Has anyone been tormented by a neighbor's sound system?

has anyone been tormented by a neighbor's sound system?

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>all the neighbours I had in my entire life
>not speakerlets
kek, I torment them instead

Yes, and I simply call the cops because bylaw you're not allowed to disrupt the peace.

No, because I'm Cuban and would make them pay.

>Neighbor is playing the piano
>Is actually good at it

She's playing Christmas songs too, so it's pretty comfy.

Is she cute? I have a flautist neighbor upstairs. It's pretty comfy as well. But I don't know the musicians sex.

>tfw no virtuose girl next door
my biggest fetish desu

No she's an elderly lesbian woman.

Yeah. I bought my first home a couple years ago, a nice little condo in a new development. For at least the first 6 months, I constantly had to call and complain about the faggot upstairs blasting his shitty music loud enough that I could not only make out the lyrics, but the heating elements on my stove were rattling along to the nigger bass.

A few times. Gave up after a while and showed him whose speakers are louder, which got him to stop.
Different neighbour was blasting music at 3am on a Tuesday so I called the cops after trying to ring him and he didn't answer.

just buy a better system than they have and play some anime soundtracks at max volume.

My neighbour blasts Iron Maiden


I like Iron Maiden and everything, but not EVERY FUCKING DAY

I moved into my current apartment 1.5 months ago. I hardly hear my neighbors at all. I suspect they do not have a 5.1 like I do, and I can only hope I'm not bothering anyone.

Even worse. Roommate in college used to blast shitty, basically unmixed youtube rap through the hall the best that his macbook speakers would allow. That's the point where I bought a headphone amp and showed him what little difference there is between laptop and headphone speaker drivers

give him a birthday present full of other metal bands

I blast Chains of Misery over my speakers every morning as my alarm.

I'm thinking my neighbours are planning on releasing me from these chains permanently.

I'm that neighbor.
Really cuz the cops asking me nicely to turn it down a bit then ignore future complaints... And for a good reason, I always blast it at the loudest hours of the day when the traffic is loud af anyways.

Sometimes. One night at 0300 my neighbours decided to share his limited taste in music and started blasting 3 songs of a single band on repeat for like 40 minutes before the cops arrived and told him to turn it off.
Some people jesus.

>owning speakers while living in an apartment
get headphones like everyone else you rude cunts. guarantee you your neighbors fucking hate you.

Maybe I'm your neighbour. Not sorry though.

If if you can't beat them, You need more power.

Weak, he needs to cut this ceiling out and stack them 2 to 3 times higher.

He needs to get gud like these guys.


I have a bunch of spic nigger neighbors, so yes.

never had any problems with neighbors playing music but i did have one neighbor that blasted hentai at max volume every single fucking night. luckily he was such a slob the landlord kicked him out. his room was unlivable and they had to tear out all of the carpet and cabinets because everything was stained with cigarette smoke and cum. he also broke into my apartment one of the first nights i was there and stole my toilet paper, so fuck him

same. my current roomate is moving though and decided to cuss them all out before leaving, now my apartment is about to turn into the epicenter of the race war. fuck this shit i just want to go to class and do my homework.

My upstairs neighbor like to blast his loud bassy music from time to time. Whenever he does I just turn up the gain on my subwoofer and that normally shuts him up.

>listen to the same one song on repeat for hours
>on headphones
i am a good boy and i deserve to make this post

just gotta learn moderate volume levels my dudes

I was fortunate enough to have never had to live in an apartment

speakers normally aren't an issue, unless your walls are really that shitty

there is absolutely no reason why someone in an apartment or condo should have a subwoofer, though

this fucking pajeet by me always waits until 11 or 12 PM and then starts blasting his sub... i don't even live directly next to him and i hear his curry ass

You don't have to. Before I moved into my current place, my nextdoor neighbor had a tendency of blasting his shitty music until 2 in the morning in his basement, but he blasted it so loud that I and the neighbor on the other side of him were both constantly complaining. And then the fucker put a hot tub in his yard.

Weekly. Which is comical since I have a far better one. They use it past curfew, on Fri/Sat. So I use mine on max the moment the noise ordinance isn't in affect on Sat/Sun. I was told by another neighbor that they have resorted to using earplugs to go to bed after partying so Quentin Tarantino would stop waking them up.
It's actually somewhat fun and I'll be watching The Punisher at 6am on max tomorrow.

Depends, where I live so long as obscenities aren't said, you can blast shit as loud as you want till around 10pm, and then again after 10am,

If you lived a mile out of town, literally as loud as you want, constantly hear the parties where people are blasting shit so loud you hear it a good 2 miles away.

spite, the greatest of motivational tools.

I live in my own house.

good lesbian who just found someone of the same sex attractive, or in your face lesbian that makes everything they do potentially annoying?

get a 5.1, really any 5.1, this way you can have the speakers at lower volumes and still get nice sound, set the sub low, just enough that its there on impacts, but basically inaudible the rest of the time, if your shit is good, it should separate the bass out of the rest of the channels making the speakers even better sounding.

Not really, quite the opposite

Once you go speakers you just can't return

I've been getting really pissed with my neighbors bass getting into my room when I'm trying to sleep. I really want to complain but I'm not a fan of getting stabbed.

Yes some retard who lived in the basement of our apartment always bumped some eurodance or hardstyle at 3 am
He also had a fucking motorcycle workshop inside of his apartment and even in the night people drove their motorcycles to him. It always smelled like gasoline in the hallway

We eventually got him kicked out with the help of an lawyer

>give him a birthday present full of other metal bands

no but i torment them with my Jamo C97 and B&W 8inch subwoofer

>neighbor has loud sex late at night.
>I broadcast loud templeos hymns on the morning.

>neighbor puts screams at his vidya internet game mates
>I spam DEAUTH packets until he rage quit.

I am usually a revengeful passive aggressive lad

i really should learn a thing about the deauth attack.. i would find it hilarious to hear her crying in tears

I've been cleaning up my house tonight (11:30pm here), and just went to the toilet on the other side of the house, and realised I was being that neighbour.

I'll turn it down after this poop, I swear.

>not listening to Maiden all day every day

Get a look at this pleb.

Oh good, this song now doesn't have as much bass.