Just bought an XPS 15 4k with my Autismbux

Just bought an XPS 15 4k with my Autismbux.

What would be an absolute easiest distro to install and set-up on this bad boy?

I have no interest in WInblows 10.


Gnome edition is my preference, but grab whatever DE you prefer. I have an xps 15 9550 and everything works OOTB including graphics switching.

Dell ship the XPS with their own version of Ubuntu so Ubuntu would be your best bet

i've got ubuntu on mine, and so do my collegues. everything worked perfectly out of the box on 16.04. updating to 17.10 broke my xorg, but it was an easy fix

This. Ubuntu Gnome 16.04 is as comfy as it gets.

Whatever distro you prefer as long as it's easy to install proprietary drivers and also you're probably gonna need to run either kde or gnome since they have proper HDPI support or you could waste loads of hours getting a simple WM to support it.

What about Mint? Does that play well with an XPS?

I personally prefer Gnome because it doesn't look like Windows. Mint/Suse (and KDE distros) remind me of Windows so yeah, I don't like them. :|

Thank you, Sup Forumsentoomen. I will try Ubuntu.

If you're American I hope you starve to death on the street you fucking leech. The day of reckoning is coming for all who leech off the sweat and blood of this great nation.

pick one

Free money is free money. Works for me, while I, myself, don't have to work at all :)

Don't make me laugh Eurotrash. The US is more of a nation than your sandnigger infested socialist EU shitholes. If you pansies would stand up for yourselves, maybe you would have a lick of sovereignty (and dignity) left.
Nothing in this world is free. The "free" money you speak of was STOLEN from the taxpayers so you could buy some Chinese piece of shit laptop.

>t. lolbergtardian patriotard

Put OS X on it.

what we have now is neither socialism nor capitalism - it's a blend of both

Keep your windows partition. It's the only way to install dell firmware updates

Doesn't matter, the only thing you may have problems with is graphics card drivers. Just install the proprietary ones and you'll be fine.

I don't identify with the disgrace of a continent known as Europe. The only country that has ever been part of the "free" world is America. Europe is not free. Europe has never had free speech in it's entire existence. The United States is what the finest of the human race was destined to forge. We have ascended, and in lieu of many problems we still have our patriotism; not for a nation born by megar conquest alone, but as the only nation to ever be birthed from a philosophical movement. Even if this nation falls, America will never die.
As long as we have property tax, the government owns the means of production. We must strip these boars from their seats and usher in a new era of American greatness.

If you can, and you might not be able to easily do this in most distros, you should switch to Linux 4.14 as soon as it comes out (or maybe run the rc until then).
This is because you will have some minor issues with prior versions, caused by lack of support of the new ultrabooks' special sleep state (where it only goes in idle so that it can wake up instantly, with WiFi still connected etc.)
This is a problem because the firmware will not be very well tested for the sleep states that Linux is using for those laptops. For me it causes the WiFi to bug out & require restart sometimes (after waking from sleep), and it used to just not wake up (very rare) a while ago.

It's not a big issue but you should keep it in mind when choosing distros.

-XPS 13 9360 Arch Linux user

This is what americans really think

Is that all you have to say? Truly you are an enlightened son. You have not yet realized the true potential of the American way. Go off to your hole. You are nothing but a roach to me.

I agree that America brought a lot of good stuff to the world and you can clearly see it everywhere on the world but don't forget that you didn't contribute shit to that because you are sitting in your mom's basement.

>but don't forget that you didn't contribute shit to that because you are sitting in your mom's basement.
Sounds like projection to me. I'm employed, thank you very much, unlike OP who is a ginormous faggot.

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