This is not a gaming CPU. This is a low-end productivity CPU.
If you bought a Ryzen 1600 for gaming, you have made a bad decision.
This is not a gaming CPU. This is a low-end productivity CPU.
If you bought a Ryzen 1600 for gaming, you have made a bad decision.
I have one and it absolutely devours anything I throw at it.
Best buy of the year.
By the way, your image is Ryzen 3 but the 1600 is called the Ryzen 5.
Hello Intel.
>devours anything I throw at it
yeah well uh your ryzen won't go past 100 fps
nt tho intel over here with 170 fps
Warning to newfags.
This same thread is posted on Sup Forums.
I actually hit 240 fps easily. How can you live with 170 fps?
How's emulation? LOL
Never did that. I guess emulation scales pretty bad to many cores.
>mfw bought an 8700k
>mfw still using a fx-8350 and it just works
gaymen fags can fuck off straight to Sup Forums
I bought a 1700 to mine monero. Gets me a free $3 a day.
The 1600 doesn't seem much worse for gaymen than the 7700K, which costs over a hundred bucks more (also, the 1600 comes with a decent cooler). There are reasons Intel rushed to roll out Skylake-X and (especially) Covfefe earlier than they had been planning.
>play at 1440p
>no difference between Intel and AMD at that resolution
>have a cheap 6C/12T CPU which let's me transcode music/video and compile at Sanic speeds
RPCS3 is better on Ryzen since it uses all cores. Cemu hits max speed on all games but BotW (which only has noticeable drops on towns).
Congratulations on based Trump finally recognizing your capital city!
it's behind a total of 30 fps in almost every game
lol.. these ryzen idiots man
Absolutely fine. Cemu runs perfectly and that's the most demanding emulator reliant on single-threaded performance. Sorry that you wasted your money, friend.
This an AMD thread you dumbass bot, not Intel.
He's been spamming it on both boards for days now.
it was her turn!
Shit is going fine for me.
Great, rpcs3 runs persona 5 alright, cemu runs botw at a stable 30.
Rpcs2 is as shit as it ever has been for me though.
youre that same faggot from the /pcbg/ threads
holy shit fucking off yourself
Guess OP saw it was popular there with 557 posts and had to repost it here.
That wont even cover your moms electricity bill
Anyone who has looked at benchmarks knows this
$3 a day in profit you fucking retard. 65W at 10 cents per KwH is barely 15 cents a day.
AMD Athlon X4 845 for life
>Already deleted
Its more than 65w you idiot and your math is wrong
t. i5 8400 master race.
I have a meter literally measuring power draw from the outlet. 15W idle 75W mining. Keep losing money on your pootels while I get a free CPU.
Can ryzen do PCI passthrough with virtual box?
>while mining
>with a 1700
You are so full of shit. A full sysfem under load pulls way more fhan 75w from the wall.
Same here. 8400 is king
>170 fps
ahahahahahah, how come you havent an hero user?
What do you mean? It gets the job done better than what is required and I can even use shit like spotify and chrome on the background while playing vidya, unlike with Intel CPU's.
Do you unironically beleive this? My fx 6300 could watch youtube and play games. My 8400 does it easily. You have to have a 1080ti to hope to bottle neck the 8400 in low res
>thinking mining means a full load
>can't even read the TDP number from a spec sheet
Hahaha holy fuck you are stupid.
Keep buying overpriced pootels for a 2% improvement in muh games while my CPU pays for itself.
Might upgrade my system soon. Is Ryzen 1400 a good upgrade from Phenom II X4 840?
Cpu tdp isnt your fucking total system power consumption from the wall. Did even think about your psu efficiency? Hard drives, fans, ram, and your dedicated gpu because ryzen has no ipgu.
Must hurt to be so btfo by the 8400
/intel shill general/?
>hard drives
SSDs barely tske any power at idle
None spinning except the CPU fan
Barely takes any power
80 plus gold with a 90% efficienct rating
Why would that count? Of course I have multiple gpus mining, but they barely take any power at all when idle
I measured all of this with a wall meter. Keep being delusional.
>literally cherrypicking a last gen game built for a 12 year old console
can you just try to come off as less of a shill next time
80 gold is 80% you idiot. 90% is platinum. So you conceide your a lying idiot for saying your systems pulls 75w from the wall? Because it doesnt, its more.
Wait, since when do CPUs bottleneck games so hard? What the fuck? I remember playing GTAV at 90FPS on my 4670k@4GHz, this can't be right
Msaa 4x is probbably on and all those advanced festures that fuck your fps are likely on
Enjoy your shit fps in the best selling game of all time
Wouldn't that be on the GPU though?
Not him but 80 Plus gold is rated for a minimum of 87% at 20% load and full load and 90% at half load if on 120v. 230v gets you 90% at 20% load, 92% at half load and 89% at full load
You're the idiot. 80 plus gold is 87% efficient at 100% load, 99% at 50% which is around where I am at with my GPUs also running. My system pulls 75W at the wall with CPU mining only. That is an indisputable fact as measured by the meter.
GTA, It only runs well on current gen Intel CPUs, it gets terrible results even with 2nd and 4th gen i7s.
