Macfag Vimmers BTFO
My thought exactly, they also force you to get the fucking touchbar if you want 4 usb-c ports.
What an expensive facebook device.
I honestly never use esc, but Ctrl+C instead. Esc is just too far off, it's impractical.
You normies who don't use Macs don't realize that when Apple makes changes like these, others follow within 6-12 months.
So in other words, they set standards and other faggy manufacturers do the same months later.
Also in other words, every other notebook will start doing this soon and are you going to be this butthurt for the other ones too?
Fuck off and join the 21st century, grandpa.
Apple can return to irrelevance, it's happened before
It will happen again..
But it has four modifiers.
literally PERFECT for GNU/Emacs.
Because the CEO was the CEO who ran Pepsi.
Apple hasn't had that CEO since 1997.
Keep dreaming homo.
more like ESCAPE THIS
What type of idiot uses Esc instead of caps lock?
The touchbar was the red herring, the truly awful thing is the keyboard. Breaks within months when dust gets under it and isn't user serviceable
mac users showing their tech skills once again
pfft, it's useless if I don't have to edit a config file to do it
>not using ctrl+[
>not rebinding Esc to CAPS LOCK
I'm not even a macfag but vim's godlyness will overcome everything
Oh the irony
>Embrace the stupidity because it's 21 century
Nice logic.
i used to love the style of macs but the keyboards over the past 2 years, what the fuck are they doing do those keys even travel
that emacs feel.
Is there a way to set caps lock to Esc and ctrl when held? I'm using this in Linux and it's great for vim and spacemacs.
Was about to buy my first MacBook as I need ms office for work occasionally and I can't be arsed to fiddle with wine or Libre office. But the disgust when touching the keyboard was too much.
It's the closest thing to being a touchscreen without actually being one. Miniscule key travel and even then dust still manages to get under the keys and cause problems you don't get on any other keyboard.
Do people actually like that garbage? Wow.
ctrl + {
oops, meant ctrl + [
>Apple hasn't had that CEO since 1997
No, now it has one who doesn't understand the importance of Apple's attention to quality.
Look at the recent PR disaster about Apple's software being complete dogshit for an example.
Just because the CEO is a fag it doesn't mean it understands what Apple is about.
I imagine it must fuck up your hand after extended periods of use seems so uncomfortable to type on
I didn’t like the keys at first but now I definitely think they’re probably the best you could get on a laptop aside from the mechanical keyboards those ugly fat gay-mer laptops have...also maybe your keys wouldn’t have gotten so dusty if you weren’t dirty?
Long time vim user and macbook daily driver here.
It's obvious no one here has actually tried using the touchbar escape with the new styled keyboards. It has a bit of a learning curve to it at first but it feels fine now.
The 2017 keyboards have better switches than the 2016s
I baby my electronics and would never walk near them with dirty hands. Sounds like they're just shit to begin with since even keyboards at libraries and schools dirtier than a public toilet seat seem to not have a problem with dust and grime.
That vin diagram is two distinct circles OP
Mac users ask questions like "What's a computer?"
They certainly have no idea what vim is or how to use it.
don't use vim
vim creates this false perception that ancient computer interaction is superior
vimfags are so dumb
t. Pajeet
Other laptop manufacturers already have touchscreens and didn't need to add an emoji bar to look like they're innovating.
What the fuck are those keys is there any travel time who the fuck makes them so flat
Is this photoshopped? Apple can't be this fucking stupid, right?
>not just mapping Caps Lock to ESC
oops someone beat me to it uwu
>it old so it bad!
At least try to make an argument, you autists.
says the person who couldn't learn vim because it was too difficult.
ctrl+[ tardo
This is why I struggle with other keyboards. I use all my modifiers extensively.
I thought more key travel caused RSI
gtfo with your poorfag question, who uses esc anyway? jj is so much easier
I just remap caps to escape like I do on literally every single machine.
Well yeah, most macfags i know use textwrangler or some electron based shit.
Use Keyremap4Macbook and remap Caps to Control, and Tilde to Escape.
Why the fuck would you do anything otherwise
t. soyboy
>Tilde to Escape.
>have to use backtick for quote in latex
>mfw vim goes into normal mode
>normies who don't use Macs
>So in other words, they set standards
Do you mean the company that copied Xerox and Essential? Too bad, now they don't have the salesman god who can't represent everything as their invention and sheeples like you will eat it in the age of the internet. Have a pepsi, and watch your favourite tax evader's inevitable downfall.
>Caps to Control
>Control Tilde to Escape
What do I map to Caps Lock?
A browser, opening
I don't see how opening and immediately closing a browser nor /lgbt/ is useful
Make sure you remap cmd+esc to tilde then. I just have esc rebound to tilde. Mfw I press it on other peoples boxes and it takes me into vi-edit-mode in my shell.
You don't. Pinkys down boys.
Then how do I enable Caps Lock and why would I want to indefinitely hold my pinky down when I could us a key to do it for me?
Anyone got Ctrl remapped to Esc in a Linux VM without the LED working?
I tried just remapping in Linux with xmodmap, just remapping in Windows with AutoHotKey, and remapping in both. All produce strange results. Only Linux, the LED still works. Only AutoHotKey, Esc is triggered once in Linux then Caps Lock gets stuck. Both, same as only AutoHotKey.
Combination of setxkbmap and xcape. On the phone currently but if you Google it you'll find it.
The second revision of the surface's physical keyboard cover is legitimately a pretty damn nice laptop keyboard. certainly better than the zero actuation distance current macbook one.
>using harmful vi(m)
If only you could be so minimal without also finding the following harmful
>mappable key macros, aka trillions of lines of code! (more like 30)
>spaces in paths without hacky workarounds
>colors other than beige and blue
>an actual terminal emulator, not a glorified software dumb terminal (9term)
I laugh when I see acme users fumble around around to do basic tasks because their interface is oh so pure. I also laugh at plan 9 users who don't realize they're using shitty demo software and actually try and justify it.
you could easily modify the colors, except yellow and blue are objectively superior. dumb terminals are also better
key macro is harmful for ux
fuck spaces
we laugh at you when you get shellshocked or heartbleed :^
stfu daniel you weeb idiot
what the fuck is this supposed to be showing
sorry I'm not a macfag
imap jj
Who xed here?
no one
oh i'm not sure now i thought it was the other way round kek i assumed the travel acts sorta like cushioning if you type hard so thought the mac would be painful as it would be like typing on a solid surface. Just try typing with your fingers on your desk at you normal rate for like thirty seconds it's not particularly comfortable.
The offset Escape key annoyed me for about a week before I got used to using Caps Lock as Escape. I never used Caps Lock anyways and I had bound it to no action.