/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Old thread: /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux thread
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Your friendly neighborhood search engine.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU/Linux

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

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From last

I used UNetBootin to set up a flash drive with a copy of Xubuntu and booted from the UEFI partition
>I didn't get the language menu just the GNU GRUB black command line screen
wat do
do I need a wufi

Did you try turning it off then back on again?

Will i3 or any other wm ever be able to just have the laptop buttons auto configured? That shit is the main reason I stay away from wms. The other reason is not having nice transitions available powered by the GPU.
There's no point having a GPU if you're just using a wm.

Also is anything good on the way for Kubuntu 18.04?

I did
ls (literally every option)
but I either got filesystem not found or some other error)

automating repetitive tasks is what computers are good at

Then use it properly so you dont have so many steps

I want to smell Gabu's holy light.

Stuff like that is outside the realm of WMs imo. Do one thing and do it well, and all that. Don't know about transitions, I personally don't use a compositor.

I wouldn't mind if the configuration in the wiki actually worked but it seems every laptop uses different settings

You can just map them yourself in the config file. Use xev to identify the button name and assign it to a function like any other keybinding.

>nice transitions available powered by the GPU
>There's no point having a GPU if you're just using a wm.
Dude, GPUs are for games. Not flashy desktop effects.

I use i3 on my laptop with an external monitor and I'd like to auto switch between 3 states: normal laptop screen, laptop + external, only external (when lid is closed).
Switching between the first two works easy with autorandr, but closing lid is not recognized. How can I do that? (other than manually switching)

These threads need more anime.

Im in Manjaro Xfce using the Xfce-dusk theme, is there a way to change the theme for a specific program?

i want to fug gab-chan

Not sure, but is there some kernel options regarding LISP in gentoo?

I have a HP Pavilion 4535 with an Intel Celeron 400mhz processor with 64mbs of ram. I've ran Puppy Linux and it runs well but I want to try installing another distro like Lubuntu or a version of Arch or Debian that's lightweight. Will it be able to run Lubuntu well? Or any other recommended distros?

I tried doing it with ubuntu too and I still just get the GRUB window

Guess I'll ask here too. Anyone have any experience getting Linux of any variety running on a 2011 MacBook pro?
I'm wondering how painful it is.

In my completely novice opinion it shouldnt matter what you install linux on, the only difference would be the disk manager for partitioning

It's more about keeping the osx partition Alive afterwards.

I have heard unetbootin isn't safe and it damages the ISOs in the process. Try using win32diskimage or rufus if you are on windows, dd if you are on a unix-like system.


If there are no drivers for the mac hardware, how is it going to run?

I assumed you were dual booting, you want to replace OSX?

I was installing linux on my laptop and it lost power, now all it has is a blinking dash and it screams at me when i press the space bar,

Did i bork my hard drive or is this recoverable?

this sounds horrible


Etcher tends to be a suitable tool if unetbootin doesn't work.

I mainly use my computer for shitposting, movies, and Runescape (the shitty old java one). I use i3, or I log into the xfce on Xubuntu if there's something I need to configure that I really can't wrap my head around with the config files.

Everyone seems to love Arch Linux, I really just want to use an OS at home that respects my freedoms™--but the I like the idea of adding all of my packages from scratch. However I am very prone to getting too cocky and breaking shit

Anyway, should I try and use Arch Linux or is it just a masochist nightmare?

If you like *buntus, you should just consider using the Ubuntu netinstaller, which allows you to make a very bare *buntu installation if you so choose.

My main reason for not using Ubuntu as a current Arch user is that I don't like the upgrade process and how often a bunch of things can suddenly break after a major upgrade -- I also dislike that some (but definitely not the majority of) packages in the LTS releases are old.

Arch is like soft-ish rolling release, where the maintainers have the discretion not to push buggy software to the repos. The effect is that it's a lot more "just werkz" than you might anticipate, and if you do encounter problems, you'll only have one or two things to fix.

Anyone know what the fuck happened to linux keyboard timings on very recent kernels? Just updated and it broke my hardware keyboard macros, tested on an older snapshot from a month ago and they still work great there.

It's not even complex shit, a macro that does shift + 1 will result in the following if I hold it down 1!!!!!!!! where the first time it doesnt seem to register the shift. Using EasyAVR firmware on my keyboard but I haven't fucked with my firmware on it in a long time.

I know I'll probably have to fiddle around with xset r rate but does anyone happen to know what the fuck changed?

Is there any reason to use gentoo?

Use xev, xmodmap and xbindkeys

when ever i run a python program it errors out with this error. What causes this? My locale is generated for en_US.UTF-8
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xf1 in position 1220: invalid continuation byte

clearly you are trying to read a non-utf encoded file as utf.

The program has no arguments passed to it, I'm just calling the program by its name to start using it. I dont have any non-standard files on my system

Yes you do and I don't care what arguments you aren't passing it.

I don't

Rewrite of the kernel in Rust when?

When ever gcc exclusive extensions are ported out

Thanks for the tip about using xev

would using software to map my macros really be the solution when I can do it with my keyboard's firmware though? Makes portability a lot more of a pain.

What? Are you thinking of a transpile?

it would be extremely painful

>GTKfilepickers face when surviving 12 years of bug reports

The kernel is pretty big.

For you.

Are there any obscure ways of changing directory other than pushd and cd? Thanks.

... why?

Suddenly virtualbox ceases to start with this error.The file exists and has proper permissions. I have uninstalled and reinstalled virtualbox but it still throws this error
VirtualBox: Error -610 in supR3HardenedMainInitRuntime!
VirtualBox: dlopen("/usr/lib/virtualbox/VBoxRT.so",) failed:

Anyone running Ubuntu 17.10 or a Daily Build of 18.04 with GNOME?

