How do I get pass iCloud lock? My friend died and I got his phone but I can't unlock it

How do I get pass iCloud lock? My friend died and I got his phone but I can't unlock it

give it back, Jamal

give it back jamal

give it back, Jamal

Give it back LaQueesha

Return it to its lawful owner, Tyrone.

You actually can't.
There is no 100% unlock for icloud ban.
I hate apple and its fanbois and way how they do things and how they promote things.
But this is quite clever.

Acquiesce it back tothe rightful owner Trevon

That guy you shot and robbed was not your friend, Jamal.

Nigga just ask him lmao

Give it back, Egyptian King.

why is this kind of post not an automatic ban? all you'd have to parse is "icloud" and "unlock."

apt-get it back devuan

hire a medium

Give it back, tyreese white-brown

this has to be the lamest excuse/bait

Can you all stop being faggots and just tell me how to do it??

Give it back

you just can't turn it into fully working iphone now.
there is no way.

Use a Ouija

Give the phone to the FBI and tell them your friend is a terrorist

You can give it back.

Replace the NAND chip at Shenzhen.

Or give it back, Jamal.

Jamal, give it back.

use a luigi board to get his password

The only way I can think would be to take their death certificate to Apple.

give it back, shaquan

Don't most companies just close accounts belonging to customers who died?

Call apple support. Tell them your story. They'll understand.


It really wasn't funny

A certificate of death is required. They'll either delete the account or transfer ownership to you once validated.

jamal. give it back

I was half joking, mainly because OP probably stole the phone or is a shitposter looking for guaranteed (You)s.

Why did you kill him, Lamar?

yes it was

Give it back Shaquanza

>is a shitposter looking for guaranteed (You)s.
look at the filename of the op pic

type root in the apple ID box
hold enter for 70 seconds
and give it back jamal