What's wrong with it?

What's wrong with it?

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You tell me. it's my daily driver, so what's wrong with it?

1. the founder/owner of duck duck go sold his previous project including all user data. why would you trust him?
2. servers are inside the united states of america

why not use startpage or searx instead

>1. the founder/owner of duck duck go sold his previous project including all user data. why would you trust him?
Do you have any source on that? I think I read this a few times on here, but never got any source

Metadata of my search? They can keep it. They have VPS outside burgerland too.

>1. the founder/owner of duck duck go sold his previous project including all user data. why would you trust him?
I don't. VPN is on all the time.

>why not use startpage or searx instead?
I don't want to support google at all. Can't speak to Searx, but I know Startpage is essentially a google search by proxy. Searx itself has terrible formatting. It's painful to look at compared to something like DDG.

search results suck
image search sucks

>The Names Database was formed in 2003 after Gabriel Weinberg put up pages of names that were subsequently indexed by search engines.

>Created by Gabriel Weinberg

Aside the creator, how are they related? DDG is an SNS for you or something?

>Aside the creator, how are they related?
they're not related apart from the founder and i never claimed anything else.

i just don't see why i would trust a guy who has sold user data in the past with my user data. kind of like i don't want to live with someone who has previously killed.

It's hard to build a profile when you support tor and don't have accounts.

He drives a duck.

So it's OK to sell a website as long as you delete every user account first?


ddg and startpage both promise not to share user info.
Use !startpage ddg bang and hope at least 1 is telling the truth.

>using """bangs""" instead of the built in features of your browser

You're actually serious, aren't you?

Creating a search keyword for every search form on the internet when ddg's already done it for you.

if no user data is being sold, why should i care if someone sells his website or not? please elaborate.
are you dense

since when does ddg have an exhentai bang

Sure if ddg doesn't support a site. Setting ddg as your default search is much less work for 9/10 use cases, and will be consistent across machines and browsers.

>routing your search requests through ddg's US based servers because you're too lazy to set up a bunch of keywords
why do you even pretend to care about your privacy and security? lmao you guys are fucking dumb

literally a man-in-the-middle

Do you not use a VPN? If you do, then its not a concern. If you don't, then you have business telling others what they should and shouldn't care about regarding privacy.

I don't, dumbass. The only thing I care about is using tech to reduce work. There isn't really a trustworthy search engine to begin with, unless you ascribe to the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

enjoy another possible point of failure
literally enjoy your man-in-the-middle

>I don't, dumbass. The only thing I care about is using tech to reduce work.
figures. why not just use google in that case

I like the idea of it, but the search results are noticeably worse than Google's. I don't think it's personalization, I think their algorithm just isn't as good.

I used them for a while and switched back to Google. I'd go back to DDG if their results improved. If it was only a little difference I'd have stuck with them.

Since 10 minutes from now when you make one.

>U.S. based servers
When will you guys learn.

>enjoy another possible point of failure
literally enjoy your man-in-the-middle
There is never a time when there isn't a man in the middle. This is the nature of the internet. To pretend otherwise is not just naive, but outright stupid.

The only difference between using a VPN and not is that with the VPN, I know who the man in the middle is, and I know where its located. A VPN in Hong Kong might help out China, but China isn't going to be concerned with what I'm doing. They AREN'T going to help out the US. This single man in the middle obscures me from all other men in the middle.

The youtube video of the vans, squad cars police helicopters full of subpeonas converging at kim dotcoms new zealand mansion and cops walking everywhere carrying servers.

>figures. why not just use google in that case
I do; `!g`. Your critique is correct, but privacy and security is a hobby. Unfortunately, the endgame for that line of thinking is an RMS- or Snowden-type life.

>only OK to sell a website as long as no user data is sold
>Is who fucking dense now?
Zuckerburg could get $50 bucks for facebook. Easy.

are you high

No. But you're retarded.

I get it. Sup Forums doesn't like jews.

>I don't want to support google at all.
ixquick.eu is startpage without the google, and the results are a step above DDG's imo. My biggest issue with searx is just that my queries fail/timeout more often than with other search engines.


More like the duck drives him.

good for general searching, shit for any kind of serious searching or troubleshooting

>What's wrong with it?

you've got to use !g so it can return relevant results. that's the problem.


The name is silly in the first place

i you want semi-decent results use sqant instead, or startpage if you like fugly sites.

but let's face it, nothing equals google. not even close.


the search results