
Which one should I use for my close sourced solo project?
and why

Any self-hosted git

self-hosted or gitgud

>Closed Source


>close sourced
kys negro

use google drive, install it on your pc

github for the serious shit you want to show off
gitlab for the fun solo shit

If this is a corporate project ask your boss, or coworkers what they prefer.
If this isn't commercial, then why the fuck is it closed source

bitbucket, unlike github allows you to have private projects for free

>he doesn't have a school email for unlimited github private repos

>solo project

don't self-host, you are way more likely to lose something or have it fuck up in some way

bitbucket if you cant be arsed to selfhost

why are you making it closed source?
do you not want to build your portfolio?

self-hosted gitlab

For a closed-source solo project use rm rather than git

aws codecommit

>mfw developing closed source programs with open source tools
thanks for your hard work, gpl cucks.


Kill yourself you stupid faggot.

>close sourced solo
Then why do you need a collaborative platform at all?

Just use a bare repo, you fucking retard.

hosting platform*

I don't want potential hackers to see how incompetent I am. Also, I might open source it eventually so I want to use some kind of a git service.

Just use a fucking normal git repo. Why do you need a service?

You don't have to force yourself if you don't want to.
closed source software is NOT harmful when you are the developer and sole user.

Just use git with no remote.

The fact that you don't want to free your project shows how little confidence you have in your programming skills.

git init .

That doesn't answer the question of why you need to use a service for collaborative development when you're just doing a one-person proprietary project.

What's wrong with just using git? Why do you need a service? The whole fucking point of git is that it's distributed, it doesn't need a centralised service.

Using git as repository. Local or Remote. Commits and Control version, why I wouln't use as Solo-user?

I have a school email and they only gave me five

you use the github student pack dummy

he literally said he wants to open it up at one point so it does answer the question of why he would be using a git hosting platform you inbred fuck
y'all are worse than indian coworkers

So then push it up to a service whenever you want to make it open source.

get a github premium account.

"git". The main command line utility.

Got a laptop? sync it with your desktop over ssh or whatever the fuck you want.

> he literally said he wants to open it up at one point
Branch, compress the history on that branch with "rebase" to hide all the shit and useless you internally wrote that will make no sense to anyone else, push this branch to the "open" repository.

You do that once it happens. Very simple. Needs no preparation in advance.

Is there a way to possibly buy a .edu email address? Companies give a lot of shit out to students. WD gives cheaper myBook's to shuck, unlimited GitHub private repos, probably a service somewhere for unlimited storage in the (((cloud))) as a student.