Can you code in assembly?

Can you code in assembly?

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holy shit user

mov eax n
mov ebx o

syscall 80

Only pic and avr

>can you code in a coding language?
gee I dunno


Is asm hard?

Why do people get triggered by this?
I'm very out of the loop on that.

int 3

you arent supposed to unless you write compilers, your "hand written" x86 code is going to be fucking slow


Also, to beat a dead horse:

Its easier than C

>Can you code in assembly?

Yes, it was mandatory at university. I coded a recursive mergesort in risc assembly once as homework.

It's autism, plain and simple. Don't forget that you're on Sup Forums.

Only in some RISC PICs.

I did asm on a 68HC11 for a couple of semesters in college. That shit was pretty comfy.
Assembly on x86 or even ARM looks god awful. Why would I torment myself when I can use C or another better abstracted language?

I could. But why would I want to?

You can summon a towering golem in assembly.

Nope, but I also don't spend lifetime definying string I call function by.

Assembly is machine code.

You can literally code directly to binary by simply looking up each instruction. Theres only a few dozen so you'd eventually memorize them all anyway.

Why don't people do this? Its impractical as fuck. It would take you many hours and a lot of brainpower to code something very basic.

I think the real question is why are people so fascinated with assembly? Cause it looks like some hacker shit? If thats all it takes to impress some plebian, learn to code in minified/uglified JS.

yeah because compilers can write optimized SIMD code. Look at the x264/265 source code.. pure assembly.

90% of JS is already ugly, so I don't see how this would be an accomplishment.

what came first assembly or the assembler

>Look at the x264/265 source code.. pure assembly.

what did he mean by this?

Only reason I use assembly is for reverse engineering binaries.

Yes and I have done so to mod games w/o source code.
But even then, it's generally better to write some kind of DLL hook and inject functions written in C into the program.
>Sawyer wrote 99% of the code for RollerCoaster Tycoon in x86 assembly language, with the remaining one percent written in C.

Arent there programs out there that greatly assist in doing that? Like making pseudocode for a higher level language?

>2 years of development time in 1999 for an isometric game with simple sandbox engine

Because you can't program a lot of microcontrollers using only C.
Most of them have their own assembly instructions.
You know, doing anything other than just programming in your PC.

Used to be able but it's been years and years. Did it back when I was a young kid with dreams of cracking software and writing leet intros and sheeit.

Really not any hard than anything else, just tedious and need to memorize lots of shit.

How is that? I have never had problems programming microcontrollers in C. At worst, you need to define a handful of functions along the like of enable_interrupts() that just call a magic instruction, or write to a magic memory location, and everything else is just C.

Writing in C takes a lot more program memory than doing the same code in Assembly.

[citation needed]

I bet if you knew what you we're doing you could be at least 98% as efficient as directly programming assembly, but you could develop 3-4x faster.

In the real world this isn't a problem. Proper struct packing and using a suitable compiler like Keil gets you very far. There are very few cases where you have to manually use assembly.

>I think the real question is why are people so fascinated with assembly?
Same reasons people still drive stick today: they carry about an old mindset and want to feel professional.

Old compiler tech used to turn out sloppy shit and/or safe code. Usually, a halfway component programmer could go through the output and find things here or there to tune. That or you had to shell out megabux to a specific chip maker for a properly optimized compiler. Today, modern compiler tech is so advanced, it will out assemble all but the most advanced programmers.

Yes, I'm a contrarian faggot so I taught myself x86 assembly to optimize functions and reverse engineer binaries. It actually came in handy when I was doing research on automatic vectorization in compilers.

The ISA you fucking brainlet scum

Well back then after B or C Instruction set architects, compiler designers and chipset manufactures tried their best to push of their optimzation responsibilities to each other in a glorious cluster fuck of compiler instruction reordering, prefetching and other gay shit

Knowing assembly comes in handy when debugging mcus, but you only need to know how to imterpret assembly which is easier

Pretty much. Although I've done some little optimisations in x86 assembly for unrolling some loops when clang kept fucking it up recently.

MIPS only.
It's not really hard, just boring.

kernel hacking
constrained embedded development
just a general understanding of what happens under the fucking hood so it doesn't look as an occasionally misbehaving black box for you

is 2017' Sup Forums really so proud of the ignorance?

I do HDL. I call that a stimulus.

automatics still suck for overtaking, they never get the gear changes right

Chip design, and ISAs have come a long way since then, and compilers have benefited as a result.

Still, we've seen dumb shit like the Itanium, where no amount of compiler magic can make a dumb chip not suck. Benchmark software that chucks optimized code at one chip and generic trash at another.

Neato things like the Elbrus will never really leave Russia. Shame Transmeta is no longer around.


I usedtacould.

If you give me an IBM yellow book I mightcould again.

I learned how to do this, but I can't make a living off it.

Only for x86.

Depends on what architecture you're choosing to learn it on.

Why so many unnecessary loads and stores?

Use registers next time

I've been meaning to learn MIPS ASM for quite a while now

It's called programming you nigger

>using two slashes for comments

I can write a higher level language which can be translated to assembly.

Not him, but is Arm asm hard?

programs are on television, coding is for cool kids

depends on the dialect.
I do arm AND INTEL 64 and some MIPS

yeah and people BOW in my presence

web development using asm ;)
It Hz so Good


good post

hint: ADA

Hexrays is insanely expensive, and you still need to use Ida proper to do most of the shit you want to do when reversing
Plus you'll spend a lot of time in a debugger which won't have the decompiler, just the disassembler

I even wrote in pure binary for 8080 emulator. My experience with fasm was kinda like this:
>try various instructions
>try making functions
>see fasm macros for calling functions from dlls
>try calling functions from msvcrt(with macros I didn't have to allocate stack space, etc)
>realize I was basically writing C
It was fun, but not really useful. The only cool thing I discovered is very fast copying by REP.

I only code apps in java

only amerilard drive automatic cause their arms are to fat to reach the stick

Yeah but it was never useful for me thanks uni for making me loose my time


KYS. JAVA code flood my CVE database :(

But MIPS is for old computers :)
like PSX, DIGITAL DEC servers

the best ASM coders are guise from Demo scene from 80s, 90s. i.e. realistic flame in a .com file made in ASM.

Just for old shit like Z80,6502, 65816 etc..
Should learn 68k.

Yeah, I've played with those shitty little logic games that pop up on Google's front page every month or so. But why would I?

bitch please, I sometimes have to program in machine code.

>Thanks uni for making me use 30 min to learn basic assembly
If you on the other hand know how to make advanced systems in assembly, then it's your fault for not applying for a job that needs that expertise.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Java. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the functionality will go over a typical coder's head. There's also James Gosling nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The pajeets understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these functions, to realize that they're not just useful- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Java truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the elegant absence of unsigned types the lack of user defined operators, which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as James Gosling's genius unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Java tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.