Fight for net neutrality
Pie + shit = Pai of shit
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Why is adam sandler brown?
80% in polls already agree to keep Net Neutrality... but in the end, it doesn't even matter.
Please stay on reddit
>fighting for what google wants
lol no
How many of those polls were official and how many were gamed by people sending bots to repost the same answers over and over again?
Part of the reason people are so for it is because you have talking heads like john oliver telling people what to think
You new here Sup Forums doesn't want nn they'll die for their God king
You could say that Ajit Pai's really given us Ashit Pai of a situation.
Eh? Eh?
>fighting for what comcast wants
lol epic
>net neutrality
Who cares?
The negatives of net neutrality far outweigh the supposed benefits
people who don't want bloated internet packages
Hey idiot, I'll take ISPs any day over braindead morons like yourself fighting to their last breath on google's behalf.
Nothing significant will change contrary to what you morons keep trying to claim.
then don't buy it.
don't force people to only have shitty bloated options
>basing your opinion on whatever companies you love/hate think of NN
>not informing yourself on the subject and advocating for what benefits you the most
even if Pai and friends gut the regional monopoly garbage, fair treatment of data (the main principle of NN that gets confused with Title II) would be removed with it. The internet since 2015 has yet to be censored by the government, but there is a risk of corporate censorship if the regulations are scrapped, so I'd rather stick with the status quo.
He really doesn't intend to poo in the loo does he?
Who gives a shit what Sup Forums wants. This is Sup Forums, faggot, gtfo.
>doesn't know what polls are
>expects people to take him seriously
Left might be filled with soyboys, appltards, and niggers, but republitards are just straight up brain dead morons.
Fucking Net Neutrality communists in this thread want every fucking thing for free. Get out of here with that shit and pay your fair share to access, morons.
funny how you can always tell shill memes from the honest ones
you forgot all the porn in your fud chart
>keeping regulations is "gibbing the inderned to da gubmint" or "gommunism"
$.15 has been added to your ISP shill account.
>wants to pay for porn
You deserve everything that will happen to you.
1 MB has been added to your Comcast® XFINITY® Shill® Account.
How's watching YouTube on Fire TV working out?
I'm glad we have net neutrality.
256 kB has been added to your account. Spread the message in other threads for more credit.
Conservatives are fucking cancer.
perhaps if consumers ever were actually forced to pay for the porn they used there wouldn't be so much shitty examples of it out ther
won't happen anyway
enjoy your increased netflix bill dumbass
except you won't follow their money
>implying google wants net neutrality in long rung
Is God Emperador and his ins under the Furher.
This post is so fucking reddit it's cringe.
Government regulations are bad thing.
"Net neutrality" obamanet regulations should disappear.
Apparently those people do not know what the 400 pages regulation nicknamed "net neutrality" entails.
Keeping NN is condemning Internet to become censored and controlled like TV.
>Government regulations are bad thing
>we need regulate social botnets
Selling a connection without net neutrality is same selling a car without a motor.
Because govt regulations ruined Radio.
They ruined TV.
They ruined Cable.
They would ruin Internet.
>Selling a connection without net neutrality is same selling a car without a motor.
Thanks reddit, I'm convinced.
What you call "net neutrality" is a regulation giving more power to the government in order to control the Internet.
Corporations and shit like Comcast want your money.
Government want you. They want to censor, control, regulate. Like they did with TV.
>Apparently those people do not know what the 400 pages regulation nicknamed "net neutrality" entails.
400 pages to say every package should be equal... And you still voting for same parties year after year.
You obviously do not know what the fuck you are talking about.
Why don't you go back to plebbit and downvote every post with an opinion you do not like?
the last of Obamas net laws passed on xmas eve hidden in a military spending bill
This bills wording allows for the creation of a special task force appointed by the president that can, combined with the NN legislation, immediately take down any web site without due process, as well as force all ISP to block access. Any ISP who refused would lose their broadcasting rights.
Have a thread on Sup Forums about Intel ME? Intel would donate and get that shit shut down under the premise of "non govt propaganda"
Sound a bit like censorship? Because it was going to be. The law would go into effect and last 8 years.
They thought she would win.
Anyone who supports this is a fucking idiot.
"Net neutrality" as you call it, a several hundred pages regulations created by the govt.
