Post your (mobile) music player

Post your (mobile) music player

shuttle plus

Black player ex

All these players look like shit
Especially the Vlc update for Android

Same, I still didn't touched too much stuff since I updated my OS and it all went to shit.

Also, maybe someone knows what's going on, but for some reason, some songs will be fine and others will shit itself and they will be like these extra bass memes from reddit or whatever they are Called. It will happen with entre albums, some will be al right and other will be extra bass to a level than can't be listened.

It works. Usually.

I think i bought it after like 3 songs, such a great player

The only answer: poweramp

function > form

Which is why OPs foobar is superior to anything in this thread

>doesn't even have crossfeed or a parametric eq

Yes it does

what about Odissey? found that on f-droid

Blackplayer EX


Actually it does have crossfeed judging from one of the stock pictures, neat. Still no paramEQ though.

Samsung Music

it just werks

Truly a man of great taste.
If only they'd fix their networking and regressions in handling bluetooth.

Black Player

fucken weebs

Can anyone suggest something with a similar queue, equalizer and playlists capabilities? I don't really like the way its interface looks, but the alternatives I've tried before are not as functional

How do I get a collared shirt with a collar that high even when it's folded

>Using anything but Black Player Ex
Explain yourself

>not using the one true media player


Foobar 2000

>his player doesn't have a 30 band parametric EQ

Nice taste, but bad player

Muse is old and busted





Poweramp, mainly because of FLAC support.

Only annoying thing is that playlists aren't stored in a standard format so you have to manually export to file, but other than that it's great.

Dumb Chinese shit, I hate it. Controls and interface are typical Chinese trash.

Whatever is default software on my phone.
Only the finest.


Fucking A+ taste fgt

It really whips the llama's ass.

i hope you are running your own pro build or you can kinda leave this board

Vanilla Music Player on F-Droid, think it's just Vanilla Music on Google Play. Supports everything aside from iffy naming with m4a and has good sorting. Werks for me.

tfw stockfag
open to recs

Coming from Poweramp to Vanilla, it's more quiet but the player takes 4 mb less of space and its free with plugins, enjoying so far.

Should I switch back to get more louder sound?

My god, I hope you listen to this ironically


>The only real answer


If you're living in 2013


Rocket Player.


Samsung Music is actually really good, I miss it after switch to Motorola
Check out Phonograph, Poweramp, Rocket Player and see what works best for you

I use Spotify for muh opus downloaden and I don't pay for premium since we have some shite family plan split between siblings. I use Phonograph for when I download songs missing from Spotify.

all this plebs around me...


PowerAmp+Viper4android with convolver to spec for my earbuds.

Disdain for plebs


At least it's better than what you listen to.

has anyone noticed in every music/homescreen/etc. thread one of these fuckers show up? i don't like their music, but it also derails the shit out of the thread

I was considering between PowerAmp and BlackPlayer EX

BlackPlayer has a nicer UI, but PowerAmp has more options and can play APE. Only issue I have is that there are complaints about PowerAmp not working because there is no Internet conection.

About sound quality, which is better, BlackPlayer or PowerAmp?

Best player for offline files in my opinion

>PowerAmp not working because there is no Internet conection
Lucky patcher

Good, free, [ad-free] music player for Android?
All it needs is the basic functionality, and maybe network cover art fetching would be nice. Just need something since S7 doesn't have a standalone music player preinstalled.
Using Odyssey from f-droid right now and it werks, but I figure I may as well ask for recs.

>having shit taste
kys pleb

Personally I just use Pulsar. Lightweight, downloads album art, simple clean design, and ad-free.

Don't really need a lot of features for my music player.

Thanks user, this is actually just what I was looking for



VLC is a good player.



Timber is comfy

>I use a proprietary music player when free players exist

>using freetard shit that barely works

Neutron. It's hideous but functions well



>unused space

>PowerAmp not working because there is no Internet conection.
I've never experienced this


Samsung muzak

Quite like this design, what app is it?

>no AIMP brothers ITT
why can't you appreciate superior ruski software design?

This. Why not just use vanilla music???


Shadow world is shit OP go listen to something good like the P3 opening or P5's


The best music player came and went from IOS because no one knew about. I don't think it is being developed anymore... CANOPENER is amazing - eq - pencil eq - cross feed - dither options - 24-96 flac support - cute UI - headphone profiles - dosimeter it had it all - will dump a few pics

I have a jailbreak - I might crack the .ipa if it's not on the App Store anymore.



Shuttle+ is the only correct answer if you care about stats, plus the widgets it comes with your home screen are nice.

All those features like head phone profiles are just placebo effects. If you're not using an actual DAC or amp it doesn't matter .

Currently use VLC because there's no music player with decent UI that supports ALAC format.
I'm kinda fucked to convert my FLAC musics to ALAC format because I wanted to use iTunes on my Mac.

Ugh you totally misunderstand. It lets me save the sonic profile I have tweaked for each of my IEMs and outputs like my Car.

Incredibly useful as fuck. Killer feature. Not sure if any other players do it.

External Dacs can suffer from jitter and are impractical on the go. I have owned iPhone 6 and AK DAP and I prefer iPhone with canopener TBPH..

Hahahaha... so you have a Mac and an Android phone and have problems with the player supporting ALAC ?

Thats hilarious because I have a PC and Iphone 6 and have trouble with the player supporting FLAC (thats why i use canopener)

Apple can suck a bag of dicks for not supporting FLAC all these years, it still makes me angry ! its caused so much fuckery and was obviously just some music industry bullshit... ALAC is fine and dandy, but there was just no reason why they couldnt support BOTH FORMATS... fuckers...


kekked Beethoven

What's with the shitty quality album art lads?
Minimum should be 1000x1000.
