How does one achieve John McAfee status?

How does one achieve John McAfee status?

Be a born smartass.
Do drugs. Lots of drugs.

He probably still does not know if he's living real life or it's just a drug induced dream and he's still in the 80's and laying on the street.

>invent a virus
>invent a cure/antivirus

If you kill him, you become the new John McAfee.

Sheer autism

Just don't install any antivirus.

1. Have an alcoholic father who beats you.
2. Become a conman and do a fuckload of drugs.
3. Capitalize on a growing trend.
4. Do even more drugs.
5. Become a bit of a paranoid nutjob.

How does one pronounce his name? Mc coffee? Mac ayfee? Mac afehh?

Macaphee, accent on the first a.

>Macaphee, accent on the first a
So it's mac a fee. Is that right

Did he really was doing drugs? Which ones?

a couple marihuanas

Doesn't he introduce himself in every one of his videos? Why not watch one?

Cocaine, probably. He also claims to take various experimental drugs.

He snorted a bunch of DMT in the early ninties and it's fucked him up ever since.

kill someone with a luger

Are you a tard or something? Pretty much everyone in the US in their 20's with money is on some sort of drugs.


are u 10 or smth?

>be white
>work slightly harder than others


I have one of those two down, but how do I achieve the other one?

follow in michael jackson's footsteps

How is he paranoid? Snowden proved governments are in fact evil and after you.

he murdered his neighbor cause he thought he was a government plant

John McAfee has nothing to do with McAfee antivirus for many years. OP's picture is a frame from a video shaming the company.

lol so the same old "wahh wahh daddy was mean to me now im growing up to be a bada$$ by taking drugs" sobstory. Really creative, mcafee.

lol same old user on Sup Forums is a psychoanalyst tripe, grow up user

Sure, but he's rich because he invented it and cashed out.

Oh, sorry. I don't really know american cultural guidelines. :^)

Damnit... Captcha was: favor zona

>reading this while on moda and DUDE WEED LMAO

;((( it's true.

He is the rare combination of chadism and autism.

>had one of this hired thugs and personal whores kill his neighbor for poisoning one of his dogs


Bath salts.

I'm not.

>invents useless software
>cashes out right before everyone realize it
kek this guy is a legend

Haha fag where i am from we were all on drugs in highschool. Was fun

Follow his lead and get into crypto

Extremely underrated comment

profit from people's paranoia

>inb4 John sees this comment and commits suicide