Los Angeles Fire (Bel Air Fire)

Hey guys, my house is about to burn down, and I just threw all of my technology/money into a suitcase. This took 5 minutes.

What can you do to protect your technology in an event like this? e.g makeshift carrying cases, etc.

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Good luck OP and safe travels.

I've got offsite backups of everything.
My desktop is a fractal node 304 so I'd be hopefully be able to shove it in a suitcase. Other than that I'd pop out the hard drives from my home server and leave the server itself to burn.

if you had insurance you could just take pictures of everything and later get new stuff back

I live in a 1st world country do those kind of things don't happen here.

You're also too dumb to form a proper sentence.

id just load my car with my computers and color tv and other expensive shit and rev up my engines.

>small typo

Typical butthurt American, no wonder your country is a mess.

>color tv
So you left all your monochrome tv sets to burn

My mom (who is poor) found a painting at a thrift shop she thought could be worth some money (

I hope you commiefornia fags die in a fire

Oh wait, it's just a matter of time


> fires don't happen in yurop

California wildfires are part of a chinese hoax.

Buy smaller things, set everything up so that they can be quickly broken down. Maybe get one of those cases that are used for transporting equipment (like bands might use), and get a fireproof safe to protect your shit. It would also help if you didn't live in a fucking desert.

hush my child,
we all know you're just jealous of us.

well where else am i supposed to fucking live

If there was any danger they would take preventive measures like controlled burns.

The fact these fires happen in California ever couple of years proves they can't plan ahead.
Same with floods after hurricanes.

In the United States

>west coast: fires
> east: hurricane
> north: mass shootings
> south: hurricane and mass shootings

move north to washington or oregon
laws are good there
hell maybe even move to the east coast

At least the south isn't filled with communists.

>only california
>only the far south
>load of horseshit
>only gets hurricanes
you sure do like your anti-american propaganda dont you

it wasnt anti america propaganda
its whats happened in the past year

in europe bad things have happened too




One of those fires went from 0 to several thousand acres in a couple of hours.

the mass shootings are false flags perpetrated by the globalists to push harder gun control

Idaho is nice.

He can go to Warshington, but definitely not Oregon. Either state will collapse under the weight of their unions anyway.

> I have no idea what I'm talking about so I'll keep shitposting until I sound smart

Sorry user :^(
Keep us posted.

Just lost my home
>can't even login to my email because lost password manager database
>can't access the one remote backup I have because don't have password because lost password manager database
It's over.



And nothing of value was lost

this. alphabet agencies deep state false flags.

>wet temperate climate
>good drainage
>low energy weather
>stable plate tectonics

Only complaint is all the cultural enrichment.

My current build has a case handle, two of them actually, it would take me about 5 minutes to unplug everything if I take my time and load it in my car, all my files are on it spanned across 5x 2tb drives