16:9 or 18:9 for phones?

16:9 or 18:9 for phones?

How could the total area be smaller if they're both 5.8 inch?

>im going to be deliberately retarded online today

How do you calculate area?


Really makes you think

base x height

>not 2:1

4:3 would be better anyways.

18:9 is way too tall, good for instagram and Facebook feeds though I guess

4:3 is the logical conclusion but is too wide unless you have a bunch of stuff attached to it to make the device rectangular (see Blackberry Passport, 1:1 ratio which was still too wide with a big keyboard to hold)

>more width
>for phones

16:9 and a hardware keyboard.



3:2 desu

These. Sandwich phones best phones.

18:9 for the same reason 4:3 are better in desktops - more vertical space.

I like 16:9, no letter boxes on most common media, enough vertical space with enough horizontal space to read books.

I also like my hardware buttons, 18:9 has letterboxing for movies, games or ultrawide content. and is too narrow and squishes my stuff.

>I want to handle my phone with 2 hands exclusively

3:2 is the golden proportion

18:9 is nice for split screen but it's annoying since most media is made in 16:9. Would be cool if tv shows started doing 18:9

18:9 is better for split-screen.

It's 2:1 you imbeciles.

It's 18 POINT FIVE : 9

It's 37:9


base times height squared

16:9. Snowflake ratios are cancer.

I prefer the "slab" of the 16:9.

but its a rectange no?

- American education

My Note 8 is "18,5:9" (to stick to the 9 theme)
But due to the curved edges I think it's even more rectangular.

I must say it fits surprisingly comfortable in my jeans pocket.
And that's all that counts: maximum screen area without sacrificing pocket comfort.

why are you doing this?

>they don't have a 3D holoscreen smartphone yet
These are the kind of Luddites that use this board.

18:9 Obviously
> More space for keyboard
> No need for a virgin defining feature like a physical keyboards
> More space to insert in your ass.

anything between 2:3 and 2:4 is fine

1:1 is the superior aspect ratio.


>have used multiple aspect ratios on Android
>1:1 16:9 18:9 3:2
>os just scales fine across all of them
It doesn't matter desu

It really isn't, and your picture demonstrates it. It isn't even great for business - who on earth is reading documents that aren't in A4 or legal format?

Everyone who said 1:1 or 4:3 go kys faggot

Who reads documents at 1:1 instead of just scrolling?


Golden ratio, my nig

>being a handlet

IT'S 8:5

pretty sure Stranger Things is shot in 18:9


Why would they tho
Movies are only shot at 18:9 because theatres

The bottom needs to be stretched by 50 pixels or so for the bottom numbers. The top needs to be stretched by 10 pixels for status bar. Should keep the main viewing section 1920x1080 or whatever resolution you want.

i think you mean 1:1.12 kid

Bottom buttons*


Are there any 16:10 smartphones?

Movies are closer to 21:9.

That's not 1:1

>I can reduce fractions
Welcome to 2nd grade big guy

Some movies were shit on 18:9 tho, like Jurassic Park

>not 1,6


Fuck phones.

18.5:9 with physical buttons, using the extra space for the status bar.

Or really, 17:9, but you get the point I'm trying to make. The actual usable screen area of the phone should always be 16:9, factoring in status bar/onscreen buttons.


For phones less width = better, so 2:1 or 7:3.
For tablets - 16:10, 4:3
For retards who seriously watch movies/animu on mobile device - 16:9

>Not having a phone with a 4D screen
plebians, the lot of you

Passport's look like shit with all rounded corners
