If Linux is so good then why don't you go and post a proof of a PROFESSIONAL artist/video editor/musician or any...

If Linux is so good then why don't you go and post a proof of a PROFESSIONAL artist/video editor/musician or any company that works with spreadsheets and documents heck, post at least proof of a big software development company that uses mainly Linux.
By the way, for those who do not know what PROFESSIONAL means here's a quick dictionary definition: Professional: a person engaged in a specified activity as one's main paid occupation rather than as a pastime.
>inb4 muh supercomputers
Supercomputers are a minority also,
>implying companies who own supercomputers wouldn't use a proprietary kernel if it suited their needs

Other urls found in this thread:



>a person engaged in a specified activity as one's main paid occupation rather than as a pastime.
I use Linux at work and macOS at home.

>Dude, you need someone famous to like it or it's not good
Are you by any chance here from Sup Forums?

>post at least proof of a big software development company that uses mainly Linux.

Mactoddler BTFO once again. Why do they even try

Yes and? redhat still has some employees using windows and mac machines.
I can name multiple companies that use exclusively windows and macs...
>implying Googlers use only Linux
ahahahahah being this dellusional is hilarious

>>implying companies who own supercomputers wouldn't use a proprietary kernel if it suited their needs

>implying companies who own supercomputers wouldn't just modified Linux kernel if it suited their needs.

This is a prime example of moving the goalposts

They literally work on and sell Linux based OS, you stupid mactoddler.

pixar's render farms

ISS moved from windows to linux

r u autismus
also kys roachlover

>tarkroach shill
>professional video artisan
>appeal to popularity
Do you happen to be an icuck? only icucks are brain damaged to this extent.

Kill yourself, faggot.

OSX is linux.

>spreadsheets and documents
running your business on excel and word is the biggest headache of all time

case in point news.slashdot.org/story/17/11/22/1525254/stop-using-excel-finance-chiefs-tell-staffs

The company I work for does all our Dev work on centos VMs


Nope, medium sized firm with about 1000 employees

You could say the same for windows. No real audio engineer would ever use windows the latency is brutal

Yes and? their employees do (not) use Linux machines exclusively.

Pixar uses osx, Linux, and Unix. They wouldn't be caught dead with windows

>post at least proof of a big software development company that uses mainly Linux.
>n-no pls post one where their employees use Linux machines exclusively
So this is the power of a mactard.

Hop off my dick, literal faggot.

Every company I've ever worked for was nearly 100% Linux servers. All but the first, all the developers were on Linux, and half of the analysts. These are companies that bring in upwards of 500M USD a year.

> anzu

W... What

some uses amazon vm hosting.

Just use web search you fucking attention whore.

who's anzu tan?

>If Linux is so good then why don't you go and post a proof of a PROFESSIONAL artist/video editor/musician
You reek of macfaggotry right from the start. Why don't you go bother Adobe who makes that software and chooses which OS they want to make it for.

Are schools already on winter break?

When did he get so fat?

Sup Forums should make her fatter.
let's buy her pizza ;)


You used at least 4 linux machines to make this post.

traps are kind of girls. you know evolution.
Not my taste though ;)

You weren't asking for exclusivity, you asked for "mainly", but okay move those goalposts.

>Hundreds of studios use Windows with Cubase, Ableton etc

Fuck off mactoddler

If forks are so good and so useful and awesome WHY THE FUCK DON'T YOU EAT SOUP WITH FORKS??

Things have a purpose. None of which you listed are Ubuntu's.

Enjoy NO VIDEO GAMES lintard

>implying Windows users use Windows exclusively
>implying Mac users use Mac exclusively

See? Your "epic troll" works both ways.h

linux can run skyrim i wine pretty good :)

No video games would be the lesser of his issues
>no professional grade software
>have to deal with shitty wine
>have to use open sores alternatives to almost everything

> (OP)
>OSX is linux.
Kill yourself, unix!=linux

>OSX is linux.
Nope. OSX is based on NextStep, which was based on the Mach kernel, which was based on BSD.

>no professional grade software
Ironic how I get paid to use Linux at work

Is wine at least better than reactos?

Why did you quote me?

You don't even need wine for skyrim on linux

>special snowflake linuxturd thinks his argument is somehow relevant because he's allowed to use his timesink OS in his workplace
>implying anyone working with you would give a fuck if you used a windows or mac machine instead

Stay salty, NEET homo. Money talks :^)

Try using a mac or windows machine as a server and let's see how long it will last.

>post picture of trap
>says the dumbest shit in OP
>is serious
you are not a very healthy person user

My company switched to Linux because all the devs were too distracted playing video games during working hours.

Russian government medical facilities.

David Revoy uses GIMP and Krita for all his works IIRC.

>being this dumb
some servers run windows server 2012 and there's also macOS complement/variant with server tools
Funnily enough, you're the one moving goalposts because besides servers you can't really find a use for Linux :^)

>windows server
You mean the shit nobody use?

At least you know Linux is used in servers. It's your turn to show where exactly MacOS is used.

Protip: There isn't one

>besides servers you can't really find a use for Linux :^)
Yeah and who ever said anything otherwise? Why are you so bitter about Linux anyway? I guess it probably makes you feel better about being a lmao baka tier brainlet.

