Pay $70/month to only get 1 day of access to my internet connection

>pay $70/month to only get 1 day of access to my internet connection
Why is this allowed?

Because you let it happen perhaps? Where do you spend the rest of the month, a cyber-matrix cuckshed?

>being an amerimutt

theyre the only broadband isp in my area

Comcast doesn't have their 1TB data cap here, but if they did it could be reached in about 70 minutes.

Comcast needs to die. If they're the only provider in your area, move. Internet is practically a necessity nowadays. 1TB isn't going to cut it.

isn't it cheaper to use mobile data? i don't know what the situation is like in america but i would look into mobile networks because even for a decent speed internet 70$/month is a fraud imo

most mobile data is around $10/gb

so 1tb would be $10,240/month

Mobile internet would be massively more expensive.

Here "unlimited" mobile data is like $50/month but after ~20GB you're throttled to 3G speeds (under 2mbps) for the remainder of the month.

i would sell a kidney to get these speeds in my area NI sucks assssss

>data cap
In what kind of a socialist corrupt hellhole do you live?
With free market, this kind of shit is not there.

>theyre the only broadband isp in my area
Urh, in what shitty country do you live that govt regulations are so fucking heavy another ISP can't enter the market?

>Comcast doesn't have their 1TB data cap here
Gotta love the north east.

Comcast has no data caps from Washington DC up to Massachusetts.

All the midwest, West coast and South get fucked by the 1TB cap though. And its because Comcast actually has competition in the north east corridor.

I have 1gbps uncapped for $70/month

56%ers aren't worthy of not being fucked over it seems.

wow, i didn't know the situation was this bad. i pay 2 eur/month (about the same in $) for my internet and get speeds up to pic related. then again, everything else here is expensive but i can live with that since my government doesn't care what i do as long as it doesn't involve lolis or shit like that. also, since i have unlimited bandwith i can seed torrents but i still need to look into how to set up orange pi with hdd that uses ntfs.


Boo fucking hoo my cap is 600gb cry me a river.

Want internet? Learn how to manage your data.

Yea mobile data in the US and Canada are ass. Population density is a bitch

Just because you've got it worse doesn't mean it's acceptable

I have uncapped 250 Mbit/s down and 100 Mbit/s up. With a 1 TB data cap I would be able to burn through it in just under 9 hours.

>have 100 mbps connection just like op
>but no limit

are you telling me i could literally download a terabyte in less than a day? sorry coming from a 15 mbps connection

>Boo fucking hoo my cap is 600gb cry me a river.
What the fuck, do you live in socialist Sweden to get such fucked up rates?

No it isn't, public mobile and freedom mobile exist.

i mean we could push the ban data caps in our countries

>I download 100Mb/s while using the Internet

I live in socialist Sweden and here data caps are nonexistent outside of mobile where they are now slowly disappearing.

How much do you pay?

around $45

I live in New England but no FIOS here and Cox as the only broadband ISP

>too impoverished to move
You deserve to suffer poorfaggot.


I guess they never got around regulating it.
Wait until a muslim complains about it.

>deluded Sup Forums poster can't accept there are good things about Sweden's economic system

>thinking the "Sweden's economic system" can last under ever growing pressure of welfare refugees

Lolol compare that to European operators

Why would a muslim complain about a cheap, fast, reliable, uncapped internet connection?

meanwhile 20$ for 1gbps unlimited over here

>Sweden debt: 42.2% of GDP

oh my, what a sustainable economic system.

>USA debt: 106.1% of GDP

They can't look at porn with 9 years old like the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) likes it.

I'm not american and they don't have a sustainable system either, what's your point?

Pointing to something even worse is not an argument, yknow.

Why would anyone take such a complaint seriously?

Because otherwise, it would be islamophobic, racist, bigoted, and intolerant.

We're talking about a country censoring rape statistics and taking back ex-ISIS fighters and giving them money.


fuck that's a lot of lolis

I believe the reason for our high debt has been sorted out and it's slowly decreasing.

>Because otherwise, it would be islamophobic, racist, bigoted, and intolerant.
anti-pedo > anti-islamophobia

>We're talking about a country censoring rape statistics and taking back ex-ISIS fighters and giving them money.
i agree with you that this is fucked

wut? its fucking america with the data caps. in my relatively socialist norway we havent had datacaps for years.
Makes no sense from a political point of view I guess, but thats the reality.

Boo hoo. Pay for unlimited then. Or choose a bettor provider.

Being clearly the best choice doesn't make it a monopoly, it makes the other ISPs incompetent. And, believe me, they are.

>because ukno Comcast
>net neutrality
>free market

>anti-pedo > anti-islamophobia
For now I guess.
Don't you feel it slowly creeping up?

I don't personally feel it creeping up but if this and other things would become a problem I have friends and relatives in the USA I'll gladly live with.

lol nice coverage of literally the inner cities and nothing else

which wraps back around to the population density thing

>use more data than like +90% of other customers
>surprised caps are a thing

honestly I wish they just had some government regulation that defined a fair measure of internet usage and made every faggot pay for what they use.

this age of deferring payments to others is fucking gross and bullshit.

That's like complaining your power bill is higher when you are using more power.

Or should they charge your a set price for the main breaker you have? If you have a 40A breaker they should charge you as if you are drawing 40A continuously from the network.

transmitting data is a negligible cost. ISPs have admitted there is no congestion issue.

so if they want to do something like $40/month + $1/tb, I think most people would be fine with that

>That's like complaining your power bill is higher when you are using more power.

