What's your current vaping rig Sup Forums?
>Aspire Cleito
>0.4 ohm coil
>Cool Fire 4 Plus
>some peaches & cream EVO juice
Pics welcome too
What's your current vaping rig Sup Forums?
>Aspire Cleito
>0.4 ohm coil
>Cool Fire 4 Plus
>some peaches & cream EVO juice
Pics welcome too
Other urls found in this thread:
>clone Eleaf iStick Pico from DHgate
>Saionara w/ kanthal wrapped quartz coil .25 ohm
>88% THC Mars OG shatter
sai fucking sucks 90% of it gets wasted get something with a bucket
Currently not. Because I like getting laid.
Get off /g and head back to /b where morons belong.
>Alien V12 X2 coil @ 95 watts
>Alien V12 Tank
>Store-made juice that is a variety of fruits (kinda tastes likes like the rainbow)
Had to get the KAOS Z because I was in a pinch and needed a low budget high watt mod. I really like it actually and it is lighter than my Alien was. The leds are pretty nice too. It randomly doesn't hit about every 50 puffs, but I'm sure that is because of my batteries.
op is a massive faggot
>NX75 with a sony VTC5
>.5 ohms with Extreme Ice from Mt baker vapor.
Anything more complicated than this is purely for neckbeards.
>Vaporesso Gemini RTA
>0.3 ohm dual SS Clapton
>Cool Fire 4 TC100
>pink starburst liquid
Making your own liquid is the way to go. Getting a gallon of premixed VG and Nic for 30 bucks feelsgoodman.
she's a beauty too
>Aspire Zelos 50w
>0.7 ohm BVC coil
>Nautilus 2
>Liqua menthol 6mg 50/50
Is the nautilus 2 only good for MTL? It looks like such a nice tank, thought about getting one but can't deal with a tight draw.
ironically commanded an istick pico last week
Vapes are technology.
These babies. The built-in battery ones are my portables, and the swappable battery ones are for at home. I use two mostly for WTA liquids and two only for plain nic' liquids.
Sigelei J150 Plus + Serpent SMM
Sigelei J150 + Super Tank Mini (25mm)
Sigelei J80 + Super Tank Mini (22mm)
Lavabox M + Cleito
Love the Cleito BTW. Been using it for two years. Have a great RDTA and a nice RDA I wanna keep permanently paired with the Lavabox, but the Cleito is just so good for mid-watt vaping I can't let go of it.
Mostly, but you can get good DTL-hits with the 0.7 ohm-coils. It's definitely a MTL-tank though. I usually do MTL, so for me it works fine.
Currently using an istick pico with a vaporesso veco. My tfv8 sucked compared to the veco.
Want to get a new mod and an rda. Don't know which mod to get. The offer is limited here.
Were would you guys reccomend buying juice or coils at online? The vape shop in town has already sold me 2 items that were DOA and their homemade juices can be hit or miss at times.
so many good choices. check juicedb for ratings and such, but popular ones lately are eightvape, elementvape, vapordna, and the old standby, myfreedomsmokes. for juice, some of the small outlets are surprisingly amazing (i like b-x, om, and apothecary in particular).
First I bought was a Stick V8 wich was pretty garbage after the first coil it came with on.
Now I bought a Tarot Nano wich I was enjoying until I realized it had a firmware that doesn't exist for this mod so I think it's fake,a clone or whatever you call it.
Does anyone in here own one?
Are fucking squonkers worth it. I'm tired of dripping every three hits.
They are dumb imo,whats wrong with dripping every 3 hits?
Idk why reviewers praise tfv8 so much,it's shit imo,fucking smok shills.
Thanks man! It has been a bitch to find a online shops because it use .12. You gave me more than enough to go off of. Some of the shops are half the price for what I had to pay for the store in my town.
He has a punchable face.