With those in place, it's VERY (almost impossible) difficult for a company to enter the market and become an ISP.
NN = not free market, no competition
NN = olipoly
NN = govt meddling in the Internet
There wasn't NN before 2015, and things already had too much regulations.
Plebbit is for the NN because they're socialist cucks and are full of shills and sheeps following what google says.
>selling a car without a motor
>thinking anyone would purchase it
maybe they would have to if the government mandated it as the only option
How about you ask some economists
Or read some fucking scientific literature
This whole discussion is a fucking embarrassment and the way reddit shills this topic with endless downvote for anyone who breaks the circlejerk should be sign enough for you to question the rhetoric
Google, Reddit, Obama, Soros.
They all shill for the same side on this issue.
Really makes you think.
got links for these?
I have people I would like to share these arguments with
Comcast, FCC, Verizon, AT&T.
They all shill for the same side on this issue.
Really makes you think.
>Part of the reason people are so for it is because you have talking heads like john oliver telling people what to think
as opposed to this enlightened thinker who comes up with all his own original(tm) thoughts
>What you call "net neutrality" is a regulation giving more power to the government in order to control the Internet.
Lol. Yesterday was concept net neutrality by itself was wrong. Now 400 page bullshits.
>Corporations and shit like Comcast want your money.
Nope, they what annex Google same way Google and They want annex them. If trust one of both side are good guys, you are Sup Forumstard.
>Government want you. They want to censor, control, regulate. Like they did with TV.
Government is a whore who sucks dick o pay more.
Also, is funny Sup Forums crying for speech and free market when want to ban everyone does follow their logic or regulate social networks.
>much reddit
>our sacred alliance with the Well, most of the people only need 100 sites or even less so probably would buy the car without a motor.
Yeah why don't those republitards just do what they're told? It's like the more articles I write about how you shouldnt have voted for Trump and how he supports killing children, the less you trust me.
>Your two articles are by Jon Brodkin. Will you have selections from Robert Fiskand Rashid Khalidi next?
Yes. They're non-ideological corporations.
They're simply greedy, they want your money.
Obama, Soros, Google, Reddit?
They're ideology driven. They want to control.
Corporations is a lesser evil.
By far.
Source: history
Are you saying Obama did a law would give power to his successor to censorship rivals without know the results of elections?
And you guys are the ones trying to deploy Racists Against Trump and wondering why it isn't working.
>have no argument
>"ur a poltard"
Not an argument.
sign me up for google annexed internet
fuck google
>Are you saying Obama did a law would give power to his successor to censorship rivals without know the results of elections?
They were certain Clinton would win. So yes.
Also, Republicans are as fucking corrupt as Democrats. It's not a partisan issue.
The govt is a self-sentient entity that want to grow. Always grow in power and control.
Always has been, always will be.
Actually, nn is what keeps ISPs from packaging off sites based on content, much like how cable tv is now, ie premium channels, family channels, sports, etc. Which, in case you didn't notice STILL have advertising although you already pay for that shit. But, cucks gonna cuckd.
They "knew" that Hillary was going to win. And in their defense, that's what all the polls and all other indicators were saying right up to election day morning.
Obama decreed a long list of things like that during those final days, thinking Hillary was a shoe in but wanting to do it before she officially won. Harry Reid announced that he was ending the filibuster, thinking he was about to win back the Senate and that he'd be confirming a train of clinton-appointed federal judges.
Nither killing or keeping NN will get rid of regulation that makes it impossible for new companies to startup, why is Sup Forums sucking cocking getting rid of net neutrality?
>They were certain Clinton would win. So yes.
>democrats don't get more 8 after FDR
Fake and gay. Maybe they hope for mainstream Republican but was written in the walls stone Clinton would lose.
Alphabet will be "dead" after next crash. Just wait one or two years.
Ok, Sup Forumstard.
> Racists Against Trump
So, the law had passed before the Trump nomination?
>Anything the goes contrary to Drumpf tweets in fake news.
>supporting shitskin streetshitter
>supporting israel
>Sup Forums
Really makes you think.
