Kaczynski's new book, Anti-Tech Revolution: Why And How significantly expands on many of the points raised in his manifesto, and should be read by everyone here.
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Kaczynski's new book, Anti-Tech Revolution: Why And How significantly expands on many of the points raised in his manifesto, and should be read by everyone here.
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Does he have anything to do with the Kaczynski I'm thinking of?
Which Kaczynski are you thinking of?
Also his brother I guess.
Ted is the only Kaczynski you need to know about.
Is that a yes or a no?
Is that a savoy cabbage or an optometrist?
I don't understand the relevance of this.
My thoughts exactly.
I also watched the newest Luke Smith video.
what's it about?
Just answering question from live chat and someone asked him a question about unabomber manifesto to which he said that the first chapter is pretty good.
OP is probably the person that asked him or someone who is easily impressed.
I keep noticing the people who are now his fan base tend to be really poorly educated or never read a book in their life.
Their knowledge revolves around what is popular and what someone they admire said about the topic which is damn shame if you ask me.
I just don't see how is blowing up a few starbucks college kids a solution.
Every year some child discovers the anarchist essay of an american terrorist and decides its the most rad thing ever.
Since its strongly anti-technology, the best place to discuss it is Sup Forums - Technology.
And since the board is mostly made up of other kids who want advice on their smart phone or headphones purchase, or help with their homework, the threads grow rapidly and everyone gets "redpilled".
Surprised it was this late in the year, must be due to anarchism being out of fashion.
While your statement is correct this thread is a consequence of a video posted on youtube.
There were like 10 people asking about Ann Rand books and recommendations so I wouldn't be surprised if we see a thread about that topic in the next few days.
>Ayn *
Sup Forums should be much more interested in actual philosophy of technology rather than the ramblings of a mad luddite.
We already have Terry Davis general.
Of course he's right. He's still a nutcase though.
Consider this:
You're on anime website mostly populated by burgers.
No, we have a TempleOS general.
Victim of mk ultra.
Alex Jones, please
>comparing teddy to lying polska niggers
you'll still have a good time even if you don't accomplish anything
He actually was though
The only connection between him and Mk Ultra is circumstantial.
We did not ask Luke Smith any questions about Ted Kaczynski and nor would we. Perhaps we may not be the most educated individuals, but we know how to recognise an ad hominem attack on our character, such as yours, which does not even attempt to address the subject matter and therefore cannot be considered a rational argument. Your inaccurate assertions and false assumptions are irrelevant. We are not "fans." We do not give a fuck about popularity. If we were to do what other people were doing do you think we'd be posting on a technology board informing a whole host of hopelessly addicted technophiles that their surrogate activities are stupid, useless and suicidal or that their careers are helping to bring about the destruction of our world? We read Kaczynski's books. That's why we're here. It is you who are here not by the study of books but by watching videos and popular culture as you yourself have just admitted. Try again.
Address the arguments presented or fuck off you imbecile.
Who here is suggesting we do that or implying that we could? Not us.
do you realize the irony of voicing your point of view over a ching chong nip nong image board?
Welcome to Sup Forums! Stop using a trip immediately.
Well he's in fucking prison and I will merge with an AI before I die.
We are not children and it has been some time now since we first read the works of Theodore J. Kaczynski. Nor is that individual our sole influence but his argument is the most relevant to this board and that is why you're seeing it presented here. You do not know what other efforts we may be making elsewhere. I notice that you, too, are unable to counter any of his arguments and instead try to discredit those who are here presenting them to you. This is futile, pathetic and indicative of mild desperation. Consider the contents of your next response (if you dare make one) a little more carefully.
>individualist anarcho-primitivism
Dumb as hell and dropped.
This thread, our previous thread and all of our other activities are not the consequence of us watching videos on YouTube but rather an intense dissatisfaction with contemporary civilization and its main body of citizenry. We have studied Kaczynski's published works in written format as well as the works of a great many other authors and topics and that is the basis for our being here. It is you who are here because of some live stream on YouTube, not us.