It's like Netflix charging me more because I watch 10 movies a week vs my brother who watches 1.

Transmission costs are negligible.

what the fuck. I'm in baltimore on xfinity and I get like 5% of that speed.

Jk, i just tested it, I get 2% of your speed.

transmission maybe, not switching and routing it though.

pay up home boy

$1000 install costs


>this age of deferring payments to others is fucking gross and bullshit.
You mean socialized healthcare? Welfare?

clearly there's way too much regulation that's preventing your ISP from making it cheaper
we all know how much monopolists love making things cheaper

Isn't 1tb a lot?

In 9000 hours of Utorrent I only downloaded 4.85 tb.


Forgot picture

>Ratio of 0.2

Is Comcast even in the Midwest? It's mediacom or Century Link (used to be Qwest) in Iowa. Some cities have municipal fiber here, mostly rural.

yes, entitled baby.

I improved a lot, here is how it was before.

Now I have a symmetrical internet, same up and down speeds.

What, you mean you don't like paying for the fat fuck having the 10th surgery this year?
You don't like paying for the nigger family having 10 kids for more welfare?

That's a bit intolerant of you.

And they said the midwest is worth living in. The midwest is nothing but slow internet and corn.

Fuck mine gets to 125kbps. Id love to have at least 1mbps

Because bandwidth isnt unlimited, and the easiest way to handle power users keeping it all tied up is to throw in a cap big enough that the other 99% of customers won't care. Now everybody gets enormous burst rates, and power users have to pay extra if they want to download a shitload of content.

you're still paying for them dummy
where do you think hospitals get the money to cover for the people who don't pay
hint: they jack up the prices and your insurance picks up the bill

Probably America.

they install a Juniper ACX 2100 onsite.

If you have an SFP+ capable 10gbps NIC, just plug it in. Or you setup a pfsense server with some 10gbps NICs(or if you're feeling fancy those new 2.5/5gbps ethernet NICs) and then upgrade your desktop gear with a 10gbps NIC.

Basically it's for IT guys with disposable income and access to cheap networking equipment. For everyone else this stuff would set you back ~$2000-7000+ depending how fancy you wanted to go.

so what's your point retard?

There are no niggers in my country and the fat fucks are ostracized and shamed, so there aren't many of them.

So no, I don't pay for them.

You should let them die if they're too stupid to survive.

Yes, 1TB is a fucking lot of content. I stream in HD over Netflix and Hulu almost 24/7, and when I'm not streaming from them I'm streaming 4k and 8k youtube content (I do a lot of visual imaging research from home). With all that shit, all day, at 8MB/s, I still barely reach 1TB a month.

Fuck streaming bitrate.

I have a 1440p display, if i can get a 20GB 1080p bluray encode from a private tracker i'll download that before i'll watch it on netflix where the whole movie will be maybe 4-5GB.

if you're paying for the fat and poor either way, why not do it through a system that's not designed to extract profit

where do you live

Are you saying the state of new york has actual competition? Like even outside of the NYC area in all of the upstate area?

>where do you think hospitals get the money to cover for the people who don't pay
From all the inflated costs from haggling with insurance providers. End customers don't actually have to more.
Those prices aren't inflated because "Oh no we need to cover the cost of this fat fuck that doesnt have insurance!" because
A) That person still owes that money, they don't get to just walk away.
B) Basically "they can". There's a big reason that most medical services have an uninsured "cash" discount of 30 to 70%. They know the services aren't anywhere near as expensive so if you can just pay them what it REALLY costs they're happy, instead of having to chase you around with debt collectors.
Learn how the system works if you're going to shit on it.

I would confidently bet $1000 that you wouldn't be able to tell me which source a video came from if I showed you a 20GB bluray encode vs a youtube 1080p stream.

>Learn how the system works if you're going to shit on it.
i'm confused, are you saying that the system you just described is good?

>I would confidently bet $1000 that you wouldn't be able to tell me which source a video came from if I showed you a 20GB bluray encode vs a youtube 1080p stream.
kek, it's literally my day job, that's why im so sensitive to it.

It's similar though.

You pay to have a 20/30/40A breaker in your house, but you also pay for how much power you use.

In this case you are paying for the width of the pipe you get and you get a bundled allowance for that price.

Just because you have a 100mbit connection doesn't make it reasonable to max it out constantly, just like if you have a 40A breaker it isn't reasonable to draw 40A on it constantly.

The difference is that with power you will get your bill at the end of the month and then bitch about how much it is, while with Internet you are bitching because you can't choose to max it out constantly.

Yep. Where I am I could have paid $10 more for gigabit with them.

Except if you get it you have a 1TB cap. Fucking pointless. I paid $10 less and got the 3 year, no data cap 300Mb/s plan instead.

More or less, yeah. The only difference between that system and say, the NHS, is that the burger system is a rate negotiation between two private entities, and the NHS is a rate negotiation between the medical industry and the government. Which means subpar care on inflated tax payer dime.

>Data caps.

How do you even truly enjoyed the Internet? I can't imagine my Internet experience without downloading 4K/HD porn videos 24/7 from a feed just to watch like 10 of them and delete terabytes of it every week just to do it all again.

Try having 150gb caps on asdl with at&t

I live in Alabama and get about 400mbps uncapped for $70/mo.

Islam is pedo, the prophet married a 6 year old and raped her three years later.