Anyone got this book? Care to share?

Anyone got this book? Care to share?

39 USD for a physical book is pretty steep, that much for just a PDF is retarded.


Vimtutor and :help are enough.


Sure you think it's pretty steep, but once you open it up you wont be able to put it down.

You don't have to tell me, but I'd like something like this for sharing with new users that I often try to bring back from the dark side of Atom/Sublime Text.

I'd buy it if it was physical, but I'm not gonna pay almost 40 bucks for a PDF.

if you need to read a book just to use a fucking text editor, maybe that text editor is an unusable piece of garbage

See my post here:

>evangelizing others when you're in the dark yourself
Embrace the light of Saint Ignucius, user.

Fuck of you figer-dirt-eating slob.

Dirt eating is completely with emacs, but it's a good way of replicating that feeling of disgust from dealing with VimScript, in case you ever miss it.

*completely optional

Literally vimtutor and the other 90 billion guides on how to use vim are plenty. Especially when there are a fuckton of plugins that do extra shit for you.

If you're struggling to learn how to use a fucking text editor, I highly doubt a book will help.

I don't teal in vimscript beyond doing mappings really. It is a pretty awful language, but then again, I've never written anythng more complex than a single if in vimscript. But it's just ugly if anything.

I wish there as a re-implmentation of vim in soething better. Neovim lets you use Lua to code plugins, but I've neer tried it. It's probably just a wrapper around vimscript though.

Projecting much?

Disregard that, I suck cocks

That doesn't even make sense as a comeback. You can't meme your way out of the fact that you're genuinely stupid.

The knife in the wound is that this idiot is unironically shilling nonfree documentation. This is the open sores equivalent to Microsoft Excel certification.

Fuck off, you elitist teenage prick! I paid a WHOLE $30 on this, so of course it's worth it!

>From WTF to OMG in no time.