I pity you op.
And Luke if that's you consider finishing your studies instead shitposting on Sup Forums.
He's not mad he was and still is right. His written works are more accurate and important than anything you've ever said or done or written in your entire life. We feel able to make these assertions with a great deal of certainty. This could be a discussion about the philosophy of technology if we focused on the material in Industrial Society And Its Future instead of having to deal with a string of ad hominem attacks from somr ignorant but ever increasingly nervous and uncomfortable technophiles.
ITT: OP types in the plural third person using "we" as if it doesn't bolster the idea that he sounds like a cultist who has a big ol' hard on for some Unabomber nigger.
Whether he's a "nutcase" or not is largely irrelevant. He did what he had to do and there wasn't a great deal else he could have done. He was but one man with an incredibly limited budget, yet 40 years after he started his campaign here we still are, discussing his published material. For over 17 years he invaded the FBI's best efforts to locate him and his manhunt was the most costly in the history of that organization.
To what extent Murray's rather unethical psychological experiment influenced Kaczynski's later actions is very difficult to ascertain. It may have been substantially, or it may not.
We pity you, too. No we are not Luke Smith.
There is more than one of us and that is why we denote ourselves with the plural. As we've already addressed several times, it's not the actions Kaczynski undertook to draw attention to his manifesto that are of interest and concern to us, but the manifesto and his subsequent written works themselves. What he wrote is of far more importance than what he did in our opinion.
What irony? There is none.
>not knowing the difference between a tripfag and a namefag
I'm not using a trip.
What happened to "we"?
Unfortunately it's absolutely necessary. Industrial civilization is unsustainable and must be destroyed instead of being allowed to run its course and collapse after depleting the world's resources and rendering the majority of it uninhabitable. There is no other way. It has to be brought down.
What does it matter?
We though we were united.
In the context of the reply in question it's irrelevant which personal pronoun was used. If the implication is that there is only one person posting under the name of (FC) than that implication would be incorrect. If this thread isn't enough evidence of that see the previous one which was linked in the opening post.
Do you have anything relevant to put forward about Industrial Society And Its Future or any of there arguments presented therein?
made us think user.
>being an anarchy-primitivist
admirable, but it's ahistorical. Ted will be looked back by history as a weirdo outcast like Charles Manson.
That's all we ask of anyone (for now), that they at least think. Did you read it all?
Kaczyinski will not be looked back upon by anyone at all if industrial civilization is allowed to continue, but even if he was; it matters not at all if he was considered "weird" or an "outcast" because that's irrelevant. His arguments presented in his written work are valid and important. If they were not, but Ted was an outgoing and successful socialite what would your argument be then? It's nonsense.
Sup Forums BtfO lmao
Paragraph 68 is where I think it's most clear why Ted's ideas will never become mainstream. At the end of the day, people have created technology and the social structures we see today to make people's lives "better", and the majority of people have bought into that. Yes, the totalitarian left, environmental issues, and psychological ailments of our time are bad, but people are not going to give up refrigerators, supermarkets, or hospitals. Was Ted right? Was he suggesting a better style of life and society? Perhaps, but people are not going to go along with it, myself included. Cool links OP.
Unfortunately you are mostly correct. There are, however, a growing number of individuals and groups so dissatisfied or even outright appalled by contemporary civilization that they are willing to sacrifice the many luxuries it affords us and walk away. There are even those, we believe, who are willing to take matters even further than that.
Humans will adapt to being connected 24/7, if it makes you depressed and suicidal you have shit genetics or you are doing something wrong like not eating right and maintaining physical fitness.
