If people here are antisemites, why they use GNU/Linux?

I don't care about it (I'm married with a jewish woman) and use GNU/Linux but people here are inconsistent.

GNU/Linux was mostly developed and propagated by jews (Stallmann himself is one) and commies (Torvalds, as his parents) while Windows and Mac were developed by gentiles like Gates/ Allen (British, Protestant), Jobs (a curious case of a middle eastern hippie/ hindu) and Woz.

What do you have in your defense?

Other urls found in this thread:


I don't. I use Plan 9.



Go back to
you cuck.

Largely because majority of posters here are contrarians. They advocate in favor of white supremacy while being arabic. They advocate in favor of linux use to fight off the "sjws" from google et al by using commie jewish software. They desperately want love and attention, but constantly shit on everything.

It's just typical edgy 14 year old stuff that they should have grown out of but are developmentally stunted.

is contrarianism necessarily a bad thing? being anti-contrarian by definition makes you a drone

This is incorrect. Contrarians are the drones, they just don't believe that to be true because they aren't like ~other drones~. In reality, following along with your perceived minority group and whatever viewpoint they hold today makes you nothing but a drone.

Contrarianism is a bad thing. Coming to your own conclusions isn't, but that's not what is happening on Sup Forums of all places.

i really like this picture

oh okay, I am a non-English speaker so I was slightly confused by the term. how do you know that some of these people are not coming to their own conclusions?

Triggered much?

The most obvious signs is that they'll repeat very superficial and common reasons, have no ability to demonstrate further thought about the topic, and this contrarianism becomes the default hivemind.
For example, denying the holocaust. It's a very contrarian position to hold because the majority sees it as an actuality, but there is a group of people who deny it for one reason or another (to be edgy, to fit into Sup Forums, etc). If you ask for reasons why they believe such and their counter arguments to popular beliefs about the holocaust, they won't provide any. They'll repost an image. They'll reply with stupid shit.

To make it Sup Forums related, contrarians will hold the belief that [Windows/Mac] is bad, but they won't provide good reasons as to why they believe that. They just go with the contrarian bandwagon on Sup Forums and hate them because they can. Over time, this became the norm on Sup Forums because as more and more people started using Sup Forums, more people wanted to fit in by being cool (which meant contrarian and anti-mac/windows).

Enjoying your superiority complex?

The problems of proprietary software was already discussed thousands of times on this board and is one of the pillars of Sup Forums.

As for my addition to that pile of arguments: I don't want an operating system which deprives me of control and I don't want it to be an advertising platform. Thats why I think win10 is bad. But you can obviousley use whatever you want if you are not disturbed by that.

>If people here are antisemites,
Well, are they really? I get the impression some are leaks from (pol/ while the rest are those who thought it was the hip thing to write.

Windows XP was literally made in Israel.

Go back to fagddit you kike shill.

The example is secondary to the point. Could have replaced it with a couple of other topics.

Do you even understand what a superiority complex is? Don't bother searching for it, you'll only internalize what you want from wikipedia and discard anything of importance relating to the term and its usage.

Comrade Stalin would have gulaged kikes like Stallman.

>What do you have in your defense?

My choice of technology is predicated on the technology itself not the ethnicity/religion/race/gender of its creators.

Nice ball

Sure and the basic definition applies to all your posts in this thread. You regurgitate nothing but tired arguments that anyone who's not a giant newfag has heard before.

On Stallman:

>RS: I am an atheist but of Jewish ancestry.
>Source: archive.org/download/The_Basement_Interviews/Richard_Stallman_Interview.pdf


On Linus Torvalds's father:

>Torvalds worked as a journalist of Finlands Svenska Television from 1982. He has been a correspondent in Moscow and later in Washington. Torvalds is an author and co-writer of books about Russia and the Soviet Union.

>Torvalds was active in the Communist Party of Finland (SKP) since he was a college student in the 1960s. He was elected to the Central Committee of the SKP in 1982.[2] He belonged to the Taistoist (hardline) minority. His political beliefs developed after learning of the atrocities committed against communist sympathizers in Finland. In his son Linus' book, he is reported as having lost enthusiasm for Communism.

>Source: enacademic.com/dic.nsf/enwiki/61867

The only funny thing about Stallman is here: youtube.com/watch?v=jskq3-lpQnE

Being a contrarian doesn't make you any less of a "drone" or braindead retard, the only difference is instead of trusting or believing in something because a lot of others do (sometimes for good reason), you purposefully do the opposite and use shitty products, buy into shitty ideologies and develop shit tastes for no reason other than the general populace not liking them in a shallow attempt to differentiate yourself without putting any real thought into it.
So do most retarded FSF advocates that have barely any compelling points beyond dinosaur ethics from the VAX age.

I use Linux

why is everyone such a fucking bitch these days that they take everything personally?