I tried running it in a VM, and it seems kinda laggy. Especially when opening up the dash/start menu. Anyone else confirm?

Anyone know how I can delete a string from the end of multiple files? I have zero cli experience, was just using it for wget.

Everything I googled is using regex and I have no clue what any of it means.

the filename is like 000001.ts#003F__gda__=xxxxxx_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and I'd like to remove everything after the .ts?

something like rename -n 's/^\(.*\.ts\).*$/\1/' * but I can't be bothere checking. Remove the -n when the output looks right.

PWD=$PWD/dir;cd;cd -
PWD=/absolute/path/to/dir;cd;cd -

How does one build chromium with PGO?

>been using arch for the past 4 months
>constantly have to fix shit
>decide to try kubuntu because im sick of dealing with it
this is so /comfy/. everything just werks, fuck you Sup Forums for making me fall for the arch meme

>>constantly have to fix shit
like for example?

>>constantly have to fix shit
Bet you cant name one thing that isnt user error


how do I use bindsym in i3 to execute a command with arguments?

For instance to use xlock i have it set to

Mod1+mod4+Return exec xlock

which works, but if I add on the command -blank at the end to not use those shitty screensavers it stops working. similarly I use xbacklight to adjust screen brightness, but do have keybindinggs change it incrementally I need a command with multiple arguments(?) so it doesn't work.

If you were a more advanced user I'd say GuixSD would actually be perfect for your needs (assuming you don't need wireless, or would be willing to buy an adapter).

You could always start with something more simple and maybe try moving to it one day. But it is a completely libre OS, declarative, and atomic. What that means is you'd basically "declare" everything on your system how you want it in a single config, and that config allows you to always build a completely reproducible system.
Updates or changes to the config are atomic meaning everything is built in a sandbox, and you can easily roll back to before an update was made in case something broke.

But it's still a new distro and not very new user friendly at all.

holy fuck nevermind I'm an idiot DO NOT upvote please

Don't you need dollar signs in front of the mods?

nah the config has

set $mod Mod4

by default but you can still use numbers if you want

pls respond somebpdy

How do i get java and qt applications to follow my gtk2/3 theme?
I've followed everything on the arch wiki and it still does not change


I want to like void, but fedora just werks on all my machines

I use void and it werks, what problems are you having?

is there something I can add to my .Xresources file that will hide the title bar in urxvt?

That's something your wm would change. Which wm are you using?

xfce power manager icon doesn't tell me how much battery life is remaining when i hover over it

I'm on Xubuntu 16.04 and I need to download these 2 files but I don't know which download to pick, what do I need to know to decide? there's multiple for my version on ubuntu

Are you using a 32 bit or 64 bit processor?
Are you using a 32 bit or 64 bit distro?


64, 64
can you describe how to tell on the files?

They say "i368" and "amd64"

marco but I want to just hide it for urxvt exclusively

so I'm to get i368 and amd64 for both and the other files are just optional

I tried to use Ubuntu 17.10 yesterday but no matter what the microphone just sounded like a screechy scratchy mess at any volume. Was even doing it when it wasn't directly plugged in, as if linux was making the computer super receptive to electrical interference. Does anyone have any freakin' clue what the hell could be happening?

Was a fresh installed, nothing was touched except running a simple script in bash to listen to the microphone through my bluetooth headphones. Ugh. So close to moving from Windows but there's always something.

and tybb

No, you only want "amd64" because you're on a 64bit installation. I believe you also just want the "main" option.

I belive ubuntu uses pulse audio, this screeching is a common issue, follow the arch wiki for pulseaudio to fix it

is it a laptop with the charger plugged in?

yeah idk. I vaguely remember dealing with something like this and I think I just installed a different battery monitor instead.

Ooh that is useful:
I assume this'll be because it's recording at the wrong sample rate I suppose. Couldn't hurt to try it.
No, it's a desktop computer with a front audio panel. Granted it's a cheap $2 lapel mic. Sounds absolutely fine in Windows though for normie discord calls.

What is the linux equivalent of honeyview? I have Gwenview installed but its crap. The biggest thing I need is to be able to save default view modes like fit to screen, fit width, and full image

mcomix works for me

wow i3 is actually easier to configure than xfce was. the way you shift windows around and split them is still a bit confusing but my laptop screen is so small I never have more than 2 windows per workspace anyway.

>tank with a 4 stack
>they play around me perfectly and we obliterate the other team
>next round
>4 stack is on other team

fuck off weeb

dumb question but how do I hide icons in mate panels? the settings in the mate-tweak tool have no effect for some reason.

I found out about system76, and I might actually buy one of their computers, but my question is Wiki page says they're value added reseller. Does anyone know what the original laptops are based on? I might as well directly buy that.

you buy soldier76 computers so you don't have to go through the hassle of modifying the IME yourself, not becuase those computers are anything special. if you are confident with stuff look up the me-cleaner guide on the gentoo wiki.

I see, thank you.

how do i install nvidia drivers on fedora like i do in ubuntu and debian. i want to get an exact driver using the terminal not this rpm fusion shit.

I think you are on the wrong site buddy.

Pic related stop me from booting to login screen. U always have to use try and type
>Systemctl restart sddm
Is my ssd the problem? Can I force the boot through a config once I'm logged in so I don't have to do this everytime?

today i'll pick a random distro to install what to you guys think of mageia?

gonna install the xfce flavor

first the live distro works with nvidia proprietary if you want to, that's a good thing