Is American computing really weak?
Is American computing really weak?
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What part of that is weak?
They're nowhere near the bottom.
The US number is much higher if you include the secret government/military computers
b0ng here. ign0r3 sp3llings. posting frum p0tat0.
for the only superpower that seems lagging behind
in that case the ruse are probably suddenly top of the list
all those hackers
murica lost its superpower status since they failed to control south china sea and the caspian basin..
Yes. A couple well placed missiles in San Francisco and the rest of California(the heart of American culture), Oregon, and Washington would cripple our economy and render us helpless to the mercy of our enemies.
U.S. insists on giving bulk contracts to IBM and have IBM deliver whatever they have sitting around that has highest profit margin for IBM.
China decided existing shit is not sufficiently optimized for supercomputer workload and designed their own architecture and fabbed special CPUs for their supercomputer.
They're not weak, just fell behind.
Also inb4 someone mentions China padding their numbers and using supercomputers to mine Bitcoin: teams from China won the ACM Gordon Bell Prize (THE high performance computing prize) second year in a row now.
Funny thing, Tianhe 2 uses Xeon E5-2692 and US banned Intel from selling Xeons to China in 2015. After the ban E5-2692 was selling very cheap on Amazon.
So China just bought them from Amazon?
Probably won't pass customs
How far the mighty have fallen.
Oregon isn't even worth anything. Also Texas and NY are still centers of tech, and art and finances respectively. And NJ is an unspoken center for pharmaceutical and big on tech. New England would survive losing cali and dc. If you hit Beijing and Hong Kong China would literally never be able to recover and the entire country would shutdown
China has never won a war so we arent very worried about them.
I dunno about you
but I measure computing power in flops
number of computers means nothing
Summit will be online in 2018
good point actually
china won the korean and vietnam war from you, bucko
Those were stalemate wars of attrition that no one won.
So thats why the Chinese created the inferior x86 clone processors known as AMD
Pathetic, do they really teach this in seppo schools?
Great arguement
>Oregon isn't even worth anything.
Don't @ me silicon forest ez
dont you have a professor to harass?
Why would the number of supercomputers in the top500 list even matter?
What does china do with all this computing power?
actual honest questions, I'm retarded.
>yanks fight commies in vietnam
>at the end of the war entire country is commie and yanks have fled
>l-let's call it a tie
China is best
Nah I already hit my quota for irrational arguments for this month time to go on winter break my dude
I doubt that Amazon, Oracle, and Google handle all their computer shit now. The US is a lot more pathetic then conspiracy fags think they are.
IBM makes great cpus. Modern power pc cpus are more powerful and power efficient then anything Intel offers not sure about ryzen from AMD though.
Should I just go ahead and learn Mandarin so I can communicate with our future overlords?
The money gets spent on football stadiums.
How is that at all "weak"? Why does it even matter that US has to be top dog at absolutely everything? Why does anyone? Why isn't there more focus on what the supercomputers are actually doing and accomplishing than just taking pride in shitting them out? Why do people try to extrapolate shit like this and form over reaching statements about an entire nation's output on anything? Why does it fucking matter?
Fuck me.
Ibm is great when your loads are able to be handled by threads, not when the loads demand more of the cpu though.
pretty sure they aren't commie anymore, the culture war was won where the physical war just wasn't worth the effort.
>being 12, the post
here is america's max
Cores - Rmax (TFlop/s) - Rpeak (TFlop/s) - Power (kW)
560,640 17,590.0 27,112.5 8,209
here are the china computers above it
3,120,000 33,862.7 54,902.4 17,808
10,649,600 93,014.6 125,435.9 15,371
the second chinese one is fucking retardedly efficient for what it is.
That shouldn't be a problem for the kind of computing you'd want to use supercomputers and servers for is it?
We could call it Afroamerican computing power
China's Economy Superseded the US in 2015.
considering ibm is worlds ahead of intel in regards to threads, yet nearly all super computers use intel... I think it's highly situational.