>bawwww muh feefees!

But it doesn't. You would know that if you actually understood the terms instead of attempting to attack someone because they hurt your feelings online.

>Superiority complex is a psychological defense mechanism that compensates for an inferiority complex.[1]
Sounds like you.

Just because you don't understand the arguments doesn't mean they aren't compelling points.

Unirronically kill your self

anti-israel != antisemite

"My points really are compelling, you just don't get them!"
It's hilarious reading this from you while you're simultaneously crying about someone else having a superiority complex.
It doesn't take a savant to understand and appreciate the merits of free software, but it doesn't make it any less meaningless in most contexts. The sooner you and the wider community learn to accept it, the sooner maybe you'll push out something worth using for reasons other than saving megacorporations big bucks on software licensing.

>"My points really are compelling, you just don't get them!"
I never claimed that. I merely claimed that arguments for the merits of free software are compelling. Excellent reading comprehension.

>less meaningless in most contexts
I don't know what you mean by meaningless. Free software is very popular and widely used in many places.

This is Sup Forums.
What you're looking for is Sup Forums
Retarded deplorables


I don't reason ad hominem. When I see something of value I use it and adapt it for my use. And Stallman, being a freedom extremist, would agree with me.

What argument made you believe in free software?

>I never claimed that.
I think you're mentally disabled.
>I don't know what you mean by meaningless. Free software is very popular and widely used in many places.
The primary driving arguments behind free software are ethical, the likes of Stallman and his Sup Forums evangelists don't push it because it's free, as in free beer, they push it to fight the allegedly restrictive and oppressive proprietary machine. No free software users in the real world give a shit about that, they integrate free software where it's suitable into their lives because it's free and doesn't require significant effort to maintain.

Multiple things, but simply the fact that you can't trust proprietary software to not spy on you. It's well-known now that Windows and MacOS are both hotlines to the NSA.

>I think you're mentally disabled
Since you don't understand the distinction between "my arguments are compelling" vs "free software arguments are compelling," I would say you're more likely to have the mental disability than me. The reason why I accused the other guy of having a superiority complex should be self evident. Superficial "hurr people on Sup Forums are contrarian" criticisms while implicitly excluding yourself from that group just reeks of it.

>No free software users in the real world give a shit about that
Total nonsense. Linux is popular because it is GPL and companies/people can contribute back to it.

I use windows, I don't like these commie fucks.

>you don't understand the distinction between "my arguments are compelling" vs "free software arguments are compelling,"
What kind of shit cop-out is this? We're talking about the arguments for free software that you regurgitate, we don't give a shit about your personal reasoning.
>Total nonsense. Linux is popular because it is GPL and companies/people can contribute back to it.
Yeah, because corporations are really in it because they can "contribute back to the community," how fucking deluded are you? Nobody interested in getting a job done gives a fuck whether a piece of software is GPL, BSD, MIT or proprietary, they bought into it because of their bottom line, GPL's advantages just happened to help that along.

I'm not the one pretending to be enlightened or presenting arguments as my own.

>Yeah, because corporations are really in it because they can "contribute back to the community," how fucking deluded are you?
And again you demonstrate you have no idea what you're talking about. Big tech corporations do contribute back to the kernel. In fact, guys like Red Hat, Google, etc. employ people specifically to develop the kernel. This is only possible because linux is free software. This shit is basic knowledge and Sup Forums 101. Why are you even here? Sup Forums's userbase doesn't just blindly support free software. People have good reasons to do so.

>People here are all the same
I use GNU/systemd/Linux.
I don't give a fuck about politics.
I don't give a fuck about races or sexual orientation.
I hate only stupid people.
How come L. Torvalds is a communist? Source, please.
If you're one of these retards who compare communism to software, then I hope you will have traumatising experience in your life.

You don't seem to understand what I'm actually saying. I have not denied that corporations and other large organizations contribute back to products they use, what I denied is the delusional idea that the ability to do so and the license that makes it happen is the explicit reason they migrated over, rather than just the icing on the cake. In the end, GNU/Linux is cheap, due in part to the GPL, yes, but not solely because of it.

If Linux was proprietary, it would have gotten absolutely nowhere. It is cheap precisely because it is free software. It's not merely "a part of the reason." It's the whole reason.

Just because commies and Jews make good software doesn't mean I want them running my country.

Because paradoxically it is good
t. White Nationalist using Debian 9 (C#++)

>What do you have in your defense?

I don't need to defend. I use any soft I feel like and pay for none of it. Not Windows, not Linux. Everyone else can eat my shit.

As for Jews, not using tools they make deprives them of nothing. Should the opportunity present itself, I'd keep the tools and treat them to a nice waterless shower.

Who doesn't like taking advantage of the free software produced by the soyim and distributed to shitlords for free?