Why can't Indians code?

Why can't Indians code?

He's not an indian. He's an average american Bruce Wayne

becuz they're dumb

Pajeets are so weird, the ones in the south are literally black and the ones in the north are practically white or at least arab looking fuckers.

Who uses which programming language?

What kind of an Indian name is Bruce Wayne? Also Indians are great at programming. Outside of outsourced workers who work for pennies, where did you make up that false af shit meme? In my experience whites literally have the most atrocious and batshit retarded programmeds who can't into keeping their sources up to standard. Every such eurotards I worked with was a lazy hippie rascal that complains about others people's work and policies than doing his own damn work right. That's why you guys get fired here in India. Good reason too.

>> 63745872

500 Rupees have been deposited to your account, Pajeet.

I use C :>}

> He meme arrows post numbers

Retard. Even Indians are better then you.

Some of them can, a lot of them can't. Also, annoying accents.

What makes indians think theyre just totally welcome wherever they go? They act surprised when people treat them like shit wtf?

They learn basic stuff then start memorizing shit everyday they use but they never go out of boundaries like learning about new shit. example: think about an indian who always drove his car on straight empty lane but once you tell him to turn right, he starts to fuck shit up because he don't know how to turn the car. it is common in 3rd world countries, people start memorizing stuff to pass job recruitment qualifiers, and often they think will learn shit at work because hardest part is getting the job itself not the knowledge. I am also living in a 3rd world country (not india) and i saw people wrote search algorithms on papers and trying to memorize them because they heard it from somewhere ahead of job interview that recruiters are going to ask them about those algorithms. One of the dudes got the job but he can't even write single line of code without googling it.

First of all, where are you from? Yeah. I'm surprised when I behave well and people don't return the favor. Anyone does, it's nothing special dummy.

Want to know why nobody outsources to Chinese programmers?

Simple, the chinks are even worse than pajeets for the reason that listed. It's all memorization in their educational systems, zero critical thinking or brainstorming.

Pajeets are pretty good at computer science but they're usually subpar in programming.

>One of the dudes got the job but he can't even write single line of code without googling it.

I'm American and I do this every day. It's normal.

When your H1B visa expires?

some of the best malware i've come across are indian made. china as well.

indians are good hackers as well; they have sites set up for pure 0day fuzzing and if you look at the top notifiers on zone-h they are among the worlds best second to that of Brazil. and this coming from a 3rd world country.

not to mention their woman are hot as well; dated an indian chick but I never met her parents because I'm not indian lol. funny how people think its always just the other way around huh?

cool people though.
but programmers.. I dont think race comes into play; nationality more than not. most of my android dev classmates in America are Hispanic and white.

too much time in the shitting streets

What fucking fairy land are you living in. None of the Indians I work with have a clue what they are doing. They have no concept of source code management, patching, or responsibility. They can not wrap their heads around different ways of doing something and complain when something is not exactly the same as some BS way they saw in a textbook.

>not to mention their woman are hot as well;
must have been north indian. south indians are not

t. south indian

I am so sick and tired of hearing indian accents.

I miss the old days when technology was for geeks and outcasts.

Hail your pageek overlords, white nerd.

We Indians are the most successful demographic in America. Whites are our niggers. Stay mad, faggots.

The Indians I have worked with have been great tech-wise, but that's because I don't work in a code monkey environment. Sorry for all you folks stuck with the trash from TCS or Infosys.

Culture-wise it's a 50/50 split. Some FOBs are cool while others self-segregate and have mad body odor.

They are overlords of nothing.

Pfft your shit nation makes it clear what the pecking order is.

I would kill you with my bare fucking hands.

Indians are outcasts. Some of them are even untouchable

This is true which is why it is so confusing as to why they are so fucking arrogant.

The smug arrogance of these disgusting subs is what really chaps my ass.

Because you can't either.


>t. pajeet



>Bruce Wayne
Um, what?

We copypaste code from google so we can leave the office earlier and bang your wives' bajeena and bobs while you autistically check our code indentation in the merge request.

>get phonecall
>pick up phone
>hear indian voice
>put down phone

Sorry you have to work with female coders.

You still suck as a people and have no fucking business being in the USA.