>216. Some leftists may seem to oppose technology, but they will oppose it only so long as they are outsiders and the technological system is controlled by non-leftists. If leftism ever becomes dominant in society, so that the technological system becomes a tool in the hands of leftists, they will enthusiastically use it and promote its growth. In doing this they will be repeating a pattern that leftism has shown again and again in the past. When the Bolsheviks in Russia were outsiders, they vigorously opposed censorship and the secret police, they advocated self-determination for ethnic minorities, and so forth; but as soon as they came into power themselves, they imposed a tighter censorship and created a more ruthless secret police than any that had existed under the tsars, and they oppressed ethnic minorities at least as much as the tsars had done. In the United States, a couple of decades ago when leftists were a minority in our universities, leftist professors were vigorous proponents of academic freedom, but today, in those of our universities where leftists have become dominant, they have shown themselves ready to take away from everyone else’s academic freedom. (This is “political correctness.”) The same will happen with leftists and technology: They will use it to oppress everyone else if they ever get it under their own control.
Oh my God, look at Google and Facebook. This paragraph especially is spot-on.
We did not suggest that any permanent connection makes us "depressed" or "suicidal" we made the statement that the industrial society that enables this "24/7 connection" you so narrowmindedly and quite inexplicably singled out is itself suicidal and unsustainable. Please stop cramming your already overloaded brain with cartoons and other such nonsense and then maybe you would be capable of following a conversation and participating in it with the required amount of comprehension.
this faggot again
go live in woods if you want
It certainly is, isn't it? It's worth noting that this manifesto was completed no later than 1995. Had you read the entire work up until that paragraph? If you did, what do you think of the rest of it? We feel that there is not much of an argument to be made against the vast majority of what is written.
Not only this nigger (and all his followers) isn't actually redpilled at all, he is probably more bluepilled than the average normie.
Taking the red pill means seeing the truth, not building another fantasy world.
What makes you think I don't already? Do you have any argument against the manifesto we present for discussion? No? Fuck off then.
Not really contributing to the discussion but a band I enjoy wrote a song about Ted.
To be honest, he makes some very good points, but it seems to me that what he is (rightly) attacking is most of all LEFTISM, not technology. I disagree with him on the fact that technology is inherently bad, but I do agree that it's being abused to promote cultural marxism. In short, I don't think technology itself is the problem, it's the use that corporations and governments make of it that is bad.
We are not interested in terminology such as "red pill" or "blue pill." What we would be interested in is hearing your reasoning as to why you would consider us "bluepilled," and yourself to be this "redpilled" and all enlightened knower of the ultimate truth. Your statement is meaningless nonsense if you cannot elaborate and present your argument. We will be waiting.
Ted wasn't limp wristed faggot like you that posted shitty threads on Chinese carpentry forum
stop using internet, it's product of civilization that you hate
The distinction needs to be made that Kaczynski wasn't arguing against all forms of technology as he is frequently misinterpreted and misconceived as doing. He distinguished between two different types, which he refers to as "small scale technology" and "organization-dependent" technology (see paragraphs 2017-212 under the subheading TWO KINDS OF TECHNOLOGY). The second of these, which is afforded to us by large scale industrialization of civilization, is what he is attacking and (correctly, in our opinion) identifying as the principle threat and the sole target of his revolution.
Make no mistake about it, although he does devote a a lot of space to attacking leftism, he makes himself abundantly clear his primary target is industrial society and its organizational-dependent technology, of which leftism he believes is just a symptom.
*paragraphs 207-212
We don't "hate" civilization and we don't "hate" what Kaczynski labeled organizational-dependent technology. How many times do we have to repeat ourselves? It is necessary to campaign against it because it is unsustainable. It needs to be taken down before its devastating and cataclysmic repercussions can truly be felt.
And like we have already stated, we allow ourselves the use of arganization-dependent technology within industrial society if it is used solely to attack that society and technology. What is there not to understand?
you forgot the part where cuckflix made a show about him
but he is/was right
he was just imcomplete
I know you haven't made the accusation, but after reading this thread do we honestly sound like the sort of people who watch Netflix?
I torrent for research purposes
but newfags abound regardless
Is this copypasta, or is the OP really so addled in the head?
It's jumping to conclusions for you to say that a person who didn't form an argument is "unable" to. Then you go on to call it "mild desperation" when the person you're replying to is clearly just jaded and dismissive.
