What technology project could a highly advanced civilization be working on?

1. Faster-than-light travel is already invented
2. Teleportation is impossible
3.Time travel is impossible
4. Dyson sphere is already invented
5. Matrioksha Brain is deemed too hard

What else can they be working on?

This bait wouldn't even pass on Sup Forums if it Sup Forums was only 14 year olds.

Things we can't even comprehend

Other the that I think a planetary shield would be pretty cool. Maybe redirecting light around objects for invisibility.

Control matter and energy, build anything, biological,mechanical,geological thing.

Control gravitation forces,build own planets,create black holes or neutrino star

Quantum effects unlimited energy.

how can ftl be real, but time travel be not? those are mutual items

virtual waifus

>Teleportation is impossible
Why even live?

highly realistic sex dolls

go to the halo wiki and read up on what the forerunners and prometheans had built.

A way to make OP stop sucking cock constantly, unfortunately there's not even been a reasonable theory on how to go about that.

Sticking their dicks into wormholes

A way to command the universe with our will alone, following its laws.
Then, a way to overcome and dictate that laws.
>yfw literally they are inventing magic

AI waifus
A pill to allow you to gender bender.

>What technology project could a highly advanced civilization be working on?

They didn't survive the waifu age

There's literally thousands of planets where all ingenious life forms are extinct and only artificial girlfriends remain

Creating entire new cosmi (plural of cosmos).

Advanced pysops marketing. Crafting messages that take free will out of the equation and force the viewer to BUY BUY BUY.

Science is romanticized, great breakthroughs are useless without MONEY.

way to make op heterosexual

They dont exist because they destroyed themselves.
As technology gets more advanced, society gets more dissatissfied, more people check out of society, etc. Eventually technological progress ceases, because unlike the science worshiping fedora utopia, the future is a bleak meaningless carnal hell oh godless hedonism, the only thing that will be left is the machines we used to fap, and the media we fapped to.
That's right user, unlike what these trans humanist faggots believe, there is no 3rd tier society, once you reach human tier that's it. You eventually dispose of yourself and the process repeats as the next intelligent life comes along to fuck itself to death. There is nothing, only self-destruction.
Welcome to the godless universe, have fun faggot...

>implying Sup Forums isn't only 14 year olds

>genetically engineered super-soldiers
>massive armadas of warships
>unite the galaxy for humanity and the emperor

Nigger Sup Forums was created in 2003. It is 14 years old.

>FTL travel
>Time travel impossible

Do you even physics?

Sage goes in all fields

Nigga what?

In this society, where ftl and megastructures are good to go, time travel has already been invented. Since >muh dilithium
isn't a thing, ftl means wormholes, which allows for closed timelike curves. teleportation is just an extension of depositing your wormhole poop chute into your living room. Matrioshka brain isnt a "project" in the sense that it could ever be a sought after goal. Its an eventuality contingent on log_ entropy ans unlimited random interactions of matter.

This post was stupid or bait but REAL megascale engineering by future peeps or current advanced lmao peeps will be more about matter manipulation using field mechanics (instead of nanoconstruction) and the entropy reduction on longer timescales, as well as isolation/preservation of interesting phenomena (organic life, free comets, starless planets, etc.).

You're essentially describing a type 4+ civ, which will inherently have motivations so far divorced from our own that conjecture is beyond both internet origami role-playing and hardscifi authors.
