Thanks, AMD

Thanks, AMD.

Other urls found in this thread:

Found your problem

AMD drivers have been in the kernel since like 2-3 years ago.

Look if you had SP1 installed. if not, install it.

if it's a meme, neck yourself.

Missing windows update.

Update to Windows 10 pls. Thank you beautiful sir and have a nice day.


If you're missing the C runtime you're gonna have issues running shitloads of programs.

>doesnt have runtimes installed
>blames amd for his idiocy

>driver doesn't check for dependancies during install
nice try pajeet

>driver check for dependeciens related to the driver in order for it to function properly
>user is missing a crucial api that literally everything writen in c needs
>BLAMES AMD for it
>shills on Sup Forums for days

nvidia doesn't have this problem ;^)

yeah but nvidia has a problem with idle clock speeds at high refresh rates

Nvidia has plenty of it's own problems.
You're acting like we live in a world with perfect operating systems, drivers and devices.

Protip, we don't.

thats weird
a) because this is solely related with windows because its on a missing update
b) it has literally nothing to do with the gpu drivers
c) its a problem every gets that doesnt have sp1 installed

next time you wanna shill try to have some technical background about your subject first

The solution is to Works On My Machine

>tfw black screen of death when boot
wat do Sup Forums gpu not even a year old.

>driver doesn't check for dependancies during install
I'm honestly surprised you can even open a browser.

try a different gpu
oven that shit
buy a new gpu

hey reddit :D Unicrons and Narwhale bacons xD


Another windows brainlet, sigh...

What? Do you think C programs in modern OSes jump directly into main()? Look up for crt0.