Actually, skimming your other posts in this thread, you positively reek of desperation and impotent frustration. Maybe take a break, user.
>Ad hominem (Latin for "to the man" or "to the person"), short for argumentum ad hominem, is an argumentative strategy whereby an argument is rebutted by attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself.
Do you have anything else?
So you're addled in the head then. Gotcha.
So you're incapable of formulating an argument then. "Gotcha."
And Gentooman threads
Teddy will be looked back as a Saint along with Breivik in the future canon.
> it's ahistorical
What did 63734037 mean by this?
Kurwa nie!
>being connected 24/7
> physically fit and eating right
pick one
Leftism is the symptom of the human condition.
Yeah, I did read about it, and the example of Ancient Roman aqueducts is very good at explaining this distinction. However, that example also highlights, in my opinion, how even large-scale technology can be used well without "corrupting" society and people. Yes, that technology was lost with the fall of the Empire, but it was because the main entity that kept it "alive" was no longer.
I think the manifesto is overall a very interesting read and many of his criticisms are valid, however I cannot say I completely agree with him. As I said before, he seems to me to be mostly targeting the USES of large-scale (as you correctly pointed out) technology, rather than technology itself. However, he also seems to put the blame on the latter, which is in my opinion incorrect.
All technology, even large-scale technology, is a tool. Every tool can be used for good and for evil. And most of our institutions definitely aren't using it for good.
I have to politely disagree and say that leftism is, in my opinion, the cause, not a symptom, of the current state of (large-scale) technology.
In other words, Ted's manifesto contains solid arguments, but it's attacking the wrong enemy. This is my overall opinion on the manifesto.
>was right
>killed people
Yeah. No.
i remember someone saying ellul's "the technological society" was just a better isaif. that person also said something about ted being better in some portion of one of his other books.
Our apologies, he does make that connection too. It's modern leftism that he considers a symptom of the disruption caused by industrial civilization and large scale-organization dependent technologies. But he also considers those to stem from the human condition too.
Thank you for your reasonably and well presented argument, user. You're one of the very few so far who've been able to do that ITT. We're not ignoring you, and will be back shortly to answer your post.
>There is no other way
Yes there is. We will go into space, turn ourselves into robots, destroy the earth for the minerals and the sun for energy, and then expand throughout the universe, feasting on the stars.
imagine being such a hardcore LARPer like OP
That person did not read Ellul. Ellul's critique is very different from Ted's. Ellul has all sorts of concerns about responsibility and sacredness which are absent from Ted's Neitzchean view of humanity as a bunch of beings each desiring more power.
good thread
>216. Some leftists may seem to oppose technology, but they will oppose it only so long as they are outsiders and the technological system is controlled by non-leftists. If leftism ever becomes dominant in society, so that the technological system becomes a tool in the hands of leftists, they will enthusiastically use it and promote its growth. In doing this they will be repeating a pattern that leftism has shown again and again in the past. When the Bolsheviks in Russia were outsiders, they vigorously opposed censorship and the secret police, they advocated self-determination for ethnic minorities, and so forth; but as soon as they came into power themselves, they imposed a tighter censorship and created a more ruthless secret police than any that had existed under the tsars, and they oppressed ethnic minorities at least as much as the tsars had done. In the United States, a couple of decades ago when leftists were a minority in our universities, leftist professors were vigorous proponents of academic freedom, but today, in those of our universities where leftists have become dominant, they have shown themselves ready to take away from everyone else’s academic freedom. (This is “political correctness.”) The same will happen with leftists and technology: They will use it to oppress everyone else if they ever get it under their own control.`
Thanks fbi
How is PayPal any more a part of the botnet than a debit/credit card?
how come he didn't get executed? just cause he fessed up? didn't timmy fess up as well?
Why are you even here? Shouldn't you be hugging trees somewhere instead of using the oh-so-harmful technology to shit up shit board?