>regulation is bad
>gimme more of it
>the media is trustworthy
Why are you defending getting butt fucked Sup Forumstard
two wrongs don't make a right dumbass
Until regulation that enables monoplies is repealed, which it won't, NN is the best thing you have right now
>I dislike monopolies
>let's support this shit that is being railroaded by monopolies
Without NN you will plunge further into a monopoly
you just don't get it
>brazilians have less than a page to protect the NN
>murica have 400 pages
Why do you think cable companies are the only ones pushing for removing it?
>how to fix google monopoly
>stop using it
>how to fix comcast monopoly
> build a new infrastructure
>why do you think companies are against being regulated
you would benefit in putting your two brain cells to work trying to figure out why google and netflix are shilling it so hard
you don't know shit about how telecoms work beyond what has been spoonfed to you
>Pai of shit
Honestly, how old are you?
>fIgHt fOr NeT nEuTrAlItY
>all regulations are bad
Google and Netflix benefit from an open internet, just like literally almost everyone in the country does.
>support the rivals
>small ISPs just resell the connection by megacorps backbones
companies disliking being regulated is not a value judgment on my behalf
>google and netflix benefit from an open internet
>open internet
>regulated by the government
>o-oh Comcast do you l-like it when I o-oppose net neutrality
Open was the monopoly of AT&T over telephones lines on USA in the 20's
Countering Information Warfare Act of 2016 (S.2692)
>"...counter foreign propaganda and disinformation from our enemies by establishing an interagency center housed at the State Department..."
>p. 1399 - "The head of the Center... shall be appointed by the President."
>..."Maintain, collect, use, and disseminate records for research and data analysis of foreign state and non-state propaganda and disinformation efforts"
"Non state propaganda" can mean literally anything, including intel ME threads.
So we have here the creation of essentially an independent agency whose sole purpose is to counter anything the president specifically views as propaganda. Coupled with current Title II laws, they can ban any ISP who does not comply.
Then we add in the following, hidden in a 3,000 page bill,
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017
>.."Identifying current and emerging trends in foreign propaganda and disinformation, including the use of print, broadcast, online and social media, support for third-party outlets such as think tanks, political parties, and nongovernmental organizations, and the use of covert or clandestine special operators and agents to influence targeted populations and governments in order to coordinate and shape the development of tactics, techniques, and procedures to expose and refute foreign misinformation and disinformation"
>"...The legislation establishes a fund to help train local journalists..."
>Second, the legislation seeks to leverage expertise from outside government... provide grants and contracts to NGOs, civil society organizations, think tanks, private sector companies, media organizations, and other experts outside the U.S. government...
Inb4 a shill says this is all fake without even clicking the links
fix: the 20th century
Government can regulate it either way you fucking retard. Do you think that without net neutrality laws it will somehow stop the government from controlling what you fucking do online?
>Sponsor: Sen. Portman, Rob [R-OH] (Introduced 03/16/2016)
>Fake and gay. Maybe they hope for mainstream Republican but was written in the walls stone Clinton would lose.
Go read any article from up until election day and find me one where a Democrat of any stature was predicting a trump win. Nate silver was saying the odds of a Clinton presidency were 85%+
> #
>> Racists Against Trump
Is this your first day on Sup Forums? Nearly every nn shitpost has racial slurs against Amit Pai.
>So, the law had passed before the Trump nomination?
Which one? If you mean NN, then the law didn't pass at all. The gop-controlled Congress refused, so Obama used executive action and had the fcc declare it by fiat. That was 2014. Prior to that, there was no NN and the internet didn't esplode.
Other big regulatory decrees came out in the final month when it seemed like Trump was doomed.
The prime candidates responsible for this are video game companies like Sony and Microsoft. They introduced the concept of paying for online service you were already paying for. Now their goyim have been conditiooned to bend over and lap up anything their masters want, because to them more money = better product.
>what, you don't like paying 60 dollars a year for online services, ontop of your ISP bill? Stop being a poorfag
>not corporations
The second legislation is Obamas. You got about half way through the post before saying something you think is smug and clever but just looks retarded, congrats.
Even if it was or wasn't Obama's specifically, this changes literally nothing about its contents.
Do you have any opinions that you didn't get from reactionary ideologues and internet memes?
>The prime candidates responsible for this are video game companies
Premium cable channels and events have been around for decades you mongoloid retard.
the fuck are you talking about
ISPs don't conduct the backend for gaming networks
Fuck botnet neutrality.
the flow of money is well documented