There is no Linux port of skyrim so yes you do.

oh wow, now turn that around towards desktop users (which is the point of the OP anyways)
lmao who's even talking about macOS here? everyone uses windows for a reason, but anyways, I wonder why linux on the desktop can't even beat OSX in markshare lol

Google professional enough for you?
The desktops they use mostly run Ubuntu. Windows is basically banned and mac os is used on laptops but they are mostly for presentations and stuff.

>I wonder why linux on the desktop can't even beat OSX in markshare lol
Steve Jobs was a good businessman
>everyone uses windows for a reason
Ever had a job in as a systems programmer? No? Thought so.

dumb roach poster

>what is Da Vinci Resolve for Linux




Linux laptop run 3D software from employer Pixar.

Mac has lost a lot 3D designers by low power GPU,no support latest OpenGL standard and no nvidia gpu.

Nice bait

what's with these pathetic attempts to undermine linux these days? is it because people are finally realizing windows is shit? this is hilarious.

>these days

retards have been saying "it's not used by office monkeys so it's not a desktop OS, feel bad about using it!" since well before 2010

>Mach kernel, which was based on BSD
Absolutely not. Some userspace shit and the networking stack came from BSD to macos.

I wonder if he can draw those bun circles on akarin's head.

This pic is posted here like a billion times also the mbp version so macfags and loonix fags can troll each other even if you can find what he actually use (both). :^)

Linux is a kernel. It's a program used in many systems such as the GNU operating system, or in Android.

Big oil uses the shit out of linux.

Pretty sure I use Linux at work.

Pixar and Dreamwerks use linux for rendering and one of them released a 3D editor for linux.


>linuxfags think that pixar who is KNOWN for using exclusively macs wouldn't use them for these tasks if applel wasn't FULL BLOWN RETARDED and released support for newer OpenGL functions and made actually non-trash macs




She's a big girl


I honestly don't care about OS that much. I prefer Linux, since everything is just easier and faster to get to work, but Mac is almost as fine. I do use windows for the Visual Studio, though, when I have to write c++. Most of my time is spent on reading something on the internet, so the browser is probably more important than the OS anyway.

The prettiest roach you'll ever see.

Nigger, most webservers are run on Linux or BSD.
You need big corporations, here tecmint.com/big-companies-and-devices-running-on-gnulinux/
I'm a mathfag, we have a computation center, where we test algorithms on supercomputers. Every single machine runs on some lightweight handmade Linux distro.
Unironically kill yourself.

>>if applel released support for newer OpenGL functions and made actually non-trash macs

>if macos had better opengl support than linux...
>if macos had better hardware compability than linux...
I don't care, it's worse and there's nothing to discuss

>and no nvidia gpu
nvidia doesn't give two shits about Linux though.

pls post anzu cosplaying astolfo and showing her girly bulge

>Every single machine runs on some lightweight handmade Linux distro
Sounds very comfy

Nvidia build best propietary drivers to Linux, all server and good part workstations use Linux.

google info about any stock exchange

Google, Intel, Microsoft, and Samsung, are some of the largest contributors to the Linux kernel and they use it all the time. The US Navy has submarines with all sorts of computers that are using Linux. Even McDonalds and Pizza Hut use Ubuntu for stuff. Air traffic control and nuclear power facilities use Linux. CERN is using RHEL. The ISS, one of the most important research laboratories, is using Debian.

>Google forks Gentoo into ChromeOS and uses the Linux kernel in Android, making Linux the most used kernel of all time
>Intel uses it to run manufacturing equipment and uses it to test out the drivers they make for the kernel, and said drivers are made due to the high demand that enterprise customers put on them for Linux compatibility
>Microsoft built a subsystem to put Bash on Windows 10 and uses it on servers that it lets companies rent out
>Samsung uses the kernel in all of their phones and Chromebooks still run ChromeOS, which is fully GNU+Linux

Suck my GNU/Dick, you non-free faggot.

There's a church billboard near where I live that runs Linux. I drove by one night as it was shutting down and Tux was on half the billboard as the other half listed all the services and whatever that were shutting down. Thanks for listening to my blog

The cash registers in a 7-11 near me. I should know since I once caught them restarting one of those machines and I saw a Unity DE on the customer-facing monitors.

every website uses bsd or linux. windows and specifically iis has such a small marketshare it's laughable

Yep, OSX destroys Windows when it comes to video and graphics rendering.

However, to be fair to Windows, Apple optimizes their OS to a very, VERY limited set of hardware specifications, while Windows can generally run well on any fucking thing put out by hardware manufactures.

>Nvidia build best propietary drivers to Linux
No they don't. Their Optimus support sucks ass, if you enable it the way they suggest your integrated GPU becomes basically a render target, which defeats the whole purpose of having two GPUs. Plus you get screen tearing, that they shrug off as the result of xorg's limitations.

TempleOS got BTFO'd

It's most likely caused by xorg since xorg is free software and free software fucking sucks because it's developed by basement dwellers with a poor sense of priority in their free time.

nvidia has shit drivers and xorg is a outdated piece of shit, i wonder why they din't refacted the whole code since 2000 or 2003