Prove ur not a javatard

prove ur not a javatard

what is the answer to this question?

Process A sends to process B two messages M1 and M2, in succession: M1 using
MPI_Send and M2 using MPI_Bcast. Both calls use the same communicator. To
receive the messages, process B posts two calls in succession: the first call is
to MPI_Bcast, and the second call is to MPI_Recv. Which of these messages will
be received by which call? Explain why?

[spoiler]stick to the android apps, kids[/spoiler]

do your own fucking homework dickhead

>javatard detected



have you started learning kotlin yet? you're gonna need it if u wanna stay in the android game lad

OP rekt so hard. Good luck on your finals.

he fell for the S in STEM meme

need a clue?

Also even a fucking pajeet who doesn't do C could most likely answer this

what's the answer lad? u too busy trying to fix ur broken gradle dependencies to answer?

And I fuck up the link

And apparantly you're too busy fishing for answers on a taiwaneese basket weaving forum to do it yourself

ok. here's a clue:

one of the messages isn't received.

that should simplify things for you.

wow. you still haven't figured out?

>I just finished cramming for my final and boy do I feel super duper smart! I'm gonna ask an Indonesian Gundam collecting forum to solve this extremely specific and useless brain teaser to feel even smarter.
Kys, trash.

u prefer to use xamarin then?

Nope. Fuck kotlin and their lack of static. Google are the ones coding the Android APIs and they use Java. They will never stop using Java, there is a massive code base already written in Java and they are too invested on it to change. Instead they will rather switch to Go or Dart for the next SJW OS (Fuchsia), not because they are better than Java, but because Google has had enough trouble with Oracle suing them over Java and they want their own language free of copyright issues.

Stay into Java if you want. You will receive support until the Android end times. Don't be memed into "switch to Kotlin in 1 week", its actually too different a language and everything has to be done the Kotlin way.

t. Android dev

>They will never stop using Java, there is a massive code base already written in Java
Which you can use in Kotlin with zero problems. And which can use your Kotlin code with zero problems.

Sounds to me like you're just focusing on one thing. Which should be an absolute non-issue considering Kotlin has root-level functions. But I guess your ::ahem:: "design paradigm"necessitates a close coupling of static data with instanced objects.

But that's fine, if you'd rather have static fields to enable your questionable design decisions than actual immutables, functional without the most retarded syntax in the world, and a plethora of property shorthand to prevent unnecessary boilerplate and code-repetition then go ahead.

Is this from the GPU class?

I only know Python 2 and Scheme