main character is not socially retarded enough for them to relate.

What doesn't?

>watching shows

shows and movies are for working class casuals, might as well watch le new superhero movie with your girlfriend after work

your related pic, lifting. dont get into crypto user.

> a true upperclass supreme gentleman watches only the most refined works of the Japanese animation industry.

i am though.
live threads are fun, before and after no so much, especially if a certain topic comes up.

Season 2 was shit. Did season 3 recover?

A show about the average Sup Forums NEET would probably be boring.

Most Sup Forums users are Chads these days t b h

When people say they don't watch TV, they are literally talking about TV channels. Do you seriously think that cord cutters simply stopped watching series and movies? Are you retarded?


Because I exclusively watch chinese cartoons.

Neither of us claimed to be a girl, it was just a gay-ass roleplay out of boredom.


>has sex
literally one time in the series
>has gf
Completely false
>has work
>implying work makes one a normalfag
>has social connections
that he hardly interacts with, he's not exactly a huge chad who goes around patting everyone on the back.


Normalfags in denial

>"Has sex only once"
>(((HAS SEX)))
Still not a normie though reeee get out amirite my fellow robots?? Fucking christ this website these days. I don't give a shit if you've fucked have a girlfriend whatever, but don't go around butchering the definition if you don't actually know what it means. Its actually to the point that H A V I N G S E X O N C E is considered non-normie.

>watching Mr.Normie

> >(((HAS SEX)))
What the fuck does having sex have to do with the Jews?

you have no taste
id rather watch mr. normie

>gay sex

Sup Forums is now Plebbit.
Neck yourselves and take this dumbfuck show with you. God this board will deepthroat the cock of anything that shows just a HINT of being tech orientated.

>gay+lesbian sex and tranny kissing*


what a fucking little easily offended bitch you are

You people are so sad. Honestly, I'm so glad I haven't reached this point yet. What's going through your heads? Is it just a complete disconnect with reality? Do you not understand that the person you're role playing with is not cute in any way possible, they're actually very ugly in real life, and the only time they'll ever appear attractive is when they're pretending to be a cute anime girl on an anonymous image board. Your role playing is really boring as well, by the way. It's always the same stuff: anime girl/trap image, textually expressed stutters, the word "lewd", child-like speaking and reactions, asterisks used to communicate an action. Grow up. Life's not an anime. If you want role play with weird ugly men go to your local gay bar.

Nice copypasta


The fact, that you care about two random dudes trying to LARP for shits and giggles is sadder than the LARPing itself, at least in my opinion.
Honestly, can I not shitpost once in a while without some cunt making a big deal out of it? When you're not Chad Thundercock, life is pretty fucking boring. My only options at that moment were shitposting and doing my analytical mechanics homework. Believe me, even the laziest and gayest LARPing is better than doing my AM homework.
Speaking of which, I should probably close this tab and get down to the fourth problem in the set.

want to know this too.

Tons of people complained about S2's pacing, but I haven't heard anyone saying the same about S3.
There's one episode that's a bit slower and emotional in the 2nd half of S3, but it feels like a necessary break after a few super intense episodes with high stake stuff happening.
If you also feel like S2 didn't make sense and was confusing for no reason, S3 is definetely more straight forward and shows some important stuff in S2 and S1 that we didn't see.
But yeah, so far S3 has generally been received way better than S2, and it's definetely closer to S1 than S2.

they are brain damaged NEETsexuals


> brain damaged NEETsexuals
I'm a uni student, and I have a gf (things are getting a bit cold though).
But the real question is why does that matter to you, you miserable fucks. It's like you're desperate to find someone worse than you, so you can feel better.

Don't know about you, for me this website is a place is just /sqt/ and /dpt/ generals on Sup Forums with some occasional shitposting, and also those cool slow boards. Every other aspect of Sup Forums should be hidden from the main page, so nobody else ever hears of them.
I'm afraid to even click on /r9k/, it's like it turns everyone with minor social problems into a depressed fuck with progressively serious ones.

I already watched serial experiments Lain a long time ago.

Moden sex for extreme enjoyment and pleasure is shilled by the goyim to break apart the family structure that has help maintain civilizations for centuries. Now (thanks to sexualizing everything from kids shows to food products) sex is just used to motivate people into capitalism. Even holidays (such as sexy holloween and valentines day) are used as sexual capitalism to keep the token economy rolling.

>not watching on a projector

And you're serious?

Because it's complete garbage and I refuse to watch it after its creators shamelessly virally marketed it here 24/7 for months a few years ago.


moblie boardband that's why.

>watching normie TV shows

i watched some episodes but dropped it after the forced faggot scene

>>has sex
Like once
>has gf
died season 1. has had no one since then
>has work
>has social connections
not anymore, basically just his sister at this point

ahahaha you're just like an art professor I had, he always talked about how tv shows always manipulate you in a bad way and ends up talking about how capitalism isn't equal everytime.

S1 was the only good season. Season 2 wasn't memorable and I don't remember anything about it. Season 3 is like Twin Peaks. The originals were great, but then on the reboot the director decided to take a good story and shove it into some avant-garde experimental filter and destroyed the only thing going for it.

S3 is 100x slower than YouTubers trying to stretch their shit out to 10 minutes with filler and slow talking, to get that ad revenue. I don't give a shit about the characters because there isn't any characer building anymore. Elliot is a husk. /r9k/ ginger FBI girl is ok, but empty too. Darlene is constantly whiny and can't do a thing by herself right, but I like her the best. Corrupt FBI guy is empty. White rose's brother isn't anywhere as close to the image of machiavelli that the show is trying to paint him as. E Corp CEO turned into a giant soyboy. Angela turned into a fucking sleeper agent drone. Tyrell is still powerless as ever and I'm dissapointed he stopped prostrating himself to Elliot. Muslim girl and fat neet were dissapointing too.
>men give you gun and tell you to kill yourselves
>the madmen actually do it instead of shooting their captors
Shit, it's all shit.

It's boring, doesn't involve any hacking anymore, and is just another drama for people whose lives aren't interesting enough, like House of Cards and Billions viewers. Fuck, man everything's been bad this year. South Park is annoying to watch, Bojack Horseman S4 wasn't worth marathoning -- all you need was to watch the highlights on YouTube, because it's only downhill from there.

nigger it was literally 1 in the morning. do you have any suggestions on what i should have been doing instead of taking shots of JD and playing vns?

This show fucking sucks, the MC is an addict faggot, the other guy is a dick sucker and the plot is >Fuck Society.
Stop forcing your show, everybody on Sup Forums knows the most Sup Forums show is Serial Experimental Lain.

Nice numbers you got there.

While this show has turned more into a thriller and somewhat shifted away from it's computer oriented roots, I still think it's the best show on TV right now. Latest episodes of Season 3 have me on the edge of my seat, and they have been absolutely brilliant.

>but muh "he's just a script kiddie" argument
Yes, some parts of the shows are reaches and don't accurately portray the real process, but if they went and did full realistic detail, it would probably be just as boring as you are.

10/10 do recommend anons

No wonder you're a virgin

The most Sup Forums show ever is the Big Bang Theory. Prove me wrong.

Stop posting anime girls in mister robot thread reeeeeeee