Is AMD /our guy/?

Is AMD /our company/?

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Eh, I don't really trust it.
You can't debug a core in your CPU. At least the Intel system is on a separate chip and you can monitor the communications out of it.

our you mean indian? yeah it is.

Sure let me just break out my STM and scan to see its not doing some sneaky shit

Oh wait

Not trustworthy unless it's open-source and you can flash your own firmware.

Sweet sugar pill checkbox.

does this mean i have to pay more because of an arm license?

Can someone explain if even with this it's still possible that theh have some other shit activated? I mean, If they say you can and someone finds out its bs, that would be pretty bad.

AMD offers concerned users a placebo.

How about removing it from the system?

who the fuck thought some out of band nonfree botnet processor was a feature people want, how the fuck do you even use them and just why?

none of this psp/mei shit makes any sense at all

This is an English speaking board, try again champ.

No, AMD tried to stealth downgrade RX 560s.

im sure if amd tries that a buttload of three letters agencies will smack their asses

>haha no

Better than Intel

Some wonderful user told me as it was happening and I luckily canceled my order for an Asus 560 EVO.

Hopped over to Newegg and got a Gigabyte rev2.0 that actually has all it's compute cores. I check, all 1024 are there.

>secretly downgrades RX560 GPU without telling anyone
>AMD our guy

More like AMD very scummy


>No Salsa or Chacha
Found the botnet

>what is completely removing the point of the addition for $500

Nobody cares about your gpu gaymer

no, it was the vendors

I don't think you understand how Sup Forums works. When a 3rd party does something negative towards AMD (in this case, downgorade gpu specs) its ALWAYS AMD's fault. If a 3rd party does something negative towards Nvidia its never Nvidia's fault. Hell if Nviddia fucks up its not their fault (remember when a driver update was bricking laptop screens? Sup Forums blamed intel for vga passthrough for it when Nvidia explicitly released a hotfix for the issue).

That is the power of mindshare.

>Is AMD /our company/?
No. The fact that they put that in there to begin with shows that they are pure evil satanists who should be shot in the head and berried in shallow graves.

It's like if I punch you in the face and apologize and say I'm such sorry for punching you in the face. My apology doesn't make me a good guy, I should have punched you in the first place.

Yes, this is a total scandal and it's totally unacceptable. It's like if they silently changed the core-count on the R1600 from 6 to 4 and still sold it as a R1600 to ride the good press and reviews and traction the original CPU part has.

They should have called the 896 steam processor version a RX 558 or something similar that clearly shows that it's not a RX 560.

It's obvious that cute asians will be very disappointed when it's Gaming Time and they fire up their gaming rig and turn on a fan and find that their brand new graphics card is missing a whole lot of stream processors that they though they had. TOTAL SCANDAL.