>Artery Nugget 1
>0.6 ohm coil
>49er tank that comes with the mod
>Jungle N'4
What's a good mod with battery life that can last an entire day? I have to constantly have my shit connected to a charger, it barely lasts at all.
Bought this boy here today
>Envii Fitt
>Nice design
>~6 hour battery life
>60 mg Frostbite juice
>Yes, 60 mg
>Several firing modes
Only $40 at my FLVS and $16 for juice
Wow this board really is full of absolute fucking losers and mega-autists. Vaping? Blowing and sucking flavoured smoke, really lads? I've never seen a vapetard who wasn't a total virginial aspie.
Take this shit to where it belongs.
Shit forgot pic
It's an iron lung because I experienced cardiovascular collapse
if i have a day to live, i would literally mass shoot vapers and smokers
Aspire speeder mod.
Aspire athos tank running the penta coils
3mg element frost e liquid. Basically tastes like vaping mouthwash
i'm sorry that your life is so sad that you have to grasp so desperately at such a trivial thing to feel superior to others
it's legit technology. and the only reason you have this perception of vaping is because you are in grade school. of-course middle schoolers and high schoolers who vape are autists. adults use it to quit smoking, and some stick with it for the nicotine. take your shit right and go back to bed.
>yfw you need to suck on something phallic but your boyfriend had to go to his job at the Apple Stoire
>avocado 24 bottom airflow
>26awg 316L SS at 0.3-0.4 ohms
>cuboid pro
>juices from tbd and bluedot
Then don't use an RDA while driving?Unless driving is your job or a part of it.
Smok Alien with various attys. Vaping my own concoction.
I want to get a new mod with the Gene chip but the company needs to rethink their design (and name).
Voopoo. What were they thinking?
Wew,you are probably a loser anyways.
> b/c vaping is the sign of a winner
Just buy a tank or a rda tank hybrid
>tfw you want to smoke but you don't want to get cancer nor feel your lungs heavy from smoking tobacco
Keep bashing people for vaping for no reason at all man.
The reason is pretty clear; vapers are fags.
You just dont understand b/c of all the fog in your face.
Nah,my point is that you are a loser anyways,smoking/vaping or not,only sore losers feel the need to hate on people for doing things that they don't that don't really harm anyone except maybe themselves.
>using a semicolon
>no apostrophe for a contraction
for the love of god please kill yourself, phone poster
And why are vapers fags?because they use a device to inhale vapor?because it doesn't look cool enough for you?because you don't vape and they do?
I'm willing to bet that if you tried it you would like it.
>Says the user browsing Sup Forums
Not who you are responding to (you think I'm the other guy; but I just actually agree with him). How is disliking vaping a sore loser. Do you scat? No? You a sore loser? The logic fag.
I have no problem with people vaping; I have a problem these types of vaping fags though:
> vape by the door
> vape in the building
> vape in the movie theater
> vape everywhere you can b/c you think its cool
> vape because you think its "healthier" than cigs
If you are or have done any of the above, you're a fucking faggot.
they are technology for degenerates
no problem vapefam
don't pay attention to these nigglets. they're highschoolers at best. they don't know any better.
I only use the best possible shit. So I have a 100w eleaf with a leemo 2. I run it at 27 watts.
If you use more than one coil you're gay.
If you use flavored juice you're gay.
If you're gay you're a faggot.
In what way do any of those things affect you or anyone else? Scents cannot be outlawed, remember.
>Serpent SMM
>.5 ohm hand made coil.
>Sigelei Kaos 200W
>Juices are pictured.
Its a cigarette you retard
>Vape by the door
Don't smokers smoke by the doors outside buildings?Why can't someone vape by the door if they aren't blowing too much vapor and taking care of not annoying other people?
>Vape in buildings
No,they are idiots.
>Vape in the movie theater
>Vaping everywhere because you think it's cool.
More idiots.
>Vape because it's healthier than cigs
It's proven that it is,not completely innocuous but is is better than cogarettes by far.
