
Both are unix derivatives, why nit make them compatible?
Apple having power over developers and hardware actually can push ARM into desktop market whuch will be the third good thing they ever did since inventing small computers for home use and mp3 players

Other urls found in this thread:


>Apple does have some Unix in the guts of macOS, but iOS seems scratch-built.
Except that's totally wrong, iOS is a gutted version of macOS and uses the same kernel.

>Tech journalists are fucking retarded
>In other news bears still shit in the woods

it's obviously click bait

Not that far fetched, average apple user is a braindead moron and can do just fine without a complete desktop PC or a laptop, normies do everything on their Iphones and Ipads now. But of course that doesn't mean you can develop software using those devices, I think sometime in the future laptops and desktop PCs will only be owned by software developers and other technical staff. It's actually a good thing, since there's already a whole generation which is retarded around computers, so limiting the number of laptops and desktops will actually help the industry and make normies think developers are gods or something for being able to operate a PC.

>taking click bait seriously

>huge click bait title
>tiny little 'opinion' category label

he got atleast this one right :
>The girl is about 10 years old. If she does not know what a computer is by the age of 10, then our school systems are worse than I thought.
Comsumerist whoring at 10yo is not a good thing.
Apple does not want to talk about computer ? Alright they can do whatever the fuck they want but people MUST be educated to make the best choice FOR themselves.

Thats what they said about Apple 2 retard

>article written by someone who knows nothing about the company and what they do internally, he just bases his own ideas on ads
>tim cook and jony ive have confirmed they will focus more on the mac in the coming years

What will iOS devs use? Windows PC or something?

>apple invented small computers for home use
m8, pic related came out over a /decade/ before apple was even founded

John C Dvorak is not just any tech journalist

John Charles Dvorak is an American columnist and broadcaster in the areas of technology and computing. His writing extends back to the 1980s, when he was a regular columnist in a variety of magazines

haha he's still alive and still trolling mactards?

dev kits provided by apple, much like what consoles use
the average user need not program the machine, after all, it's not a computer, right?

He's not wrong, most apple customers are braindead mongoloid retards that can't breathe without assistance. A mouse with a single button is already rocket science to them.

This post makes no sense. They don't develop on dev kits. Dev kits are used to test software builds, the same way you use your iOS device when it's connected to Xcode. The post ou replied to was asking, what would developers program on. Since Xcode is macOS exclusive, and Apple would never port it over to Windows nor GNU/Linux.

>John C Dvorak
>the dude who is literally fucking wrong about everything

He should stick to his podcasts with Adam Curry

mice are shit

Literally nothing stops Apple from scaling down the production of Macs and discontinuing its shipment to average consumers. They can literally just sell Macs to authorized companies who develop for Apple products and that's that, the developers will have access to Xcode and the average consumer will soon forget what a laptop looks like and it's probably for the best.

Most knowledgeable thing i read on Sup Forums

>apple will just cut off the ability to buy laptops/desktops from consumers and businesses
>apple will only hand them out to developers
that doesn't seem like a viable marketing strategy.

That's being pedantic. Calculator used to be synonymous with computer, and depending on your definition still is. I would argue that the modern "computer" is different than the machine you showed, the Apple computers would be different as well but have more in common than that machine does. What do you think?

That being said I think focusing on who did what first is pointless, what maters is the concept, not who makes it or who popularizes it anyhow. So I'm not gonna argue one way or the other.

My guess is that he's spot on. Apple would love to be able to use their own mobile phone chips their laptops. They will do it if they think they can get away with it, and they probably do. And they are probably correct.

Macbooks are, from what I've seen, mostly used by 14 year old girls with rich parents. They don't know what a CPU or a OS is and they don't care as long as they can post pictures on Facebook. That's basically what Apple's laptops are, glorified fashion statement facebook machines.

>Comsumerist whoring at 10yo is not a good thing.
It is for corporations. Make 10 year old's want their garbage and you've got them nagging their parents when they are 13-14.

that wasn't just a calculator, calculators (even digital ones) were available before what i posted
but that machine is fully programmable, and has premade and recordable magnetic cards for program storage
sure, it hardly resembles a modern home computer, but that doesn't invalidate it's status as a computer designed for home/personal use

>award for the most retarded thing anyone has ever said on the internet
A winner is you

Only fagget macbois are stupid enough to believe that Applel is there benevolent provider of general purpose computing.

