Help Me Not Get Fired General - /hmngfg/

ITT: We save OP's job

>In charge of a bunch of security cameras
>one day FLIR won't let me log in
>nbd, uninstall and reinstall like I have a bunch of times before
>except this time it wants a password to uninstall it
>huehuehue Sup Forums told me about Geek Uninstaller
>force removal
>geek removes registry traces
>delete all folders relating to the strings "FLIR" or "PC-NVR"
>download installer .exe
>pic related
>literally cannot find any traces of this software anyway on this computer

help gee I don't want to lose my job it's my first IT job and it could ruin my career

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Fucking idiot.

Have you trying turning it on and off again?

You deserve to be fired

What even was wrong about what I tried to do?

>He runs his security cameras on Windows


Install Gentoo

From now on, just copy the old security camera footage every day, but give it a new date stamp for the current day.


Take out the hard drive; hit it hard on something, put it back in.

Oh no - the drive failed. You have to buy a replacement and reinstall the computer. More billable hours for you, and a nice coverup of your problem.

If a literal retard is in charge of the computers, there is no way the company will be able to find out why it's broken. Just say that you need a new security update and need access to the software, or it might need a full system over Hall, which could cost thousands. Your saving them money by doing it yourself.

If you can't fix it then, say the regular cameras are ok, but the flir is fucked over, and have a solution on hand. Get a quote from a company or something and show them the costs. Which should be less then you said it'd cost before you'd fix it.

>It's like you never worked at a company before.

Just say your were hacked by Russians.

u fuckin serious
ghost the machine and install whatever you need

Experts you can trust

NEET you should ignore

Sorry sweetie I an employed craber

Butthurt tentacle porn virgin basement dweller cuck soyboy

You should have contacted support for that software. If there was no support, you should not have touched it. If nobody could have fixed it, you should use new software with support.

All this could be solved if you had VMs and a snapshot.

You're not fit for your job. You let your boss down. Get fired m8.

Thx user but there's nothing there
I told my boss I could do the job, and I don't intend to bullshit my way out of this. If it's the end of my career at least I'll be an honest unemployed person.

I can't reformat the drive or get a new one, the computer has to stay how it is, more or less. I suppose I'll just keep startpaging

why didnt you ask whoevers in charge for what the password was

How much would it cost for your boss to fix your problem? Even if your shitcanned, he has to fix it right?

So, figure out that number, get quotes from two or three places. Then go to your boss and say that you have failed, but you have a solution. If he is good business man, he will at least accept your solution. Fight for the implementation of your fix. If he wants to fire you after that, mention that your sorry about messing up, but that you did come up with a solution and successfully came up with a plan.

After all of that and your still fired, then maybe consider having pride about being honest.

I have the password in a safe, it use it daily. No one entered or exited the room between me using it successfully and the password failing the next day.
Probably the most prudent course of action, but it seems like such a small issue to fail monumentally on



uh, restore from backup, retard.
or reimage your shitty critical infrastructure.

Have you tried to see if another uninstaller recognizes any traces of it still being there?

Run the installer in sandboxie and see what files it's messing with

I haven't, but I will try. Thanks

Classic projection neet.

>suspicious keygen cycles through the same three keys that don't work
>you don't have permission to delete this file
>open windows drive
>change permissions to administrator
>blue screen
>you don't have permission to delete this file

you deserve to be fired. next time RTFM or contact the fucking vendor. uninstalling and reinstalling shit isn't a fix and coming to Sup Forums for advice for ANYTHING JOB RELATED should immediately tell you just how qualified you are.

No one knows if you have ever reinstalled it.
Just backup all the important files, reinstalled Windows and software, dumped all the video files in it. Any lost setting will be the computer's fault.

tell your boss the software stopped accepting the password, that you cannot reinstall it properly without the password and that you would need to reinstall everything because windows does not make it easy to cleanly uninstall manually.
if you need to, backup the important files (they shouldnt even be on the same drive/partition as the OS anyway)

and that you should consider looking for non-windows alternatives.

Well you certainly don't want to stop using that partition, plug it into a system that's booted into Linux, disk dump the drive and run testdisk to recover as many lost files as possible. Not at all. Nope. You're fucked.

Why would you have to uninstall and reinstall the software to log in? What was the logic behind that? And you've done it a bunch of times before? If you were hired as an IT expert, it's your job to figure out what's wrong and fix it right, not monkey fuck around with it like some 12 year old who just discovered regedit. If you don't know how to fix something, talk to your boss and co-workers and figure it out. If the software can't be fixed, replace it with something that works. If the company can't or won't replace it, your boss should at least know about the issue and understand that it could quit working at any moment. If you just rig shit up without telling anybody, they'll assume you know what you're doing and you'll look like an idiot when it breaks.

So now that you've done fucked up, go to your boss, explain that you're a retard, apologize, and learn from your mistake.

Also, NEVER take technical advice from Sup Forums. It's 99% basement-dwelling children who have no idea how anything actually works. If you have to take advice from random people on the internet, at least go to Stackoverflow or somewhere else where the average age is above 19.

I'm wondering why group policy didn't prevent you doing half the stuff in your account of today's events. The system admin ought to be fired right along with you.

Life is a series of monumental failures.

>something doesn't work
>still doesn't work
>fuckfuck what should i do??
Is this common for windows admins? Just debug the programm to find out what it looks for you retard.

not OP but whenever I uninstall something because it doesnt work i rarely install it again. I usually find an alternative. as for OP let this be a lesson, always cover your own ass before you try to do anything. dont try to be a hero

Mate this is basic shit, its like finding registry keys for trial software.
>Download Process Monitor, which anyone which half a brain would already have.
>Setup filters to only log offending application and show only file/registry activity.
>Start Capturing events, open application, stop capturing events, close application.
>Wade though the shit till you find the offending key/file

t. 18 year old poster

>except this time it wants a password to uninstall it
>huehuehue Sup Forums told me about Geek Uninstaller
>Sup Forums told me

no u are the virgin cuck soyboy neet degenerate girl(male)


>password suddenly changes and no longer works with no record of anyone changing it
This is good reason to stop using that equipment and purchase something new. You shouldnt have needed to uninstall and reinstall software just to log in, either.
Tell your boss the computer's fucked and needs to be replaced. You wouldnt exactly be wrong.

did you restart your computer?

I'm assuming you are using a regular PC for this. Move it to the floor and poor a bunch of soap and water around the case. Tell the boss it doesn't work anymore and blame the janitor.

procmon.exe will tell you what files and registry keys (among other things) it is accessing to determine where it is. Also have you looked in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall to see if anything shows up there which isnt in add/remove programs?

This ms pajeet says you should try installing it in compatiblity mode. If that fails, then try getting an older version of the software from somewhere, or have someone reinstall windows on your machine.

OP it would help if you told us what the software was. You could bodge it by installing an older version then uninstalling it again. Or restore the machine from the backups that you obviously take.
>or install gentoo

install Adobe Reader instead


OP's career is over because he had the capslock on when trying to enter a password.

ahahaha fucking neet, that's enough for me here at Sup Forums, night faggot

attach Process Monitor and watch the folders/registry keys it accesses

kek'd thx


This check whether any of these registry entries still exist, OP. Also, are there any services left from the program?

install Gentoo

If you got access to the HDD and that it isn't in production or used by someone at the moment
>Mount it on another machine that runs it's own OS
>try again

lmao every time I see it.

>You're joking right? You're IT...
oh my fucking god the feels

Do not be so sure about that registry stuff.
Download RegScanner from Nirsoft and search for it again, I am 100% sure it will find something.

install gentoo

How you holding up, OP?