With this said I don't vape often in public,only retarded kids to these things because vaping is becoming more popular and this stuff starts to happen.
I'd blow a cloud and probably some spit in your face then proceed to follow you around the school doing the same thing until you made a fool of yourself.
cancer stick smokers who do the same shit are equally annoying and I can appreciate the smell of good tobacco.
also vaping is actually healthier but that's like saying getting stabbed is slightly healthier than getting shot because you aren't ingesting lead.
Oh? I didn't realize. Do elaborate.
Depends on what battery you use and at what wattage you're at.
>shit posting on Sup Forums
>getting laid
Kek. Who are you fooling?
nicotine is safe as fuck faggot go be stuck up somewhere else
Btw you are hating on people that vape,do I do scat?No.Do I dislike scat?yes.Do I hate people for no reason that do scat?no.
Pretty obvious difference.As long as they have respect,dontt harm and dont annoy other people I'm fine,but I can understand where you are coming from if you have encountered these kind of retarded kids that just started vaping and they think they are the shit.
My current battery is 1000 mAh and I vape at 45W. The battery is fucked though so it only lasts a few minutes.
> Don't smokers smoke by the doors outside buildings?Why can't someone vape by the door if they aren't blowing too much vapor and taking care of not annoying other people?
1. Second hand smoke
2. Its rude (how do you know that a person coming out of the building doesnt have lung issues and your flavor causes issues with their breathing?)
> It's proven that it is,not completely innocuous but is is better than cogarettes by far.
Mov 4.0 with the innoken scion tank it came with. I mix my own jiuice because its cheaper. Pear with 50/50 12%. Just ordered a litter of 9% because i am working my way down
>nicotine is safe as fuck faggot
yeah no shit cock sucker, the other garbage in tobacco isn't.
>also vaping is actually healthier but that's like saying getting stabbed is slightly healthier than getting shot because you aren't ingesting lead.
no. it's like saying drinking a coffee is healthier than getting shot. nicotine without the tar and combustable tobacco materials is literally as harmless as caffeine.
Sounds underwhelming
Truly is, but it's more like 500 mAh nowadays. Maybe a bit less.
It's like saying taking caffeine pills is safer than coffee.
because it is.
It's also superior in every way just like vaping is.
>Pico Dual 200W
>Ghetto ass coil on my knockoff Velocity V3 that sometimes is 0.43 and 0.25
1000 mAh is nothing. Getting a better battery wil make your situation a lot better.
friendly reminder that vaping is one of the faggiest thing you can do
putting particulate matter in your lungs is generally not a good idea regardless of its content. eliquid bases are hygroscopic and you are exhaling your body's moisture from the very place that moisture is most important.
Its not harmless idiot, see Its not, you can overdose easily on caffeine pills. You clearly are stupid.
>like saying getting stabbed is slightly healthier than getting shot because you aren't ingesting lead
I used to smoke. I don't anymore and I used a vape to quit over a period of about four months. I haven't smoked or vaped in over a year. Having said that, I researched vaporizers a lot prior to using one to quit, and only a fucking idiot would make a comparison like that, sorry user. Burning a cigarette produces a host of toxic chemicals, not limited to benzene, tar, and arsenic. There's particulate matter in cigarette smoke; there's a FILTER on a cigarette so that it doesn't fuck your lungs up as badly. The fact that a vape doesn't require a filter ON IT'S OWN should signal to you mouthbreathers that a vape isn't even close to being in the same league as a cigarette. Your comparison should be closer to saying that getting slapped is healthier than getting shot. The only significant bad press that vape juice has gotten is that popcorn lung thing where idiot "journalists" tried to make factory workers who were inhaling fumes from high concentration chemicals surrogates for people who vape, which is fucking retarded.
