
឴ ឴


Ban anime

Debian faggots where you at?




anime website
fuck off satan

What is the best way to rice OSX?

Install Gentoo.






Anime website


You dont even use your riced out OS, do you?

Here comes da pulisai






the whole point of linux is ricing though

post some cute boys pls



Boys are not cute

Here comes da pulisai

vanilla > chocola
am i going to have to start watching love live now?

is this the only good thread on Sup Forums

i want to fug vanilla

Wish I could, but I do need some proprietary stuff.
So I rice in a VM. I also use these VMs to learn shit like how to set up and configure server services. I test it by doing stuff like having two VMs open, having one as a file server, and using the other to connect to it and download rare pepes.


so do i

but coconuts in nekopara 3 though. holy fug my dicc

but they are