Macincrap is a backwater. It's riddled with security holes, it's lacking modern features, and it's tied to their shit tier hardware. Even worse are the hackintosh faggitz that think they have somehow sidestepped the shithsow, when in actuality, they are running pirated autism.

tl;dr: Only jews and faggits use mac

Fair enough. I guess there is an era-separation in my mind for pre-teletype, teletype, and post-teletype. Anything post-teletype is what I would consider a "modern" computer, anything with a vector or bitmap graphical display, the "teletype" era, is what I consider a "computer" but certainly not modern, and prior to that is mostly just programmable calculators, which are definitive computers but only in that literal sense to me.

I feel like the advances were so fast that people never got the chance to adapt words to them, which I guess is why we mostly designate them via years. i.e. "A 70s Unix workstation."

Give it 10 years.

A few years ago I would have disagreed with you and said that macbooks are nice developer machines. Now though I think you're right, Apple is basically a mass market consumer electronics company that has this legacy workstation business joined at the hip where the majority of people buying them are doing so just as a fashion statement.

They should probably just release a VM image for development that can be run on Linux machines and farm the hardware off on some third party company.

i get where you're coming from, it's hard to see that machine the same way you would any mid 80's and newer desktop computer, what with it having no video display or even alphabetic keys
it barely passes as a full computer (over a programmable calculator), but you have to start somewhere, right?
there's a machine representing just about any small step in progress, making it hard to pin down a specific machine to represent a large step in progress
as far as i understand it, what made this count as a full computer (then called "stored program computer"), was the fact that it could store and load programs in an automatic fashion, just shove a piece of card with a magnetic strip in and hit run. this was a pretty amazing deal in 1965, to have such an easy computer not much bigger than a typewriter

>just shove a piece of card with a magnetic strip in and hit run
I wish everyone would take time to learn about old tech if only to gain appreciation for how novel what we have today is.


Good to know that John Charles Dvorak retardation dates back so far.

>butthurt mactoddler detected

oh, and keep in mind, that isn't a teletype, it's fully self-contained, which was quite a feat in '65 as well. most computers were still room-sized
maybe you just mean computers/terminals with a printer for output as opposed to a video display

>He's not just retarded
>He has been retarded for decades

Why can't you afford a mac user?

cause I'm saving up for a decent CNC mill

Whats that like 10 grand?

It's $You cant afford it

I'm shooting for one around 20 grand

Yes, "line-printer" is probably more appropriate for what I meant, I haven't even thought of that kind of thing in a while.

This is the guy that said back in the 80s the original Mac would fail because nobody wanted bitmap screens and mouses.

np. line printing has been a virtual/logical concept for so long now, it's easy to forget it used to literally be about printing lines.. with a printer

The original Mac was an overpriced piece of shit.
Only people scared of a BASIC prompt liked it.

what are you planning to do with it?

>shit tier
Why do you write like a 12 year old? You just came from Sup Forums or what? Skipped school today, kid?

And yet you're currently using a desktop OS that uses the same concepts.

make me a steel waifu

I don't use a mouse-heavy spatial desktop.

If you need a moderated forum go back to plebbit

yeah this is kidz korner for just us kidz go back to rubbid

Untreated schizoid personality disorder.

Didn't Woz want three buttons, but Jobs stole two of them?

Most Apple customers are not what you described you bullshitting neckbeard. Its sad when you have to pretend a whole group of iOS/macOS users are vastly intellectually inferior to get over being poor.

Very poor attempt at bait, here's your pity (You)


>look me at I bought an overpriced bag of shit, at least I'm not poor

I don't see the people who buy macbooks to make photo editing or music being interested in that, it seems rather silly tbqh. That said I dunno if they represent a significant fraction of apple's customers. Everyone around me buy macbooks to do that kind of stuff though

macOS is just better for anything creative really, there are still a few mac apps that dominate in certain sectors, such as Logic Pro for audio creation and Sketch for web design. People who work in Photography need high resolution displays above anything else which Apple has classically been ahead of the curve of.

>it seems rather silly tbqh.
It's how they make their livelihood, assuming the people you're talking about aren't just hobbyists, a single website can make back the cost of a mbp if freelancing so the cost is somewhat justified, Sketch is not only the best tool to use but it makes the jump between design and code quicker and more efficient, again if you're freelancing this is billable hourly differences that pads the profit margin or lowers cost for cheaper clients.

