Why don't phones have full sized USB ports and HDMI?

Why don't phones have full sized USB ports and HDMI?
They force me to turn my raspberry pi into a phone god damnit!

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bumping for raspi phone

>raspberry phone
Is that good or pure meme?

Depends on how much you love freedom.

Because it doesn't fit with the form factor of smartphones the same reason why you don't see full fletched desktop ports on ultrathin laptops.

So it's a meme.

It requires the usage of proprietary blobs

function > form
the form should be driven by the ports, not the other way around

Don't macs have like 5% market share now? Pretty sure people want the ports.

Mine has a full sized USB-C port

Miniature ports have the exact same function as full sized counterparts... And the cables have plastic insulation that bends more easily, I'd hate for my phone to keep sliding off the desk because of the shitty HDMI cable.

Will huge phone fetishists ever stop increasing their demands?
Will they ever be content with what they have?

Will we ever get a generation of actually useful phones again? My phone is approaching its fifth year and I still cannot find anything buyable on the market.


I like the design and the concept, but what is the support like and where is the camera button?

Also, it's still fucking 4.7".

That's why making a raspi phone makes sense. You can build it as large as you like.

I want it smaller, though.

Use raspberry pi 0?
You can also desolder the ethernet and usb ports and connect them to the board with wires.

because manufacturers want to make uncomfortably thin phones with glued covers so you dont open it

The addition of GPS and GSM modules would fuck this over.

Why? The module itself is small. Jut replace solid antenna with a wired one.

The sad thing about this setup is that it's genuinely smaller than modern smartphones.

Yeah, it's also only like 10 times thicker.

And yet it still got much less volume.

Samsung phones come with an adapter for a full size USB

it would look like those 90s motorolas with that antenna

As any GSM/UMTS/LTE module.