Info graphic thread

I know this is a shot in the dark, But i remember seeing an infographic on general security and it had anonymousy tips as to how to conceal your face , vpns, etc. this is pissing me off as i cannot find it.
anyone have that specific one saved?
also, Info graphic thread


I guarantee you that Scarras hitting that


gib poki gf

What's her name?

>Info graphic thread
>Posts Bitch

pokimane aka 1 of hassan's growing harem





Twitch niggas browse this board?

Someone tell clintstevens to get speedrunning socks







Did you make this? I saw it a few days ago and I saved it. I'm a long time arch user for my school laptop but went over to Ubuntu because I was too lazy to try and fix my wifi randomly disconnecting. I'm downloading void right now to give this set up a try.
I'll use all of that shit except the shell, I like plain old bash

That rug is shit.

Wtf man I actually wanted to read this but it's for ants
Anyone have one that's not blurry?


How do people come up with this nonsense?