>inventing small computers for home use and mp3 players
bruh wat do you even read anything other than apple ads or what, you're fucking delusional if you think that lmfao

Here in Brazil where Macs are actually expensive you'll pretty much only see people using them if they do it for FCPX or some other software like Logic. Either that or they develop for iOS.
I'm sticking with my 2011 MBP until 2020 and then I'm switching to a Windows lappy, I already have a PC for stuff like Blender anyways, just gotta adapt to using Premiere instead of FCPX.

Habla chulls.



It's that time of the year again where John C Dvorak trolls Macfags

Fuckin' nope, the "better for creatives" meme needs to stop. The designers at my work all go gaga over surface pros before macs. Macs still have significant "creatives" mind-share, but that's all it is, and it's certainly no consensus. There is no real software edge anymore, and hasn't been for years, and there has never been a hardware edge at a professional level (eg, people that actually need computing power.)

Just hackintosh it, lads.

Why bother when I could just try and learn Premiere or AVID?
Learning how to work on other enviroments would actually be more beneficial than hackintoshing and sticking to FCPX forever. I love FCPX and the rendering times you can squeeze out of it are pure magic but well...

he's being a tryhard in an attempt to fit in by trashing on macfags but at least he's clearly not as reddit as you

>The designers at my work all go gaga over surface pros before macs.
That's nice, here in the real world all of the designers use Macs and refuse to use anything else. If you think the majority of designers use Windows you're dumb.

>There is no real software edge anymore
You mean apart from the two industry leading bits of software I highlighted in my previous post? I even forgot FCP.

>and there has never been a hardware edge at a professional level
Apart from the display you mean.

What's a computer?

Based Dvorak. Apple fanboys have hated him since the 80's.
That's when he wrote for MacUser magazine. The editor thought the magazine was too pro apple, so he had one guy write anti-apple articles, that was Dvoraks job. God bless him.

>OP ignores their ipad pro ad, that laughs at computers

They're not going to stop making Macbooks and iMacs

They're going to make the iPhone, the Big iPhone, the Big iPhone with a hinged keyboard and the Really Big iPhone with a keyboard and mouse, all in a shared iOS environment

Fuck's sake, the new iMac Pro is gonna have an "A10 coprocessor" in it right now

See also: this travesty. Really "for the professionals" ain't it?


look at this

look at apple history
and how they always kill off product lines
the mac is no different
people will be programming on ipads
and then uploading their scripts to apple botnet
apple botnet will clean any undesirable code
and let 'developers' put 'their' new 'app' on the Apple approved store

Woz needs to take over Apple and make it his, as it should of always been.

>that doesn't seem like a viable marketing strategy
Right now Apple gets a tenth of its gross revenue from the Macintosh line, and that's while spending billions constantly developing and producing new Macs.

At some point it WILL make fiscal sense for them to just stop making computers

oh boy

yeah, but a 10th of their net revenue is still a huge sum of money, I don't think they'd throw bilions of dollars in the bin just because it's only 10%.

Fuck I was so close to getting a 2012 mac, why did they have to ruin the new one

>No FireWire


Bloquea los ads retrasado.


that 1/10th will jjust be absorbed into the rest once everything is iOS
you are barking at a wall

>Facebook button

Maybe the iMac but Macbooks aren't going anywhere anytime soon. Though I wouldn't be too surprised if they just put iOS on them instead of MacOS.

Dvorak actually called the Apple switch to Intel way before it happened and now thinks he's a genius prognosticator

I like macOS. I hope it doesn't go away soon. It's getting worse every single day so I have a bad feeling about this.

Actually bears shit around the city hall here.

oh man...

>BSD based system
>using an ancient version of bash by default

Also launchd

yeah and ive been shitting daily for decades

There's even an open source version of the basic iOS UIKit for macOS


I guess they weren't kidding when they made that "Whats a computer" video.

What's wrong the new one? Or are you talking abut the trashcan model. an a10 coprocessor would be sweet as fuck

macs used to be so asthetic. Imagine if Steve was still here

the 2013 macbook pro is the pinnacle of the jobsian ideal. If they fixed up one or two things like making a water drainage keyboard or a disconnected power button it would be the king of all laptops

whats so bad about throttling?