The board needs to know

The board needs to know

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Sadly I couldn't get rid of using Windows just yet, It's pretty comfy to use on my Desktop. But I use debian on my X220


You can get half way out of it by using Windows 7 instead of 10.

I use Windows 10 on my desktop and Windows 7 Pro on my laptop

No. The shilling doesn't work on me, Pajeet.

>The shills need to know



You forgot to include "Do you use reddit?" to show the correlation between windows 10 users and reddit users.

The IT guys slapped it on my work laptop. I had no choice, I swear

they know already if you do

How do you guys do it, I installed Ubuntu just to go back to windows. I spent the weekend actually using ubuntu, ricing it, installing shit, messing with the terminal, etc. The lack of software isn't something I'm willing to compromise with. The file explorer on Linux sucks too.

This isn't because of >muh games
Because I can play OSRS on Linux, and that's the only game I play.

Conversely, I can't use windows for long periods since it's severely lacking in the software department.

I disagree, I think the software on windows is some of the most powerful and useful.

I have a GPU for games. Linux isn't that much better at web browsing(what I do 12 hours a day) that im gonna switch to it.
Also use visual studio, excel, word, SQL management thing

It's missing the software I need.
I don't care how or for what purpose other people are using their computers.

I'm very disappointed in you Sup Forums

My laptop I use for work used linux, while my Pc at home has a windows and linux partition, but the windows partition only exists for video games. Linux is way better for getting work done

>My vote broke the tie in favour for no
Just nuke this board.

when commercial software becomes compatible with linux then sure i'll switch

my shitposting machines all run linux tho

That shit needs nonfree js, I cant vote :(

> Using Ubuntu
> Put "yes"

keke macfags and linfags btfo

I cant deny that I still use this whore on a daily basis for my office work and gayyms
This slut is just too sexy with that little skirt and young face

it seems over half of Sup Forums are faggots

>over half of those who voted use W10
wtf user-d e s u

kind of hard not too on the main desktop these days, but everything else is some breed of ganoonix

Windows 10 over 8.1?

Many people voting on no are doing it because they have a less cancerous windows installed.

>That many Yes
The absolute state of Sup Forums.

>that many yes votes
goodbye forever Sup Forums
you're shit

Shows how shit this board is nowadays.

macOS and Linux are currently the only operating systems worth existing.

GNU/Linux is shit on tablet/netbooks/ touch screen minilaptop convertables, therefore Win10

There is android for facebook devices

>I'm too dumb to make my own decisions so I do what others tell me

>I'm too autistic to use operating systems based on my current needs so I limit myself from using things purely out of my own retardation

>I'm too lazy to figure out how to set up WINE or a VM on an operating system that doesn't upload my keystrokes and screenshots of my desktop to microsoft every 5 minutes
Seriously, if you need perhaps, audio/video production software running natively, just use MacOS.
Sure it's shit, but it's not Windows.
Also, I don't limit myself by using GNU/Linux, because I don't play games.

We should ban half the board.

>the file explorer
There's like... A gazillion different file explorers
>lack of software
>Lack of software
Maybe, really depends on what you're trying to do. Fuck off if you're one of those faggots who pirate photoshop to produce 2 meme images a year that nobody likes in the first place

could you say that again? i couldn't heard you over all that mouth-breathing

top kek. Freetards outed as the vocal shitposting minority they are.

>implying Sup Forums hasn't always been like this

I hope you didn't think people were actually installing Gentoo

Windows 7 still, not sure when I'll upgrade, might be a few more years.

>things windows never do
and yes why would i spend my time learning this shit, when i can continue using what im used to and what works perfectly fine for me?

Same. 4770k will last for another 5-10 years.

There are people on Sup Forums right now that think everything about Sup Forums is unironic.
I've met people who exclusively run Gentoo because "I found this cool imageboard with lots of memes and we all love Gentoo.".

I wish I was making this shit up.

>gets called autistic
>instantly posts "no you"
kek, you can't make this shit up

> and we all love Gentoo
We like Gentoo like we like our relatives: from the distance, visiting them maybe several times a year.

i use [spoiler]windows 8.1[/spoiler] for gaymen

>283 votes
Everyone praise the new queen of Sup Forums

>this is coming as a surprise to anyone
If you're surprised by this, I don't know if you're just new or don't actually know anything about Sup Forums

Literally no excuse not to use LTSB.
No win10 bullshit, no spying on you, no windows store, really fast.
Why arent you using win10 LTSB right now?

because I'm using LTSB 2015

LTSB and Server2016 are botnets too. Read what it says on the data collection GP.

LTSB claims not to do that, but it just claims. Even so, it's obsolete by today's hardware.

I left windows10 on my prebuilt in case I ever require it. I boot it up and run updates once in a while, but I don't use it at all.

Linux can't do muh gaymes. I mean ik the gpu passthrough thing but that requires a VM and idk how good onboard gpu is for standard Linux tasks.
Also LibreOffice sucks asscheeks.

KEK!!! The thought that anyone might have thought that people were installing Gentoo! I'm Win 10 here btw. Looking to switch to either antergos or Open Suse, but still need to find suitable replacements for a few programs (auto hot key, Unty[the game engine, not the desktop], Minergate, Exodus wallet, Nox player[is remix OS stable yet?], discord[how stable is linux canary or whatever?], wallpaper engine, system animator, rainmeter [I know there are other ricing tools but to my knowlege nothing as simple and nice as these], and probably a handfull of other things I'm forgetting off the top of my head.) I really want to get off of windows, but Linux just doesn't quite have the developer support yet. At the current rate though I'm looking forward to like a decade from now when It gets more proper support and recognition. :) oh, and
>inb4 it GNU/Linux, Linux is just the kernel

These results are tragic. Who are you?

Someone that likes linux and FOSS but realizes that for certain workflows it's still shit. (If all someone does is use word and browse the internet occasionally though, those people have no excuse)

Recaptcha filter makes it inaccurate.

What does mouth breathing have to do with autism? One is a neuropsychological issue and other is a made up meme disease


Im just a Microsoft shill that is surprised about his good job
I never expected the gayming meme to actually make nerds avoid using Loonix

The point is you use Windows/Mac as your desktop thin client, but you have a headless Linux dev box somewhere that you can SSH and VNC into in order to do your dev work.

I hardly use the GUI when I'm using a Linux machine, it's always tmux and vim as my bread and butter

Because Linux users cant even load it kek

>The file explorer on Linux sucks too.
Are you fucking retarded?
Install a different one like PCmanFM.
There are like 100+ alternatives to Nautilus. Also you can change your entire Desktop environment with one command.

100% real scientific software runs on linux and most of it is linux exclusive.

>use visual studio, excel, word, SQL management
All of these run under WINE/CrossOver.

but you won't have directx12 for bideo gaems

I literally only boot w10 to play some games really

Everyone who uses windows outside a vm should be banned from Sup Forums.

I'm using 8.1 until I buy a 1TB Drive, then I'll be using Windows 10 Enterprise.

Wrong *nix.

Also just wrong in general but in spirit, not even the correct *nix.

this board needs to be killed

>using the Superior Operating System for Non-Autistic PeopleĀ®
yeah I guess that would be true

See you tomorrow