don't mind me... just lied on my resume about my programming ability while my IDE finishes 99% of my code.
Don't mind me... just lied on my resume about my programming ability while my IDE finishes 99% of my code
If you can do no work but get paid like you do a lot then you are the smartest person in the room
wrong. your manager boss is an idiot and you are an asshole
fuck you
C# is literally C++ but better. It was designed to get around the flaws in the C language
im guessing shit like this is why OP made this post lmao
lol no. C# is Micro$soft's sorry excuse of a Java-like language with C++ likeness...
>One language is best and popular languages don't all have strengths in weaknesses
Bunch of faggots that have never written more than hello world in a language other than the first one you learned
what sort of code are you writing that your IDE can finish it off for you? Boy, I think contractors everywhere would rejoice to no end if their work was cut by so much by a tool!
there is precisely one measure of how successful you are as a craftsman and it is how much people are willing to pay for your work.
Not OP, but I rely on the suggestions and library so much that I can't even sort a list by hand anymore
This is on purpose, if you aren't an academic working on your PhD for a new way of sorting or you're building a business where sorting better than everyone else is a key pillar of your business theres no need for you to ever use anything than the standard libraries built in sort method, or maybe one of the other implementations if you have a specific use case
You can believe whatever makes you happy. But C# is a Java clone that is designed to look like C++.
That's great BTW, getting paid for less effort, the only problem is all the pajeet ridden cancerous code! God it's awful but fixing it is how I make my money
This makes it bad how?
On the one hand, that makes sense, but now I'm wondering why college spent 2 years making you implement your own sorts and shit when they could've been teaching practical things
Neither of them look like c++. C++ isn't even a GC language.
>mad about modern IDEs
Or you work for the government
whats wrong with that?
i mean yes it finishes your lines, but wont think instead of you just gives suggestions how it can be better. you have to type less and create value for production. i dont get you why you would fuck uo yourself by making more work
you can work hard or you can work smart
you clearly work hard :^)
I fucking love my IDE. I can't imagine what kind of hell my part-time work maintaining an old java swing program would be without IntelliJ helping me navigate the API and look stuff up.
There is a clear lack of good programmers. If you can do the work you're hired to do well, your manager is a smart guy, because he hired a person that can do his job well. Whether you save time by having IDE finish few flicking words for you or not is irrelevant here.