Let me shed some light on the reason people who vape are so hated: it's because society got so keen on hating on smokers and a vape allows that habit to continue without any means for the haters to make an objective case against the habit. If it doesn't cause cancer, the haters can't point to that as a negative factor, and it drives those retards insane.
tl;dr: if you hate on vapers, it's probably because you're a mouthbreather that needs to get a hobby
>Second hand smoke
>Annoying other people
Again as I said non retarded people and smart people will take care of these things,it's not about being a vaper or a smoker it's about having respect for the others and common sense.
It's an already debunked argument,it only happens when,again, people is retarded and use a ver high wattage.People that vape and are informed and know their shit don't face any risk of inhaling formaldehyde
>Long term vaping risks
>At this point physicians are most concerned about acute nicotine
This says it all,nicotine overdose is again produced by being a retard and not knowing what you are doing.
Formaldehyde only forms when retards burn their coils. Theh blame higher vtage because its more likely for an idiot to burn their coils with high voltage
You can easily overdose? Each pill is the same amount of caffeine as a normal cup of coffee. I switched over back like 8 years ago, it would be very difficult to overdose. You'd have to do it on purpose.
> Wismec rx 2/3
> .2 ohm coil @ 140 w
> Some random 3mg juice the store employee recommended me
The way you guys talk about your vapes makes it sound like youre talking about cars or some shit
>Smoking tobacco is bad for you
>Drinking alcohol is bad for you
>Vaping is bad for you
>Consuming too much sugar is bad for you
>Consuming too much fat is bad for you
>Sitting around all day shitposting on a Chinese cartoon imageboard is bad for you
Choose your poison
So just dont burn you coils? Good coils wont burn
Vaping isn't bad for you in anyway that matters. Consuming too much fat only matters if you don't lift.
You act like the average user knows this. If I was to start vaping right now I'd only know b/c I'm arguing with an user. Even then I would have no idea what "good coils" are.
Dude, what part of
> can cause upper respiratory issues
do you not understand?
Stop being so harsh,I'm all about knowing the risks I'm taking but you don't seem to be willing to admit that vaping is not near as dangerous as smoking even tho we are giving you information that says otherwise.
You just like bashing on vaping and vapers,why don't you go on and tell us how diacetyl will give us popcorn lungs too.
Long term vapers,aka non retarded kids know their shit and won't face any of the problems you are pointing out that idiotic people will do.
It's like mongoloid personal trainers at the gym telling you how bad deadlifting is for your back,or that squats are not safe for your knees.It's about being ignorant and not knowing shit about the subject
It is as harmless as caffeine, you retards:
The hysteria about formaldehyde has been debunked. Most of the dangers people associate with vaping have been shown to be unfounded.
Yes, i understand you are ignorant.
> Studies have shown that those who vape may have more upper airway respiratory symptoms such as cough, sore throat, etc. Also, recently at least three studies have linked vaping with asthma in teenagers.
Breath in general can cause upper respirtory issues. Who worded that, a lawyer?
As someone who has overdosed on caffeine, I concur with
You have to TRY and about halfway to overdose you'll know something's wrong and should stop.
Arizer Extreme Q
Straw man, if you're going to defend your position at least do it right
I'm the one you were discussing initially and yeah you have a point,the only truly good one.
It's not simple to get all the info you need to start to vape safely and to enjoy it,you have to be into it and it's being sold as something easy and it really isn't that hard but you have to spend some time researching and getting your shit together.
Yeah, it bothers mt throat some times. Eve. Worse than all the weed i smoke at times. It could cause cancer. I dont think its likely
>popcorn lung thing where idiot "journalists" tried to make factory workers who were inhaling fumes from high concentration chemicals surrogates for people who vape, which is fucking retarded.
To be fair the chemical that causes popcorn lung was actually in many juices, but the industry responded extremely fast and it's practically nonexistent now.
Post actual proof instead "we think it can do this"
He has a good point man,most of the normal dumb people will get into vaping without knowing shit and with no interest in learning about anything related to it and that might be dangerous.