No it doesnt only 75w while mining and no one beleives you
first day of jerusalem being the official capital
shills comes to Sup Forums to shill
Yeah i was thinking just 80 mb
Ok. Let's assume it takes double that since none of you idiots believe me. That's still 40 cents a day in electricity costs for a revenue of $3.50 right now.
Woop de fucking doo, you're making $3 per day
That's like 20 minutes of work on a low-wage salary
stop replying to your own posts
did you miss all the threads people have been finding with the exact same photos and even copied and pasted comments on both Sup Forums and reddit?
>150w for 24hours is 40 cents.
you clearly dont pay your own electric bill
Okay bud.
Tell us another story.
How much do you pay per KwH?
Do the Ryzen CPUs have all the various virtualization shit? Like passthrough and whatnot that the likes at intel disable in their unlocked or non xeon CPUs or whatever?
>gaming requires special hardware
>i5 8400
That's cute.
Yet my 8400 stomps that thing in games ans is a 4th the price.
>games is the only use for a computer
>4th the price
It's not
>stomps it
Its beaten by it.
>all Intel cpus must be delidded or you can't overclock them and you can't expect them to even preform correctly at stock without therm throttling.
>you have no warranty out of box due to this
>bad voltage usage means Intel cpus will stress vrms and the board more leading to shorter lifespan
>half to change sockets every six months to keep up with AMD shit from a full year ago
>constantly piss money away on new boards
Yea no. Why are Intel shills so dishonest. Fuck. I used Intel for years but when i9 dropped I knew they had massively fucked up and I will never support them again until they fix all this stupid shit. If they never do ill never use them. Period.
>delid 8400
Kek, shills are desperate
Is Ryzen 1400 good for video encoding? I make a mmd video sometime.
are you serious mate? I get that if you've bought into the 144hz niche then you'll probably want an i7 and that's fine.
but most people will be GPU bottlenecked in high fidelity vidya, and generally won't give a fuck how many frames they can get above 60 otherwise. that's why it's generally recommended to get the CPU that's better at everything else.
>60fps gaming is recommended
Amd shills everyone
They're paid advertisers/spammers
It's especially obvious on Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums.
On Sup Forums the advertising spam takes the form of hawking shitty products. Anyone who's been here longer than a day has probably seen the literal spam of phone threads with 3 replies repeated over and over. Sometimes they mix it up and the apple advertiser attacks a samsung phone or a samsung advertiser attacks an apple phone, but either way they are all advertising phones.
I wish every thread and poster that posted about phones was banned on this board. Or maybe hiro needs to start an /ad/ board where advertisers can pay money to post threads and then hiro bans them from all the other boards
idk, I just wish there was something that could be done against these soulless non-human husks created at the sacrificial altar of their dignity, ethics, and morality, that keep hawking stupid fucking products nobody wants.
>buying intel
it is the de facto standard and the sweet spot price/performance wise
going above that is fine but unless you're into esports it's going to get very expensive very fast
if you deny this you are a delusional fanboy
Most people don't even have monitor with better than 60hz refresh rate. Most people buy stuff like GTX 1060 or RX 580 which are just enough for 60fps these days. If you are at the other end of the spectrum, you can just buy 1080 ti and a 4K monitor which also makes CPU irrelevant.
Intel CPU for gaming is irrelevant unless you play old single threaded games like CS or unoptimized rubbish like pubg.
Why would a CPU that performs worse at 1080p suddenly give better performance at higher resolution's?
Processors don't get affected by resolution.
im loving mine
got my mobo and processor for 250.
getting a coffee lake would have been like 450
60fps is just fine, hell, even down to 30 depending on the game so long as interface isnt also at that low rate
That said, 120/144 on almost anything even just normal desktop use feels fucking great, and its difficult to go back to 60 after that.
that said, if you have free/g sync of any kind, the 90-144 range all kind of feels the same, same with the 20-60 range if your monitor will go that low.through locking the gpu to 300mhz we got it to play at 18-22 fps and feel alone, indistinguishable from 60, with visuals being choppy.
for gameing
sync of sorts > 120/144 > va > 1080+ > Ips/tn
In that order for how much it matters
va over ips because in anything visual, contrast is the biggest factor in visual quality, accurate colors almost don't matter at all, at least in today's monitors.
a good 120/144 is around 500-700$
just getting a 120/144hz monitor is around 180-250$
a 1060/580 will get you into the 90-100fps average for most games at 1080/1440p getting that is the biggest jump in 60+ hz, the other being a sync of sorts.
lmao Intel shills must share a bathroom with liberals at this point I mean fuck, they both sound the same!
except Intel's grapes have been proven to be sour kek
>Muh morality in business practices
You've been sounding like a reddit cuck boi for a long time
you don't know me faggot.
There should be morality in business practices.
Morality and ethics make the community the business operates within more competitive. The company sacrifices some of their own competitiveness in exchange for improving it for their community.
Businesses don't care about community these days, and that is a problem. Everyone is selfish to the point of being self-destructive, not even simply just destructive these days.
Playing XCX on my r1600 right now. Runs fine.
Please stop make this thread. I am giving you this (you) so that you don't have to fucking create this thread multiple times.
I mean, you copy pasted this on Sup Forums this morning.
Also, the realty of the market is if you are spending R1600 money on a CPU, you don't care about extremely high framerates because your monitor is likely a 60 or 72 hz.